11316. Bureau Chief May Assess Fines

11316. Bureau Chief May Assess Fines somebody

Bureau Chief May Assess Fines
11316. (a) The director may assess a fine against a licensee, applicant for licensure, person who acts in a capacity that requires a license under this part, course provider, applicant for course provider accreditation, or a person who, or entity that, acts in a capacity that requires course provider accreditation for violation of this part or any regulations adopted to carry out its purposes.
(b) (1) Failure of a licensee, applicant for licensure, person who acts in a capacity that requires a license under this part, course provider, applicant for course provider accreditation, or a person who, or entity that, acts in a capacity that requires course provider accreditation to pay a fine or make a fine payment within 30 days of the date of assessment shall result in disciplinary action by the office. If a licensee, applicant for licensure, person who acts in a capacity that requires a license under this part, course provider, applicant for course provider accreditation, or a person who, or entity that, acts in a capacity that requires course provider accreditation fails to pay a fine within 30 days, the director shall charge him or her interest and a penalty of 10 percent of the fine or payment amount. Interest shall be charged at the pooled money investment rate.

(2) If a fine is not paid, the full amount of the assessed fine shall be added to any fee for renewal of a license. A license shall not be renewed prior to payment of the renewal fee and fine.

(3) The director may order the full amount of any fine to be immediately due and payable if any payment on the fine, or portion thereof, is not received within 30 days of its due date.

(4) Any fine, or interest thereon, not paid within 30 days of a final order shall constitute a valid and enforceable civil judgment.

(5) A certified copy of the final order shall be conclusive proof of the validity of the order of payment and the terms of payment.

(c) Any administrative fine or penalty imposed pursuant to this section shall be in addition to any other criminal or civil penalty provided for by law.

(d) Administrative fines collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the Real Estate Appraisers Regulation Fund.