11310. Appointment of Bureau Chief

11310. Appointment of Bureau Chief somebody

Appointment of Bureau Chief
11310. The Governor shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the Senate, the Chief of the Bureau of Real Estate Appraisers who shall, in consultation with the Governor and the Director of Consumer Affairs, administer the licensing and certification program for real estate appraisers. In making the appointment, consideration shall be given to the qualifications of an individual that demonstrate knowledge of the real estate appraisal profession.
(a) The chief shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor. The salary for the chief shall be fixed and determined by the Director of Consumer Affairs with approval of the Department of Human Resources.

(b) The chief shall not be actively engaged in the appraisal business or any other affected industry for the term of appointment, and thereafter the chief shall be subject to Section 87406 of the Government Code.

(c) The chief, in consultation with the Director of Consumer Affairs and in accordance with the State Civil Service Act, may appoint and fix the compensation of legal, clerical, technical, investigation, and auditing personnel as may be necessary to carry out this part. All personnel shall perform their respective duties under the supervision and direction of the chief.

(d) The chief may appoint not more than four deputies as he or she deems appropriate. The deputies shall perform their respective duties under the supervision and direction of the chief.

(e) Every power granted to or duty imposed upon the chief under this part may be exercised or performed in the name of the chief by the deputies, subject to conditions and limitations as the chief may prescribe.

11310.1. Public Protection - Highest Priority

11310.1. Public Protection - Highest Priority somebody

Public Protection - Highest Priority
11310.1. Protection of the public shall be the highest priority for the Bureau of Real Estate Appraisers in exercising its licensing, regulatory, and disciplinary functions. Whenever the protection of the public is inconsistent with other interests sought to be promoted, the protection of the public shall be paramount.

11310.3. Reporting Unfair or Discriminatory Appraisals

11310.3. Reporting Unfair or Discriminatory Appraisals somebody

Reporting Unfair or Discriminatory Appraisals
11310.3. (a) It is the intent of the Legislature, in enacting this section, to ensure that no one is discriminated against during the appraisal process of a real estate transaction.
(b) The bureau, on its existing complaint form, shall create a check box asking if the complainant believes the opinion of the value of the real estate is below the market value. The bureau shall collect demographic information regarding sellers, those seeking to refinance, buyers, or a

representative authorized in real estate transactions making a complaint, including, but not limited to, their identity within a protected class as listed in the notice described in Section 1102.6g of the Civil Code. This information shall be provided on a voluntary basis by the sellers, those seeking to refinance, the buyers, or by a representative authorized in real estate transactions. The information may include a contact telephone number, email address if available, and home address of the complainant.

(c) (1) The bureau shall compile data on the identity within a protected class of the sellers, those seeking to refinance, the buyers, or an authorized representative who believes the opinion of the value of the real estate is below the market value. The bureau complaint form shall allow the complainant to select their identity within the protected classes as follows:

(A) By using a drop-down menu, if on an internet website.

(B) By checking boxes, if on a paper form.

(2) It is the intent of the Legislature that the complaint form shall be short, simple, and easy to complete. Consistent with that intent, the bureau may, at its discretion, include an option for the complainant to select “other” for any protected class for which listing every possible identity within the protected class would render the form excessively lengthy, complex, or difficult to complete.

(d) The bureau shall confirm that the complainant is the seller, someone seeking to refinance, the buyer, or a representative authorized in real estate transactions by the contact information provided in subdivision (b). An authorized representative shall provide a contact telephone number, email address if available, and home address of the person that provided the authorization.

(e) (1) On or before July 1, 2024, the bureau shall report to the Legislature in the aggregate the information collected and compiled pursuant to subdivisions (b) and (c).

(2) A report submitted pursuant to this subdivision shall be submitted in compliance with Section 9795 of the Government Code.

11313. Supervision - Enforcement - Regulations

11313. Supervision - Enforcement - Regulations somebody

Supervision - Enforcement - Regulations
11313. The bureau is under the supervision and control of the Director of Consumer Affairs. The duty of enforcing and administering this part is vested in the chief, and the chief is responsible to the Director of Consumer Affairs therefor. The chief shall adopt and enforce rules and regulations as are determined reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes of this part. Those rules and
regulations shall be adopted pursuant to Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code. Regulations adopted by the former Director of the Bureau of Real Estate Appraisers shall continue to apply to the bureau and its licensees.

11314. Regulations to Include Licensing and Disciplinary Provisions

11314. Regulations to Include Licensing and Disciplinary Provisions somebody

Regulations to Include Licensing and Disciplinary Provisions
11314. The bureau is required to include in its regulations requirements for licensure and discipline of real estate appraisers that ensure protection of the public interest and comply in all respects with Title XI of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989, Public Law 101-73 and any subsequent amendments thereto. Requirements for each level of licensure shall, at a minimum, meet the criteria established by the Appraiser Qualification Board of the Appraisal Foundation. The bureau may additionally include in its regulations requirements for the registration of appraisal management companies consistent with this part.

11315. Director’s Authority to Issue Citations and Assess Fines

11315. Director’s Authority to Issue Citations and Assess Fines somebody

Director’s Authority to Issue Citations and Assess Fines
11315. (a) The director may issue to a licensee, applicant for licensure, person who acts in a capacity that requires a license under this part, course provider, applicant for course provider accreditation, or a person who, or entity that, acts in a capacity that requires course provider accreditation, a citation that may contain an order to pay an administrative fine assessed by the bureau if the person or entity is in violation of this part or any regulations adopted to carry out its purposes.
(b) A citation shall be written and describe with particularity the nature of the violation, including a specific reference to the provision of law determined to have been violated.

(c) If appropriate, the citation may contain an order of abatement fixing a reasonable time for abatement of the violation.

(d) (1) If appropriate, the citation may contain an order to enroll in and successfully complete additional basic or continuing education courses.

(2) When a citation imposes an education course or courses, the completion of the course or courses by the licensee shall be subject to the following conditions:

(A) The citation imposing the education requirement may specify the specific course content, the number of hours to be completed, the date by which the course is to be completed, and the method by which satisfaction of the order is to be reported to the bureau.

(B) An education course imposed by citation may not be credited towards the licensee’s continuing education requirements pursuant to Section 11360.

(C) Only courses accredited by the bureau shall be accepted for purposes of fulfilling education imposed by citation.

(D) Any failure to satisfactorily complete or timely report an education course to the bureau by the date specified in the citation shall result in the automatic suspension of the licensee’s real estate appraiser license as of that date. A license shall not be renewed prior to the satisfactory completion of an education course specified in the citation, unless the citation provides for a completion date that is subsequent to the license renewal date.

(E) Reinstatement of a license suspended pursuant to subparagraph (D) shall be made only if all of the following events occur:

(i) Satisfactory verification of the completion of the education course or courses imposed by the citation.

(ii) Completion and filing of a reinstatement application.

(iii) Payment of all applicable fees, fines, or penalties.

(e) In no event shall an administrative fine assessed by the bureau by citation or order exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per violation. In assessing a fine, the bureau shall give due consideration to the appropriateness of the amount of the fine with respect to factors such as the gravity of the violation, the good faith of the person who committed the violation, and the history of previous violations.

(f) A citation or fine assessment issued pursuant to a citation shall inform the person cited that, if the person desires a hearing to contest the finding of a violation, the person is required to request a hearing by written notice to the bureau within 30 days of the date of issuance of the citation or assessment. Hearings shall be held pursuant to Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 11500) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code. The citation or fine assessment shall also inform the person cited that failure to respond to the citation or fine assessment shall result in any order or administrative fine imposed becoming final, and that any order or administrative fine shall constitute an enforceable civil judgment in addition to any other penalty or remedy available pursuant to law.

(g) (1) If a licensee, applicant for licensure, person who acts in a capacity that requires a license under this part, course provider, applicant for course provider accreditation, or a person who, or entity that, acts in a capacity that requires course provider accreditation fails to pay a fine, penalty, or required installment payment on the fine or penalty by the date when it is due, the director shall charge the person interest and a penalty of 10 percent of the fine or installment payment amount. Interest shall be charged at the pooled money investment rate.

(2) Failure of a licensee, applicant for licensure, person who acts in a capacity that requires a license under this part, course provider, applicant for course provider accreditation, or a person who, or entity that, acts in a capacity that requires course provider accreditation to pay a fine or required installment payment on the fine within 30 days of the date ordered in the citation, unless the citation is being appealed, shall be cause for additional disciplinary action by the bureau.

(3) If a citation is not contested and a fine or fine payment is not paid within 30 days of the date ordered in the citation or other order of the director, the full amount of the unpaid balance of the assessed fine shall be added to any fee for renewal of a license. A license shall not be renewed prior to payment of the renewal fee and fine.

(4) The director may order the full amount of any fine to be immediately due and payable if any payment due on a fine is not received by the bureau within 30 days of its due date.

(5) Any fine, or interest thereon, not paid within 30 days of a final citation or order shall constitute a valid and enforceable civil judgment.

(6) A certified copy of the final order, or the citation with certification by the bureau that no request for hearing was received within 30 days of the date of issuance of the citation, shall be conclusive proof of the civil judgment, its terms, and its validity.

(h) A citation may be issued without the assessment of an administrative fine.

(i) Any administrative fine or penalty imposed pursuant to this section shall be in addition to any other criminal or civil penalty provided for by law.

(j) Administrative fines collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the Real Estate Appraisers Regulation Fund.

11315.1. Citations and Fines

11315.1. Citations and Fines somebody

Citations and Fines
11315.1. (a) The director may issue to a registrant or person who acts in a capacity that requires a certificate of
registration under this part, a citation that may contain an order to pay an administrative fine assessed by the office, if the person is in violation of this part or any regulations adopted to carry out its purposes.

(b) A citation shall be written and shall describe with particularity the nature of the violation, including a specific reference to the provision of law determined to have been violated.

(c) If appropriate, the citation may contain an order of abatement fixing a reasonable time for abatement of the violation.

(d) In no event shall an administrative fine assessed by the office by citation or order exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per violation. In assessing a fine, the office shall give due consideration to the appropriateness of the amount of the fine with respect to factors such as the gravity of the violation, the good faith of the person that committed the violation, and the history of previous violations.

(e) A citation or fine assessment issued pursuant to a citation shall inform the person cited that, if the person desires a hearing to contest the finding of a violation, he or she or one of its controlling persons must request a hearing by written notice to the office within 30 days of the date of issuance of the citation or assessment. Hearings shall be held pursuant to Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 11500) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code. The citation or fine assessment shall also inform the person cited that failure to respond to the citation or fine assessment shall result in any order or administrative fine imposed becoming final, and that any order or administrative fine shall constitute an enforceable civil judgment in addition to any other penalty or remedy available pursuant to law.

(f) (1) If a registrant or person who acts in a capacity that requires a certificate of registration fails to pay a fine, penalty, or required installment payment on the fine or penalty by the date when it is due, the director shall charge that person interest and a penalty of the fine or installment payment amount. Interest shall be charged at the pooled money investment rate.

(2) Failure of a registrant or person who requires a certificate of registration to pay a fine or required installment payment on the fine within 30 days of the date ordered in the citation, unless the citation is being appealed, shall be cause for additional disciplinary action by the office.

(3) If a citation is not contested and a fine or fine payment is not paid within 30 days of the date ordered in the citation or other order of the director, the full amount of the unpaid balance of the assessed fine shall be added to any fee for renewal of a certificate

of registration. A certificate of registration shall not be renewed prior to payment of the renewal fee and fine.

(4) The director may order the full amount of any fine to be immediately due and payable if any payment due on a fine is not received by the office within 30 days of its due date.

(5) Any fine, or interest thereon, not paid within 30 days of a final citation or order shall constitute a valid and enforceable civil judgment.

(6) A certified copy of the final order, or the citation with certification by the office that no request for hearing was received within 30 days of the date of issuance of the citation, shall be conclusive proof of the civil judgment, its terms, and its validity.

(g) A citation may be issued without the assessment of an administrative fine.

(h) Any administrative fine or penalty imposed pursuant to this section shall be in addition to any other criminal or civil penalty provided for by law.

(i) Administrative fines collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the Real Estate Appraisers Regulation Fund.

11315.3. Disciplinary Proceedings

11315.3. Disciplinary Proceedings somebody

Disciplinary Proceedings
11315.3. The suspension, expiration, or forfeiture by operation of law of a license or certificate of registration issued by the office, or its suspension, forfeiture, or cancellation by order of the office or by order of a court of law, or its surrender without the written consent of the office, shall not, during any period in which it may be renewed, restored, reissued, or reinstated, deprive the office of its authority to institute or continue a disciplinary proceeding against the licensee or registrant upon any ground provided by law or to enter an order suspending or revoking the license or certificate of registration, or otherwise taking disciplinary action against the licensee or registrant on any such ground.

11315.5. Settlement of Administrative Allegation of Violation

11315.5. Settlement of Administrative Allegation of Violation somebody

Settlement of Administrative Allegation of Violation
11315.5. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the office may, at any time the director deems it to be in the public interest, enter into a settlement of any administrative allegation of violation of this part, or of regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, upon any terms and conditions as the director deems appropriate. Those settlements may include, but are not limited to, a plan for abatement of the violation or rehabilitation or requalification of the applicant, licensed appraiser, course provider, registrant, or person acting in a capacity requiring a license, certificate of registration, or course provider accreditation within a specified time.

11316. Bureau Chief May Assess Fines

11316. Bureau Chief May Assess Fines somebody

Bureau Chief May Assess Fines
11316. (a) The director may assess a fine against a licensee, applicant for licensure, person who acts in a capacity that requires a license under this part, course provider, applicant for course provider accreditation, or a person who, or entity that, acts in a capacity that requires course provider accreditation for violation of this part or any regulations adopted to carry out its purposes.
(b) (1) Failure of a licensee, applicant for licensure, person who acts in a capacity that requires a license under this part, course provider, applicant for course provider accreditation, or a person who, or entity that, acts in a capacity that requires course provider accreditation to pay a fine or make a fine payment within 30 days of the date of assessment shall result in disciplinary action by the office. If a licensee, applicant for licensure, person who acts in a capacity that requires a license under this part, course provider, applicant for course provider accreditation, or a person who, or entity that, acts in a capacity that requires course provider accreditation fails to pay a fine within 30 days, the director shall charge him or her interest and a penalty of 10 percent of the fine or payment amount. Interest shall be charged at the pooled money investment rate.

(2) If a fine is not paid, the full amount of the assessed fine shall be added to any fee for renewal of a license. A license shall not be renewed prior to payment of the renewal fee and fine.

(3) The director may order the full amount of any fine to be immediately due and payable if any payment on the fine, or portion thereof, is not received within 30 days of its due date.

(4) Any fine, or interest thereon, not paid within 30 days of a final order shall constitute a valid and enforceable civil judgment.

(5) A certified copy of the final order shall be conclusive proof of the validity of the order of payment and the terms of payment.

(c) Any administrative fine or penalty imposed pursuant to this section shall be in addition to any other criminal or civil penalty provided for by law.

(d) Administrative fines collected pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the Real Estate Appraisers Regulation Fund.

11317. Publication of Public Disciplinary Actions

11317. Publication of Public Disciplinary Actions somebody

Publication of Public Disciplinary Actions
11317. The office shall publish a summary of public disciplinary actions taken by the office, including resignations while under investigation and the violations upon which these actions are based, which shall meet, at a minimum, the requirements of the appraisal
subcommittee. The office shall not publish identifying information with respect to private reprovals or letters of warning, which shall remain confidential.

11317.2. Disclosure of Enforcement Actions

11317.2. Disclosure of Enforcement Actions somebody

Disclosure of Enforcement Actions
11317.2. (a) (1) In addition to publishing the summary required by Section 11317, the bureau shall provide on the internet information regarding the status of every license and registration issued by the bureau in accordance with the California Public Records Act (Division 10 (commencing with Section 7920.000) of Title 1 of the Government Code) and the Information Practices Act of 1977 (Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 1798) of Title 1.8 of Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code). The public information to be provided on the internet shall include information on suspensions and revocations of licenses and registrations issued by the bureau and accusations filed pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code) relative to persons or businesses subject to licensure, registration, or regulation by the bureau. The information shall not include personal information, including home telephone number, date of birth, or social security number. The bureau shall disclose a licensee’s or registrant’s address of record. However, the bureau shall allow a licensee or registrant to provide a post office box number or other alternate address, instead of the licensee’s home address, as the address of record. This section shall not preclude the bureau from also requiring a licensee or registrant who has provided a post office box number or other alternative mailing address as the licensee’s address of record to provide a physical business address or residence address only for the bureau’s internal administrative use and not for disclosure as the licensee’s or registrant’s address of record or disclosure on the internet.
(2) In addition to the information required by subdivision (a), the bureau shall provide, on the internet, the continuing education course information provided by a licensee when an individual applies for licensure renewal.

(b) The bureau shall not provide on the internet identifying information with respect to private reprovals or letters of warning, which shall remain confidential.

(c) For purposes of this section, “internet” has the meaning set forth in paragraph (6) of subdivision (f) of Section 17538.

Criminal or Administrative Action - Report to Bureau 11318. (a) A licensee, applicant for licensure, course provider, or applicant for course provider accreditation shall report to the office, in writing, the occurrence of any
of the following events within 30 days of the date he or she has knowledge of any of these events:

(1) The bringing of an indictment or information charging a felony against the licensee, applicant for licensure, course provider, or applicant for course provider accreditation.

(2) The conviction of the licensee, applicant for licensure, course provider, or applicant for course provider accreditation of any felony or misdemeanor.

As used in this section, a conviction includes an initial plea, verdict, or finding of guilty, plea of no contest, or pronouncement of sentence by a trial court even though that conviction may not be final, the sentence may not be imposed, or all appeals may not be exhausted.

(3) The cancellation, revocation, or suspension of a license, other authority to practice, or refusal to renew a license or other authority to practice as an occupational or professional licensee or course provider, by any other regulatory entity.

(4) The cancellation, revocation, or suspension of the right to practice before any governmental body or agency.

(b) The report required by subdivision (a) shall be signed by the licensee, applicant for licensure, course provider, or applicant for course provider accreditation and clearly set forth the facts that constitute the reportable event. The report shall include the title of the matter, court or agency name, docket number, and dates of occurrence of the reportable event.

(c) The licensee, applicant for licensure, course provider, or applicant for course provider accreditation shall also promptly obtain and submit a certified copy of the police or administrative agency's investigative report and certified copies of the court or administrative agency's docket, complaint or accusation, and judgment or other order.

(d) A licensee, applicant for licensure, course provider, or applicant for course provider accreditation shall promptly respond to oral or written inquiries from the office concerning the reportable events.

(e) Failure to make a report required by subdivision (a) shall constitute a cause for discipline or denial of an application.

11319. Standard of Conduct and Performance

11319. Standard of Conduct and Performance somebody

Standard of Conduct and Performance
11319. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, except as provided in subdivision (b), the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice constitute the minimum standard of conduct and performance for a licensee in any work or service performed that is addressed by those standards. If a licensee also is certified
by the Board of Equalization, he or she shall follow the standards established by the Board of Equalization when fulfilling his or her responsibilities for assessment purposes.

(b) Until January 1, 2020, and notwithstanding subdivision (a), a licensee shall not be required to comply with provisions of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice that provide a limitation on restricted appraisal reports to intended users other than or in addition to the client if all of the following are met:

(1) The licensee obtains the consent of the client in advance.

(2) The report the licensee prepares is not related to any of the following:

(A) A federally related real estate transaction.

(B) The purchase or refinance of a residential dwelling of one to four units.

(C) A transaction subject to Section 10232.5.

(3) The report does all of the following:

(A) Clearly identifies all intended users.

(B) States that the opinions and conclusions set forth in the report may not be understood properly without additional information that is in the appraiser’s workfile.

(C) States that there may be assumptions that the appraiser has not verified that may significantly impact the appraised value of the subject of the report.

11319.2. License Suspension Upon Incarceration

11319.2. License Suspension Upon Incarceration somebody

License Suspension Upon Incarceration
11319.2. (a) A license of a licensee or a certificate of a registrant shall be suspended automatically during any time that the licensee or registrant is incarcerated after conviction of a felony, regardless of whether the conviction has been appealed. The office shall, immediately upon receipt of the certified copy of the record of conviction, determine whether the license of the licensee or certificate of the registrant has been automatically suspended by virtue of the licensee’s or registrant’s incarceration, and if so, the duration of that suspension. The office shall notify the licensee or registrant in writing of the license or certificate suspension and of the right to elect to have the issue of penalty heard as provided in subdivision (d).
(b) If after a hearing before an administrative law judge from the Office of Administrative Hearings it is determined that the felony for which the licensee or registrant was convicted was substantially related to the qualifications, functions, or duties of a licensee or registrant, the director upon receipt of the certified copy of the record of conviction, shall suspend the license or

certificate until the time for appeal has elapsed, if an appeal has not been taken, or until the judgment of conviction has been affirmed on appeal or has otherwise become final, and until further order of the director.

(c) Notwithstanding subdivision (b), a conviction of a charge of violating any federal statute or regulation or any statute or regulation of this state regulating dangerous drugs or controlled substances, or a conviction of Section 187, 261, 288, or former Section 262, of the Penal Code, shall be conclusively presumed to be substantially related to the qualifications, functions, or duties of a licensee or registrant and a hearing shall not be held on this issue. However, upon its own motion or for good cause shown, the director may decline to impose or may set aside the suspension when it appears to be in the interest of justice to do so, with due regard to maintaining the integrity of, and confidence in, the practice regulated by the office.

(d) (1) Discipline may be ordered against a licensee or registrant in accordance with the laws and regulations of the office when the time for appeal has elapsed, the judgment of conviction has been affirmed on appeal, or an order granting probation is made suspending the imposition of sentence, irrespective of a subsequent order under Section 1203.4 of the Penal Code allowing the person to withdraw a plea of guilty and to enter a plea of not guilty, setting aside the verdict of guilty, or dismissing the accusation, complaint, information, or indictment.

(2) The issue of penalty shall be heard by an administrative law judge from the Office of Administrative Hearings. The hearing shall not be had until the judgment of conviction has become final or, irrespective of a subsequent order under Section 1203.4 of the Penal Code, an order granting probation has been made suspending the imposition of sentence, except that a licensee or registrant may, at the licensee’s or registrant’s option, elect to have the issue of penalty decided before those time periods have elapsed. Where the licensee or registrant so elects, the issue of penalty shall be heard in the manner described in subdivision (b) at the hearing to determine whether the conviction was substantially related to the qualifications, functions, or duties of a licensee or registrant. If the conviction of a licensee or registrant who has made this election is overturned on appeal, any discipline ordered pursuant to this section shall automatically cease. This subdivision does not prohibit the office from pursuing disciplinary action based on any cause other than the overturned conviction.

(e) The record of the proceedings resulting in a conviction, including a transcript of the testimony in those proceedings, may be received in evidence.

(f) Any other law setting forth a procedure for the suspension or revocation of a license or certificate issued by the office shall not apply to proceedings conducted pursuant to this section.