11310. Appointment of Bureau Chief

11310. Appointment of Bureau Chief somebody

Appointment of Bureau Chief
11310. The Governor shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the Senate, the Chief of the Bureau of Real Estate Appraisers who shall, in consultation with the Governor and the Director of Consumer Affairs, administer the licensing and certification program for real estate appraisers. In making the appointment, consideration shall be given to the qualifications of an individual that demonstrate knowledge of the real estate appraisal profession.
(a) The chief shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The salary for the chief shall be fixed and determined by the Director of Consumer Affairs with approval of the Department of Human Resources.

(b) The chief shall not be actively engaged in the appraisal business or any other affected industry for the term of appointment, and thereafter the chief shall be subject to Section 87406 of the Government Code.

(c) The chief, in consultation with the Director of Consumer Affairs and in accordance with the State Civil Service Act, may appoint and fix the compensation of legal, clerical, technical, investigation, and auditing personnel as may be necessary to carry out this part. All personnel shall perform their respective duties under the supervision and direction of the chief.

(d) The chief may appoint not more than four deputies as he or she deems appropriate. The deputies shall perform their respective duties under the supervision and direction of the chief.

(e) Every power granted to or duty imposed upon the chief under this part may be exercised or performed in the name of the chief by the deputies, subject to conditions and limitations as the chief may prescribe.