11310.3. Reporting Unfair or Discriminatory Appraisals

11310.3. Reporting Unfair or Discriminatory Appraisals somebody

Reporting Unfair or Discriminatory Appraisals
11310.3. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature, in enacting this section, to ensure that no one is discriminated against during the appraisal process of a real estate transaction.
(b) The bureau, on its existing complaint form, shall create a check box asking if the complainant believes the opinion of the value of the real estate is below the market value. The bureau shall collect demographic information regarding sellers, those seeking to refinance, buyers, or a

representative authorized in real estate transactions making a complaint, including, but not limited to, their identity within a protected class as listed in the notice described in Section 1102.6g of the Civil Code. This information shall be provided on a voluntary basis by the sellers, those seeking to refinance, the buyers, or by a representative authorized in real estate transactions. The information may include a contact telephone number, email address if available, and home address of the complainant.

(c) (1) The bureau shall compile data on the identity within a protected class of the sellers, those seeking to refinance, the buyers, or an authorized representative who believes the opinion of the value of the real estate is below the market value. The bureau complaint form shall allow the complainant to select their identity within the protected classes as follows:

(A) By using a drop-down menu, if on an internet website.

(B) By checking boxes, if on a paper form.

(2) It is the intent of the Legislature that the complaint form shall be short, simple, and easy to complete. Consistent with that intent, the bureau may, at its discretion, include an option for the complainant to select “other” for any protected class for which listing every possible identity within the protected class would render the form excessively lengthy, complex, or difficult to complete.

(d) The bureau shall confirm that the complainant is the seller, someone seeking to refinance, the buyer, or a representative authorized in real estate transactions by the contact information provided in subdivision (b). An authorized representative shall provide a contact telephone number, email address if available, and home address of the person that provided the authorization.

(e) (1) On or before July 1, 2024, the bureau shall report to the Legislature in the aggregate the information collected and compiled pursuant to subdivisions (b) and (c).

(2) A report submitted pursuant to this subdivision shall be submitted in compliance with Section 9795 of the Government Code.