Real Estate Books AI Support Documentation

Real Estate Books AI Support Documentation somebody

Real Estate Books AI support documents.

Click here to search support documentation.

If you are already subscribed, you may also use the Query Screen to search support documents only.  Simply click "Documentation" checkbox under "Libraries".  Make sure it is the only Library checkbox ticked.  Then enter "new" in the Question box.  Now, any question you enter will only be matched against Real Estate Books AI support documents.

query screen - search support documentation



API somebody


"The Real Estate Books AI API enables seamless integration of its AI chatbot capabilities into any real estate website. Real estate associations, brokerages, schools, publishers, and more can connect to the REBAI API to give their users access to an AI assistant that can answer California real estate law questions. By integrating this API, real estate organizations can tap into REBAI's comprehensive knowledge base to educate and assist their customers, without needing to build this functionality from scratch. The REBAI API allows real estate focused entities of all types to take advantage of AI technology in a way that delivers immense educational value to their users seeking guidance on California real estate law."

What is an API?

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of protocols, routines, and tools that allows different software applications to communicate with each other.

In simple terms, an API acts as a messenger that delivers your request to the provider (another application or web service) and then delivers the response back to you.

So APIs allow one application to access data, features, or functionality from another application in a seamless way. The core purpose of an API is to enable two separate systems or pieces of software to connect and share information and services.

Some key benefits of using APIs include:

  • Allowing applications to exchange data
  • Saving development time by using existing functionality
  • Enabling innovation by building upon other systems
  • Allowing software components to connect and integrate

How Our API Works

Your website is a Real Estate Association site. Our website is Real Estate Books AI, an AI conversational chatbot that contains the full library of California Department of Real Estate law publications.

We have developed an API that connects the two websites behind the scenes.

This allows Greg to visit your Real Estate Association website and ask questions that will be seamlessly sent to our AI chatbot. The chatbot sends back the answers through the API to your website to be displayed to Greg.

So Greg gets his real estate law questions answered by the AI system without ever leaving your website, creating a smooth user experience. The API integration connects the two websites in a transparent way.

rebai api process





Before You Begin

Before You Begin somebody

A few notes before you begin using Real Estate Books AI.



Title: Introduction to the California Real Estate Books AI Project Video

Video Length: 3:14

Video Purpose:
The video serves as an introductory guide to the California Real Estate Books AI Project, outlining its functions, features, and the benefits users can expect. It's designed to educate users about the system, differentiate between keyword search and AI-assisted conversational search, and set clear expectations about what the system can and cannot do.

Content Summary:

1. Introduction: The video starts with a warm welcome and a brief overview of the California Real Estate Books AI Project, explaining its role as a comprehensive knowledge base of California real estate documents.

2. What the System Is: The video then elaborates on the nature of the system, describing it as an interactive tool that allows users to navigate the complexities of real estate laws and regulations.

3. What the System Isn't: The video clarifies that while the system provides access to legal and regulatory documents, it doesn't offer legal or professional advice.

4. Browsing Documents: The video states that browsing through the documents on the platform is completely free, demonstrating the organization's commitment to open access to knowledge.

5. Unique Search Capabilities: The video showcases the system's two unique search capabilities: keyword search and AI-assisted conversational search, providing a brief demonstration of both.

6. Pricing: The video mentions that while browsing is free, the advanced search capabilities come with a reasonable fee.

7. Call to Action: The video concludes with a call to action, encouraging viewers to visit the website and explore its features.

8. Closing: A thank you message marks the end of the video, alongside the logo of the website and its URL.

The video uses visuals effectively to guide viewers through the system's interface, demonstrating how to navigate and use the features of the platform.


Documentation Query

Documentation Query somebody


Email Query Responder

Email Query Responder somebody

Email Query Responder Use Case



If you are a subscriber, you can send queries to the system via email.  Send email to from your subscribed email account.


send email


For your first email, you should actually just send "new", because you will have to confirm your address.


confirmation request received


Click on this link.  Whether you click on it from your desktop, tablet or phone, it will take you to our site for email confirmation.


go to confirmation site and click send to confirm


Select "Confirm" and click on "Send" button.  That will do it.  You will be confirmed for 6 hours.


receive response


You can continue to send emails conversationally for the next several hours if needed.


continue conversation


Note that if you are an administrator and wish to use the email function as a "First Response" email responder, you can configure the system to have all email queries cc'd to your support department for verification of responses and follow-up.


if admin you get cc on question


The email addresses must be confirmed because anyone is able to spoof anyone else's email address.  While the answers will still be sent to your email address, you will still be accountable for the tokens used.  So, it is always advisable to use a private email address that no one knows, especially if your usual email address is very public.



FAQ somebody

Frequently Asked Questions.


California Real Estate Practice Exams

California Real Estate Practice Exams somebody

The Real Estate Books AI Library system utilizes Artificial Intelligence Large Language Models (LLMs) to answer queries.  Currently, we utilize OpenAI models GPT-4 (Gold) and GPT-3.5-Turbo-16K (Bronze).  We are currently testing a 3rd model, our Silver model, but at the time of this writing, we are under an NDA and cannot reveal the provider.

Attached to this post are the results of several actual California Real Estate Practice Exams taken by our AI systems utilizing only the documents posted in this library.  These are the full exam questions entered and actual responses received.

So far, with all CA Real Estate Exam questions posed to our AI, it has a 90% - 95% success rate.  Please note that this rate is affected by these elements:

  • Available context documents.  All questions are answered using only the context documents available in this library.  The models are trained to ONLY use these documents.  This eliminates the possibility of "hallucination".  But it also means that the system cannot respond to questions that refer to content (names, places, things) that are NOT in the available documentation.
  • Question Phraseology.  We have chosen primarily practice exam questions because they are a reliable source for reliable answers against which we can test the efficacy of our system.  These exam questions appear to always be multiple choice, which is the worst format for an AI system because it depends on inference of the the meaning of the question by "completing the sentence".  Current AI technology does not possess the innate ability to "infer" like humans or critically analyze like humans.  So, sometimes the AI will not be able to answer the question, not because the answer is not in it's context library, but because it cannot clearly understand the question.

We hope in the future to mitigate these issues by using the technique of "fine-tuning", that is, training the AI on the log history of actual questions and responses processed.  That way, over time, system will become smarter and smarter, and will learn to understand all the various ways the same question can be asked.

That said, please review the attached exam questions and responses.  Note how the AI responds to each question, listing it's source citations and basing it's conclusions on the available context documents.



How to Ask Questions

How to Ask Questions somebody

How to Ask Questions

Welcome to the California Real Estate Books AI system! This revolutionary service allows you to search the full library of the California Department of Real Estate publications and laws using natural language. Here are some tips on how to get the most out of conversing with our intelligent assistant:

Do Not Rely on Keywords

While keywords are important, do not assume the AI will understand the broader context or intent behind a question by keywords alone. You need to fully explain the background and details of your query in simple language instead of only listing relevant keywords.

  • For example, simply asking:
    • "California real estate property disclosures required"
  • will not provide as useful a response as explaining:
    • "I am a real estate agent in California selling a rental property built in 2010. What are the specific property disclosures I am required to provide to potential buyers?"

The AI needs more context than keywords to craft a tailored and accurate response. Use natural language to clearly explain your full question.

Use Simple Language

Pretend you're talking to a young child and explain things clearly and simply. Use basic vocabulary and avoid complex sentences or industry jargon. The AI will not understand vague or implied meanings.  

Give Background Context 

Before asking very specific questions, provide some broader context to "warm up" the topic area. You can ask general questions first to establish the framework and give the AI some orientation.

  • For example:
    • If you want to ask about property disclosures, first ask about the overall disclosure process and purpose.
    • If you have a question about title insurance, start by asking what title insurance is for and who requires it. 
    • If you need details on land subdivisions, first outline the subdivision process and parties involved.

Fully Explain Your Query

Be as detailed as possible when framing your question. Include information about location, property type, parties involved, timeline, and the specific information you want to know. The more details you provide up front, the more accurate and useful the response will be.

Ask One Focused Question

Break down complicated issues into simple, direct questions. Only ask one question at a time. Do not bundle multiple questions together.

Use Plain Language

Explain topics conversationally, as you would to a friend. Avoid technical terminology, industry jargon or abbreviations. The AI will not understand specialized vocabulary.  

Confirm Understanding

Review the response to ensure it fully answers your question. If anything is unclear or missing, ask follow-up questions to clarify.

Provide Feedback 

Let us know if a response seems incomplete, inaccurate or confusing. Your input helps improve the AI's knowledge.

Here is a conclusion paragraph explaining prompt engineering:

By following these simple guidelines, you are taking your first steps into the area of "prompt engineering" - the art of crafting effective prompts to get the most useful results from an Artificial Intelligence system. Prompt engineering involves learning how to pose questions and structure requests in a way that allows the AI to provide high-quality responses. It requires understanding how the AI "thinks" and what information it needs to answer well. With practice, you will get better at framing queries and providing context to have more productive conversations with our intelligent assistant. Mastering prompt engineering will allow you to tap into the full potential of this powerful real estate knowledge resource.

We hope these tips help you get the most out of conversing with our AI assistant! Let us know if you have any other questions:



How to Ask a Multiple-Choice Question

How to Ask a Multiple-Choice Question somebody

You are studying for the CA Real Estate Exam.  You have purchased a study guide to help you through this process.  We are going to use an example from the "Unlocking the DRE Salesperson and Broker Exam, Sixth Edition", which can be purchased here.  Newer editions can be purchased on here.

Simulated Exam #2, Page 207, Question #93:

  • A seller of property tells their broker the house is connected to the sewer. the broker relays this information to the buyer, who later finds that the house has a septic system in need of repair. the buyer would sue:
    • a. the broker and the seller.
    • b. no one, as they should have checked.
    • c. the broker only.
    • d. the owner only.

This is a multiple-choice question.  If you enter this question into the default Query Screen, you will receive a response like this:

question 93 - concepts and standalone on

This is a surprisingly good answer, but does not actually answer the question as posed.  Why?  Because, by default, all questions are converted into "standalone" questions before being submitted to the AI.  As the AI does not have the capacity to remember beyond the current prompt, it has to be reminded of the context of the conversation.  This is done using the "standalone" question, which is composed by combining the current question plus the conversation history. The "standalone" question is discussed in  more detail here.

As you can see in the above example, the original question has been re-worded as a standalone question which now asks "Who is responsible for the buyer's potential lawsuit regarding the false information about the house being connected to the sewer system?"  This is the essence of the original question, but certainly not a multiple choice question.

So, how do we ask a multiple-choice question to have the AI select the amongst the choices given?  

  • First, you have to bring up the Advanced Query Screen as described here.  You essentially tick the "Show Advanced" checkbox and submit "New".
    click show advanced
  • You will now see the "Standalone Question On" checkbox on the Query Screen.  Leave it un-ticked.
    standalone question on unticked
  • Now when you ask your question, it will be submitted verbatim to the AI.
    • However, note that when you turn off the "standalone" question option, the AI will no longer be able to automatically keep track of the conversation.  You only really want to turn it off in cases like this when you really need the AI to process your exact query, word for word.

concepts and standalone off

Is this the correct answer?  You will have to purchase the book and look up the answer key for this question.  We do not want any copyright complaints. We used the question from that document  purely for educational purposes.

The purpose of this article is to show you how to ask a multiple-choice question successfully, if you need to.

AI is not Human

One final point.  Look at this question and response:

negative physical elements of property - wrong answer

The AI describes the correct answer, but selects the wrong letter.  It was necessary to specifically instruct the AI to select the correct letter of the correct answer.

negative physical elements of property - correct answer

Now, as humans, this is intuitive. Select the letter corresponding to the correct answer.  But, we must always remember the AI is not human.  Do not leave anything to inference because the AI does not intuitively know anything.

One thing for sure you want to avoid is the "complete this sentence" sort of multiple choice question.  Why?  Because AI may have the answer to the question, but not be able to complete the sentence.

Pretend you are talking to a child in kindergarten – a genius child prodigy, for sure -- but, with dyslexia.

This is an amazing research tool, but is is important to always keep in mind the most efficient and effective techniques for using this tool.


Real Estate Exam Multiple Choice Question Rephrasing

The biggest problem you will find with Real Estate Study Exam questions is their reliance on "complete the sentence" type of questions.  The problem with AI is pretty obvious here:  "Complete the sentence" relies on a certain innate human ability to complete a chain of thought which Large Language Models do not possess.

Therefore a question like:

The prospective purchaser may withdraw the offer at any time before the seller's acceptance of an offer: a. unless the offer states that it is irrevocable. b. for any reason. c. provided the offeree has breached the offer. d. provided the offer is not a supported deposit.

While totally understandable to a human, the above can be downright confusing to an LLM.

Here is one way to rephrase the question in a more understandable way for a large language model:

"An offer to purchase real estate can be withdrawn by the prospective buyer at any time before it is accepted by the seller, unless which of the following conditions applies:

A) The offer states it is irrevocable

B) The buyer can withdraw for any reason

C) The seller has breached the offer

D) The offer does not include an earnest money deposit

Please select the answer choice that correctly completes the statement: An offer can be withdrawn at any time before acceptance, unless the offer states it is _______________."

The key changes are:

  • Stating the overall concept first in a full sentence rather than just a sentence fragment.
  • Making it clear we are talking about an offer to purchase real estate.
  • Using more natural phrasing like "prospective buyer" rather than "prospective purchaser".
  • Stating the answer choices as full conditions rather than sentence fragments.
  • Ending with a clear question restating the main idea and asking for the selection of the right answer choice.

This frames the question in a more natural language manner that should be easier for a large language model to comprehend and answer correctly.

And, whereas the AI will fail to answer the first question correctly, 

gpt-4 incorrect response - confused

The following, however, succeeds because it is far more specific and clear:

gpt-4 correct answer - rephrased question

Now, according to the 25 Most Common Questions on the California Real Estate Exam (2023), this answer is incorrect.  The correct answer is B) The buyer can withdraw for any reason.  However, based upon the same context documents, every Large Language Model asked this question responded A), and justified it's decision based upon the context documents chosen.

claude-2 (incorrect)

You be the judge.

Here is another example:

gpt-4 incorrect before rephrasing

It is difficult for the model to answer this question correctly because of the fact that not all the options are mentioned in it's context documents, and it is trained to only provide answers that it can document.  Note the change in response by adding just a couple more words:

gpt-4 correct after rephrasing

It is still conflicted in it's answer, even thought it is the correct one, and it states why.



How to Rephrase a Question

How to Rephrase a Question somebody

Many times our system will respond to your query with something like this:

AI asks you to rephrase question

In the above example, the document "How to Ask a Multiple-Choice Question" had not yet been uploaded, so there was no document specific to this subject available.  

However, sometimes it is important to note that you will mostly get this response because the AI cannot determine an answer to your question based upon the way it is worded.  In other words, there may actually be an answer, possibly even in the context documents displayed (since those are determined by cosine similarity vector searches), but the AI simply unable to associate your question with the returned documents.

In cases like this, we need to "rephrase" the question.  Re-word it, if you will.  And sometimes, "re-think" it.

For example, when the first iteration of the Real Estate Books AI was developed, I asked a real estate agent to give me a question she had recently asked of the DRE.  She asked, "Can an agent take his clients with him?"

can a realtor take his clients when he leaves a firm - first question

A disappointing first answer, to be sure.  But, what the AI needed was more guidance, a more detailed question like, "Can a realtor take his firm's clients with him when he leaves the firm?"

can a realtor take his clients when he leaves a firm - second question

Note the significant difference just by expanding on the same question.

However, this isn't the real question.  When you think about it, the actual question she wanted to know was, "Are there regulations which prevent a realtor from taking his firm's clients with him when he leaves the firm?"

can a realtor take his clients when he leaves a firm - third actual question

What makes this question a little tricky is the fact that the AI assumes this is a regulatory question when, in fact, it is an ethics question.  This is why you always have to remember that the AI is not human, and is only responding to your query and the documents it receives as context to your query. 

But, the point here is to demonstrate how rephrasing, re-wording or even re-thinking the question can make a huge difference in the response.  In general, the more detailed your question, the better the response you will receive.

Now, re-thinking a question does not necessarily mean making major changes to it.  Note the following practice exam question:

original exam #1 question #97

Look at the difference adding the one word "report" makes in the response:

rephrased exam #1 question #97

Yes, "D" is the correct answer.  Note that our AI is still trained, despite providing the correct answer, to recommend you double-check it's answer.  It is a good habit to always do this.

To summarize:

  • The AI assistant will sometimes respond that there is no specific document available to answer the question if it cannot determine an appropriate answer based on how the question is phrased.
  • In these cases, it is important to rephrase or re-word the question to provide more context and details that will help the AI understand what information you are looking for.
  • Providing more detailed questions guides the AI to give better responses. For example, expanding a vague question about whether an agent can take clients to specifically ask about regulations preventing this provides necessary context.
  • Sometimes it is also helpful to re-think the question completely if the AI is answering a different question than what you intend. For instance, turning an ethics question into a regulatory question.
  • Even small changes like adding a single word can change the AI's response and help it give the right answer.
  • It's good practice to always double check the AI's answers, even when correct, to verify accuracy.

In summary, rephrasing, adding details, and clarifying intent helps the AI assistant understand questions better and provide more accurate responses. Checking the answers helps ensure quality responses.




How to get the AI to answer a particularly difficult question.

How to get the AI to answer a particularly difficult question. somebody

Remember the old TV series, "Star Trek"?  Do you recall the episodes where Captain Kirk would outthink an android or computer by asking it a series of questions?  Well, believe it or not, that is an effective strategy for dealing with today's Artificial Intelligence.

There are a few different processes that could be used to have a large language model answer a difficult question by leading up to it with a series of simpler questions:

  • Step-by-step questioning: This involves breaking down the difficult question into a logical series of simpler questions that build on each other and provide context, eventually leading up to the final difficult question. The model is essentially "walked through" the reasoning step-by-step via the questions.
  • Providing background information: You can provide the model with background information and facts relevant to the difficult question in a summarized format before asking the final question. This gives the model context to draw from when answering.
  • Query reformulation: With this approach, you start with a simplified version of the difficult question, get the answer, then iteratively modify and expand the question to get closer to the actual difficult question. The model leverages information obtained from previous iterations.
  • Explanatory questioning: Here you ask a series of questions that explain aspects of the concepts involved in the difficult question, elucidating the key factors and considerations needed to reason through and answer the final question. 

So in summary, various tactics of questioning the model incrementally and providing contextual information can aid large language models in tackling difficult questions and reasoning challenges. The step-by-step approach leads the model through the logical reasoning chain to arrive at the answer.

Here is a real world example of that process.  There is a legal document in the Real Estate Books AI library titled "Privacy Policy".  Note how I was able to get the system to give me the information I was looking for from this policy:

Question: What is the explanation of your privacy policy?
Response: Apologies, but I cannot provide an explanation of the privacy policy based on the given document content. Please consider rephrasing your question or conducting a keyword search within the document itself.

Question: Can you summarize the privacy policy for me?
Response: I apologize, but the privacy policy document does not provide a concise summary within its content. I recommend reviewing the document carefully for a complete understanding or conducting a keyword search for specific information you are looking for.

Question: What information does the privacy policy document provide?
Response: The privacy policy document provides information on the collection of personal data, the use of cookies and similar technologies, the purposes for which personal data may be used, how personal data may be disclosed, the rights and choices of users regarding their personal data, information about third-party websites and services, data transfers, data retention, the age restriction for the services, and the contact information for any questions.

Question: What information does the privacy policy provide about the personal data collected?
Response: The privacy policy provides information about the personal data collected when interacting with the website, services, APIs, and other interfaces. The types of personal data collected include technical information (such as IP address, browser, and device information), information provided directly (such as email address and phone number), Prompts (text, documents, or materials submitted to the AI services), and Outputs (responses generated by the AI services based on the Prompts).

Now, this is the actual question I wanted answered:

Question: What happens to the personal data collected according to the privacy policy?
Response: The personal data collected according to the privacy policy is used for various purposes such as providing and improving services, creating user accounts, facilitating payments, communicating with users, enforcing acceptable use policies, and complying with legal obligations. The personal data is not shared or sold to third parties, except when legally mandated. Users also have rights to access, correct, delete, and port their personal data, but the prompts and outputs created by user interaction with the service may be retained for training AI models. The data is processed and stored in the United States, and the privacy policy may be updated as needed. For more information, users can contact

Of course, the next question would be, "Why didn't you say that in the first place?"

But I doubt the AI would understand the question.




I entered a question and received a list of citations. How do I determine where these docs are sourced?

I entered a question and received a list of citations. How do I determine where these docs are sourced? somebody

Short answer:  In most cases, you cannot know what the source of the document is from it's title.  It's just not possible to realistically put the entire hierarchy of every document in it's title.  You will have to click on the citation link. 

Let's take the following example, which is from a conversation that started with "How do I know if the broker's salespersons and broker associates are properly licensed?":

sample query response

We can see from the title that this citation is the "Introduction" section of the "Real Estate Advertising Guidelines" publication. 

1) [Real Estate Advertising Guidelines]_Introduction.pdf (0.14)

pdf bookmark - real estate advertising guidelines


It is not clear what document the next citation belongs to.  If we click on it:


node - breadcrumbs

We see, as opposed to the first example which was a pdf file, this document is embedded in the system as a "node".  We can now see the full hierarchal relationship in the "breadcrumbs" (highlighted) as well as the table of contents to your left.

This is the case for each additional citation link.

PDFs with Non-Semantic Titles 

There may be cases when you will received a citation link which is a file title that is not quite so clear:

reb archives

What is rebfall_14.pdf?  If it comes up in your citation results, you'll need to click on it to see the full details.



Use the Keyword Search to Locate Source of Specific Documents

Back to our first example, 1) [Real Estate Advertising Guidelines]_Introduction.pdf (0.14), how do you find where it is in the document hierarchy of this site?  You can use the keyword search.  Type in the title of the document:

keyword search


The keyword search should bring back results that include the pdf file you are looking for. Note that if you are looking for a specific title or phrase, you should change keyword search context from "Contains any of these words" to "Contains all of these words".  Click on "Apply" to execute:

keyword search results


In the results, if you click on "Real Estate Advertising Guidelines #RE 27 (new 8/2020)" (this is the document "node" that the pdf is attached to), you can now see the "breadcrumbs" for the "node" document to which the pdf document is attached.

hierarchy of node to which pdf is attached



Under what conditions are the DRE publications made available on this site?

Under what conditions are the DRE publications made available on this site? somebody


  1. The publication can be reproduced in total, including the title pages and cover. No changes may be made to the text or cover, with the following exception. You may list your name, address and phone number as the distributor of the brochure. For example, "This copy given to you compliments of XYZ Mortgage Home Loans."
  2. The complete text or excerpts of the publication shall not be incorporated within any other printed matter of any kind without express permission.
  3. The publication shall be distributed at no cost whatsoever to the recipient.
  4. The publication shall not be used as a DRE endorsement of your business.
  5. The content, intent or voluntary distribution of this publication shall not be misrepresented in anyway.
  6. DRE retains all rights to this brochure and reserves the right to withdraw approval to reproduce and distribute DRE publications at any time without prior notice.
  7. The publication must be reproduced on paper of comparable quality.

What are "Tokens"?

What are "Tokens"? somebody

In the new age of Artificial Intelligence and it's use in search, "tokens" could be considered the new basis for cost.  Every conversational question you ask, and every response you receive, costs tokens.

what are tokens

We provide a number of definitions and examples below, but suffice it to say that the more tokens you use, the less queries/searches you can make.  The less tokens you use, the more queries/searches you can make.

From the AI itself:

"Tokens are like credits that are used up each time you ask the AI a question. Each question costs a certain number of tokens based on its length and complexity.

You can think of it like using minutes on a cell phone plan - every call you make uses up some of your available minutes. With the AI, every question uses up some of your available tokens.

The more complex or lengthy your question is, the more tokens it will cost to generate an answer. Questions with more words or more research required will use up more tokens.

When you start running low on tokens, you may need to purchase more credits to keep asking the AI questions. Buying additional tokens allows you to replenish your supply.

The goal is to be as clear and concise as possible in your questions. This will minimize the tokens needed and allow you to get more use out of your token balance.

Being aware of how tokens work allows you to manage costs and budget the number of questions you can ask the AI system within your allotted tokens. Careful phrasing keeps the tokens required as low as possible."

And, from another AI:

"In the context of AI systems, a token is a unit of value that allows users to access and utilize the AI's capabilities. Here is a plain definition of what a token is:

A token represents a credit that can be exchanged in order to get the AI system to perform work and provide output. Tokens act as a form of currency within the AI platform.

When a user submits a request like a query or question to the AI, a certain number of tokens are deducted from their account balance as a "cost" for the AI generating that output.

The number of tokens charged depends on factors like the length of input, complexity of processing required, amount of output generated, and overall demand on the system. More demanding requests cost more tokens.

Users start with an initial supply of tokens and can purchase additional packages of tokens as needed to replenish their balances. Acquiring more tokens allows for more queries and use of the AI system.

The supply, cost, and usage of tokens is controlled and optimized by the AI platform provider. Users simply see their token balance deducted when making requests, prompting them to buy more when running low.

So in summary, a token is a proprietary unit of value within an AI platform, representing credits exchanged to get AI processing power and outputs. Tokens enable usage metering and pricing for AI capabilities."

From OpenAI's "What are tokens and how to count them?"

Tokens can be thought of as pieces of words. Before the API processes the prompts, the input is broken down into tokens. These tokens are not cut up exactly where the words start or end - tokens can include trailing spaces and even sub-words. Here are some helpful rules of thumb for understanding tokens in terms of lengths:

  • 1 token ~= 4 chars in English

  • 1 token ~= ¾ words

  • 100 tokens ~= 75 words


  • 1-2 sentence ~= 30 tokens

  • 1 paragraph ~= 100 tokens

  • 1,500 words ~= 2048 tokens

To get additional context on how tokens stack up, consider this:

  • Wayne Gretzky’s quote "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" contains 11 tokens.

  • OpenAI’s charter contains 476 tokens.

  • The transcript of the US Declaration of Independence contains 1,695 tokens.

How words are split into tokens is also language-dependent. For example ‘Cómo estás’ (‘How are you’ in Spanish) contains 5 tokens (for 10 chars). The higher token-to-char ratio can make it more expensive to implement the API for languages other than English.

To further explore tokenization, you can use our interactive Tokenizer tool, which allows you to calculate the number of tokens and see how text is broken into tokens. Alternatively, if you'd like to tokenize text programmatically, use Tiktoken as a fast BPE tokenizer specifically used for OpenAI models. Other such libraries you can explore as well include transformers package for Python or the gpt-3-encoder package for node.js.

How many words are in a token?

The number of words per token can vary across different AI systems, as there is no universal standard. Tokens generally represent the total processing cost rather than just word count. Here are a few key points:

  • Tokens are not directly equal to a fixed word count. The relationship is more complex.
  • In addition to length of input, tokens also factor in processing intensity and output generated. Short inputs can still cost multiple tokens if complex.
  • Rough estimates based on some AI systems equate 1 token to 4-8 words on average. But this can fluctuate up and down significantly.
  • Systems like Anthropic's Claude charge about 1 token for every 4 words of input text. So around 4 words per token on average.
  • Other systems like OpenAI may be closer to 1 token per 8+ words on average based on pricing tiers.
  • Questions requiring more research, references, output length, etc will cost more tokens regardless of word count.

So in summary, tokens do not equate to a static number of words universally across AI systems. The ratio depends on the specific implementation, but is often estimated around 4-8 words per 1 token on average as a rough guideline. The relationship between word count and tokens is more nuanced in practice.



What is a "Concept" question?

What is a "Concept" question? somebody

What is the "Concept:?

This system tries to understand the main point of your question before searching for an answer. It does this by generating a 'concept' - a short phrase that sums up the key idea. 

For example, if you asked "What are the requirements for becoming a real estate agent in California?" the system would create the concept 'real estate agent requirements california'. 

This concept is then used to search for relevant information. Think of it like the system carefully listening to your full question, then noting down just the core details. Those key details help find answers faster.

The concept creation acts like a helpful assistant focused on summarizing the essential information in your question. This allows the system to search more precisely through all the real estate resources.

So in summary, the system generates a condensed 'concept' from your full question. This concept is then used to find the most relevant and accurate information to answer you.

Why do we need it?

When you post a question, there are actually several API "calls" that are made to retrieve information used to answer your question.  One such call is to our "vector store" (this is the database where all of our content is stored for retrieval), the goal of which is to retrieve the documents which best align with the "concept" of your question.  Again, the more relevant the documents retrieved, the better answers you are going to receive.  So, the better the concept, the better the chances of retrieving documents that will actually provide the information needed to correctly answer your question.


can a realtor take his clients when he leaves a firm (concept)

what contributes to the value of a well planed neighborhood vs. a poorly planned neighborhood (concept)

what entity in california regulates appraiser licensing (concept)

who pays property taxes for a condiminium (concept)

When not to use it?

In the rare occasion when the automatic concept generation is not bringing back the desired documents, you may wish to use the Advanced Query Screen Concepts On option to turn concepts off (leave the box un-ticked).  When you do this, then the question you entered is used verbatim as the concept.



What is a "Standalone" question?

What is a "Standalone" question? somebody

This system keeps track of your conversation history to provide better answers. When you ask a follow-up question, the system knows what you asked previously.

For example, if you first ask "What are the requirements to become a real estate agent?" and then ask "How long does it take?", the system understands the second question is related to the first. 

To maintain this conversation flow, each question you ask is treated as a 'standalone' question. This means when you ask a new question, the system refers back to the previous questions and answers to understand the full context.

Think of it like a friendly assistant focused just on your conversation. Every new question you ask is handled within the context of what you have already discussed. This way, you don't have to repeat yourself or re-explain concepts.

The system stores your chat history and connects each standalone question together behind the scenes. This allows it to keep track of the context and provide the most relevant answers tailored just for our conversation.


can a realtor take his clients when he leaves a firm (standalone)


what entity in california regulates appraiser licensing (standalone)


what is needed for resrictions in a grant deed to be valid (standalone)


when is a timeshare company not required to conduct a public offering (standalone)


Important Note

Whenever you want to change the conversational topic, please be sure to enter "new" or "exit".  Otherwise, the AI will assume each subsequent question is related to the current conversational history, and thus it's response will be skewed accordingly.  This will probably not be what you want.



What is a Citation | Context Document?

What is a Citation | Context Document? somebody

When you enter a question and receive a response, you will see a list of numbered links:


These link to the documents or document excerpts whose text the AI has used to answer your question.  These are called the  the "citations" or "context documents".  "Citation" because they "cite" the actual reference documents used in your query.  "Context" because they provide the context the AI needs to answer your question.

You will see that the AI sometimes refers to "Context Document #" in it's response.  This is the number you will see listed before the title of the document.

We suggest that you always verify the answer you receive from the AI by referencing the listed links.  The AI has been trained to only use the listed documents, and your question, as context for it's answers.  It is prohibited from using any other information.  

Furthermore, the title of the document may not always reveal it's source,  You sometimes have to click on the citation in order to see it's full context, i.e.:

citations - click link

You will always see the full context of the citation | context document by examining the "Breadcrumbs" listed at the top of the document (highlighted above).

So, in the above case, Context Document #1: 945.5 is sourced from:



What is the difference between Gold, Silver and Bronze models?

What is the difference between Gold, Silver and Bronze models? somebody

The Difference Between Gold, Silver and Bronze Models

Gold (GPT-4) has advanced language and reasoning capabilities that enable it to develop a complex understanding of nuanced legal concepts from source documents. It can parse convoluted real estate regulations, make connections between related statutes, analyze implications and edge cases, and provide explanatory responses with appropriate citations. Gold would quickly comprehend key aspects like property disclosures, landlord-tenant regulations, title and escrow processes, licensing requirements, and fair housing rules. Its answers would reflect strong comprehension and clear application of the law to hypothetical scenarios. Gold can handle intensely specific follow-up questions and justify its responses like a legal expert.

Silver (Claude-2) can sufficiently answer straightforward factual queries based on the real estate documents but will struggle with more abstract implications or insightful explanations. While it can define basic terms and provide relevant passages that answer simple questions, Silver lacks the ability to synthesize concepts across different documents or delve beyond surface-level understanding. Its responses may cover the core ideas but miss nuances, exceptions, and meaningful detail. Silver performs adequately for direct information retrieval but cannot match Gold's ability to provide in-depth comprehension with adaptability.

Bronze (GPT-3.5-Turbo-16k) can sufficiently handle basic informational queries about real estate concepts that are clearly stated in the source documents. It will falter when questions require nuanced inference or a deeper understanding of regulatory implications, but Bronze can still add value by finding relevant passages and identifying key facts and definitions. While its capabilities are limited compared to Gold and Silver, Bronze would perform reasonably well for simple knowledge retrieval tasks that avoid complex reasoning requirements. With oversight to filter out any response errors, Bronze could manage straightforward real estate Q&A as long as the expectations align with its mainstream language model skills rather than expert-level comprehension. You make a fair point - I was too dismissive of Bronze's ability to contribute effectively within its limitations. Let me know if this balanced perspective makes sense or if you have any other feedback.

In summary, Gold stands apart in its ability to exhibit expert-level text comprehension, reasoning, and response quality when queried about niche regulatory topics like California real estate law. Bronze markedly lacks the sophisticated language abilities needed to move beyond superficial responses.

When you should use each:

Here are some guidelines on when to use Gold, Silver, or Bronze models in the California Real Estate AI library based on question complexity:

- Use Gold (GPT-4) for:

  • - Nuanced questions requiring inference or interpretation 
  • - Analysis of implications, edge cases, exceptions 
  • - Synthesizing concepts across multiple documents
  • - In-depth explanations with citations 
  • - Assessing hypothetical scenarios
  • - Following complex logic chains

- Use Silver (Claude-2) for:

  • - Simple factual queries 
  • - Definitions of key terms
  • - Finding relevant passages that answer straightforward questions
  • - Basic comprehension of core concepts
  • - Direct information retrieval

- Use Bronze (GPT-3.5-Turbo-16k) for: 

  • - Very simple definitions and facts
  • - Identifying documents where an answer may be found
  • - Basic regulatory lookups that avoid ambiguity
  • - Selected use where some response errors are acceptable
  • - Lower priority or cost-sensitive queries

The higher the question complexity, the more Gold is ideal to ensure full comprehension and accurate, insightful answers. Silver maintains usefulness for direct queries, while Bronze has a role where limited interpretation is needed on uncomplicated topics.


Examples of actual questions and responses from the different model levels.  The same question with the same (mostly) context documents are posed to each model.  You can judge the efficiency of their responses for yourself.  All the answers are correct, but what is most important is how each model arrives at it's answer. 

A buyer purchases a property funded with an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM). After one year, the interest on the mortgage increases to the fully-indexed rate. What was the interest rate during the first year of ownership? a. Par rate. c. Teaser rate. b. Floating rate. d. Margin rate. Select the letter corresponding to the correct answer.

gold response

silver response

bronze response

Answer: c.


What is the best term to describe the interest rate for a mortgage in the secondary mortgage market without the addition of a yield spread premium or discount points? a. Annual percentage rate. c. Equity yield rate. b. Mortgage constant rate. d. Par interest rate. Select the letter corresponding to the correct answer.

gold answer

silver answer

bronze answer

Answer: d.


What word best describes a conveyance of title to government land to a private person? a. Land patent. c. Dedication. b. Grant. d. License. Select the letter corresponding to the correct answer.

gold response

silver response

bronze response

Answer: a.


Prior to purchasing an income-producing property, an investor calculates the time required to sell or lease a property within a designated area over a given a period of time. What is the investor most interested in? a. Price-to-income ratio. c. Absorption rate. b. Yield spread. d. Vacancy rate. Select the letter corresponding to the correct answer.

gold response

silver response

bronze response

Answer: c.


What document does a landlord use to require a tenant to perform an action to remedy a curable nonmonetary breach of a rental or lease agreement? a. option to purchase or vacate. b. option to assign curable rights or perform. c. notice to perform or quit. d. notice to extend or quit.

gold response

silver response

bronze response

Answer: c.



Getting Started (video)

Getting Started (video) somebody

AI voiceover video of the Getting Started documentation.



Getting Started

Getting Started somebody

If you have used an AI chat interface before, like OpenAI's ChatGPT, then you already understand the basics of the Real Estate Books AI query system.  It is powered by OpenAI's GPT-4 large language model (LLM), trained on the CA DRE website publications and programmed to only respond with information gleaned from those documents.

If you have never used an AI chat interface before, here are a couple of things you should know about our Real Estate Books AI query system:

  • It is not an expert system.  It is a retrieval system.  A robot, essentially, that does not know anything and does not remember anything.  It simply responds to the data sent to it.
  • When you ask a question, it always does these 4 things:
    1. Analyzes your question.
    2. Searches for documents in the database that match the intent of your question.
    3. Analyzes the documents retrieved.
    4. Displays the retrieved documents followed by what it considers the best semantic answer to your question based upon these documents.

A typical Query interaction will look like this:

questions - documents - answers

Each follow-up question you ask in the same conversation as well as the chat history (questions and answers) are sent to the AI so that it always understands the context of the question.  If you change the subject, you should indicate that by entering the words "new" or "exit" in the question box.


Document Organization

The Real Estate Books AI library consists almost solely of documents from the California Department of Real Estate (DRE) website.  The only exception, at the time of this writing, is the inclusion of the "National Association of REALTORS® Code of Ethics".

Our library consists of 3 sections:

  1. Real Estate Law
    1. These are the publications defined on the CA DRE website as "Real Estate Law":
  2. CA Real Estate Publications
    1. This is essentially all of the publications listed on the CA DRE website as "Complete List of Publications":
    2. This list includes the Real Estate Law publications mentioned above.
    3. Notably, this section will include:
      1. Consumer Publications, Licensee/Examinee Publications and SubDivison Publications
      2. Reference Book - A Real Estate Guide 
  3. Extras
    1. Real Estate Bulletins (including 10 year archive history)
    2. National Association of REALTORS® Code of Ethics


Queries | Search

A query and a search, as far as we are concerned, are the same thing: You input information, either a question or keywords, in order to retrieve documents associated with that input.  However, it is important to understand that our query system consists of two types of searches: Keyword and Semantic (Conversational).

Keyword Search

A keyword search allows you to find information by entering specific words or phrases related to your topic. 

For example, if you want to learn about property taxes in California, you could do a keyword search for "California property taxes". 

keyword search - california property taxes phrase

The search engine will then scan through all the available content and pull up only the pages, documents, or passages that contain those exact keywords you entered. 

keyword search - california property taxes - results

With a keyword search, you are focusing only on specific words and phrases, rather than asking a conversational question. The engine will match those exact terms and return content containing them.

So in summary, a keyword search involves entering the particular keywords or phrases you are interested in to pull up the most precisely matching information, rather than asking a full natural language question. You are searching just for those exact terms you specify.

Semantic or Conversational Search

A semantic or conversational search allows you to ask questions using normal sentences and phrases, rather than just keywords. 

For example, you could ask "What are the requirements for rent control in San Francisco?" instead of entering the keywords "rent control requirements san francisco".

semantic search - what are the requirements for rent control in san francisco

The search engine analyzes the overall meaning and context of your full question. It looks for concepts and relationships between words, rather than just matching on exact terms.

semantic search - results - what are the requirements for rent control in san francisco

This allows the system to understand your intent better and return information that is more relevant to answering your specific question. Even if your question uses different words than the content, the meaning can still be matched. 

Note that, based on the returned context documents, the system was NOT able to answer the question.  However, it still shows you the list of citations it used to arrive at that conclusion.

Semantic searching capabilities rely on artificial intelligence technologies like natural language processing. The system works to comprehend language closer to how humans do.

The key difference from a keyword search is that you can ask free-form conversational questions and the engine will do its best to interpret the meaning and fetch applicable information. You don't have to enter just exact keywords.  You can also enter follow-up questions, as in a conversation, that the system will understand within the context of the current conversation.

semantic search - what cities have ordinances

semantic search - results - what cities have ordinances

In summary, semantic/conversational search involves asking real sentence questions and having the AI-powered engine figure out the intent and retrieve relevant content. It's a more human-like experience than just matching on keywords.


The Query Screen

In the Real Estate Books AI system, the Query screen is where queries/searches are executed.  From the website home page, you click on the "Query" tab.

query tab

This brings up the Query Screen:

query screen

Note the various sections of this screen:


semantic search question box

In this box, you enter your semantic/conversational search question.  You can press the "Enter" key or click on the "Submit" button below.  As shown in the examples from previous sections, the AI will return a list of citations (context documents) related to your question as well as the best answer it can provide based upon these citation documents. 

semantic search - what license is required to advertise

You can repeat this process so long as you wish to stay in the current conversation.  If you wish to change the subject, you should enter "new" or "exit".

Also note that sometimes the AI will say it cannot answer the question based upon the returned citations (it likes referring to them as "context documents").  You must always keep in mind that the AI is not human, and definitely not a real estate legal expert.  Before you try to re-phrase the question, please review the returned citations to see if the answer to your question cannot actually be found in one of these documents.

citations - context documents


The organization of CA DRE website publications in the Real Estate Books AI library is discussed above.


By default, any question you submit is searched against the entire Real Estate Books AI library.  If you wish to narrow that search to a specific category or categories of documents, then you check the requisite box or boxes here. 

  • If you wish to search only support documents, then tick the "Documents" checkbox and enter "new".
  • If you wish to search only Real Estate Law documents, then tick the "Real Estate Law" checkbox and enter "new".
  • If you wish to search the "Reference Book" and the "Real Estate Bulletins" combined, you check those two checkboxes and enter "new".
  • And so on...

Keyword Search

keyword search box

If you wish to execute a keyword search instead of a conversational chat search (see the difference explained above), then you would enter your keywords into the "keyword search" box and click on the "Search" button.

This will search the entire Real Estate Books AI library and return the keyword query search screen in a new tab:

keyword query search screen

Note that the default keyword search query is "Contains any of these words".  If you wish to keyword search documents using a phrase or wish to search for all of the words, make this change:

keyword search query screen - contains all these words

And click "Apply" to initiate the new search.

You can return to the Query screen by going back to your previous tab.




- The Real Estate Books AI is not an expert system, it simply retrieves and displays relevant passages from its database to answer queries.

- When you ask a question, the AI analyzes it, searches for matching documents, analyzes those documents, and displays the most relevant excerpts and its best answer. 

- The system maintains conversation context by including chat history with each new question. 

- The database consists of CA DRE publications, real estate law documents, reference books, and ethics codes.

- There are two types of searches: keyword and conversational. Keyword searches match on exact terms while conversational searches analyze the overall meaning.

Tips for Asking Questions:

- Ask free-form conversational questions as you would naturally speak. Don't just enter keywords.

- Provide context and details in your questions to help the AI return useful information.

- Use full sentences and clear phrasing. Avoid abbreviations and fragments. 

- Indicate changing subjects by typing "new" or "exit" before a new question.

- Refine searches with the Libraries checkboxes if needed, but start broad.

- Review the returned passages to see if they adequately answer your question.

- Ask follow-up questions to continue drilling down on a topic.




Legal somebody

Real Estate Books AI legal documents.


Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy somebody

Real Estate Books AI Privacy Policy

Version 1.1

Effective August 20, 2023 is an AI-driven database service that provides search and retrieve access to California Department of Real Estate publications. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, disclose, and otherwise process your personal data when you interact with our website, services, APIs, and other interfaces.

1. Collection of Personal Data

  When you use our Services, we may collect:

  • Technical Information such as your IP address, browser, and device information
  • Information you provide directly such as identifiers connected to your account (email address, phone number)   
  • Prompts - text, documents, or materials you submit to our AI services
  • Outputs - responses generated by our AI services based on your Prompts

2. Cookies & Similar Technologies

We use cookies and similar technologies to provide and improve our Services. These help us recognize you, track usage data, and provide a customized experience. 

3. Uses of Personal Data and Legal Bases

We use your personal data when permitted by law to provide and improve our Services, create your account, facilitate payments, communicate with you, enforce acceptable use policies, comply with legal obligations, and train our AI models.

4. How We Disclose Personal Data

We do not share your personal data except to comply with legal obligations as required.  Your email and phone number are never shared or sold to third parties, except when legally mandated.

5. Rights and Choices  

You have rights to access, correct, delete, and port your personal data. However, we retain the rights to Prompts and Outputs created by your use of the service to train our AI models.

6. Third-Party Websites and Services

We are not responsible for third-party sites linked from our Services.

7. Data Transfers

Your data is processed and stored in the United States.

8. Data Retention

We retain personal data only as long as needed for our Services. 

9. Children

Our Services are not for children under 18. 

10. Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We may update this policy as needed.

11. Contact Information

Contact us at with any questions.



SMS Opt-In

SMS Opt-In somebody

Your subscription to our service includes SMS Query Responder access. The service is provided by our parent company, Software Creations

This service allows you to send your queries / questions to the Real Estate Books AI using SMS text messages.  The AI will respond to your queries with reply texts to the same number you send from.  There is no additional fee for this service, although carrier message and data rates may apply.  Carriers are not liable for delayed or undelivered messages.

Our SMS Query Responder only sends one SMS message per query.

US 10DLC  regulations require us to provide proof of your voluntary opt-in to receive SMS text messages from us.  The only SMS messages you will ever receive will be responses to questions you have submitted directly to the SMS Query Responder from your mobile phone number.  The 10DLC Brand Name for the phone number used by the Real Estate Books AI SMS Query Responder is "Software Creations".

Enter "HELP" for help.  To opt-out, you may:

  • Enter "STOP" to cancel.  Your phone number will be automatically removed from your account record.
  • Manually remove your phone number from your account record.
  • Simply stop sending query requests to the SMS Query Responder.  It will only ever send you an SMS message in response to your message to it.

By providing your mobile number in your account (as seen below), you agree to opt-in for this service.  Your mobile number will not be shared or sold to third parties (as per our Privacy  and Terms and Conditions of Use Policies).

user sms opt-in

website screenshot


Any question you ask on the Query screen can be asked via SMS.

website query screen


Terms and Conditions of Use

Terms and Conditions of Use somebody

Real Estate Books AI Terms and Conditions of Use

Welcome to the California Real Estate Books AI Project! By accessing or using our service, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.

Service Description 

The California Real Estate Books AI Project is a knowledge base system consisting of a searchable database of California real estate law publications and documents from the Department of Real Estate website. It allows users to search, browse, and ask questions about these documents using conversational AI.  

Key features include:

  • Free public access to browse and keyword search documents
  • Conversational chat interface 
  • Multilingual support
  • Ability to export query history
  • API access available for organizations

Subscription Plans & Billing

We offer monthly and annual subscription plans. Monthly plans are billed each month on the calendar day corresponding to when you signed up. Annual plans are billed once per year on the anniversary of your sign-up date.

All plans automatically renew unless canceled. You can manage or cancel your subscription at any time through your account dashboard. We do not offer refunds for partial subscription periods.

Your subscription gives you access on a limited number of devices. Sharing login credentials or using our service on more than the allowed number of devices is prohibited.

Account Termination

We may suspend or terminate your account if you breach these terms, with reasonable advance notice via email. You will not receive a refund for any remaining subscription period.

We may also terminate accounts that have been inactive for 12 consecutive months. We will attempt to warn you via email before termination but cannot guarantee it.

SMS Terms

SMS Query Responder.  Users can opt to receive answers to their queries via SMS text messaging as part of the subscription service. See our SMS Opt-In policy.  By entering your mobile phone number and sending SMS messages to the Real Estate Books AI SMS Query Responder, you agree to receive response messages at the phone number provided. Message and data rates may apply. You can opt out of SMS messages by a) removing your mobile phone number from your account or simply not sending requests to the responder.  The SMS Query Responder will NEVER send you an unsolicited SMS message.  It will only ever send an SMS message in response to an SMS message you have sent to it.

Intellectual Property

The AI system and service are owned and operated solely by [Company]. You may not copy, modify, distribute, sell or otherwise exploit any part of the service unless expressly authorized.  

The content provided through the service is for personal, non-commercial use only and may not be shared or used in violation of copyright laws. We claim no IP rights over the original source content.


The AI-generated responses are intended for general educational purposes only and do not constitute professional or legal advice. It is your responsibility to critically evaluate the information provided. 

We make no guarantees about the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of the AI outputs. Use the service at your own discretion.

Prohibited Use

The service may not be used for any unlawful, harmful, dangerous, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, racist, sexist, ethically offensive or otherwise objectionable activities. See the full Prohibited Use policy for details.

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall we be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising from your use of the service.

Governing Law 

These terms shall be governed by the laws of California. Any disputes will be handled in the California courts.

Modifications to Terms

We may modify these terms as needed. Users will be notified of changes via the service website or email. Continued use after notice constitutes acceptance of the updates.

Contact Us

Please contact with any questions.



Pricing somebody

Basic Tier

This is our most simple pricing tier.

$20 a month for 82 to 1832 queries.

This pricing structure essentially gives you:

  • 1832 queries at Bronze level; or,
  • 86 queries at Silver level; or,
  • 92 queries at Gold level; or,
  • any combination of the above.

Click here to see the differences between AI levels.

Pro Tier

Our Pro Tier pricing is based on a monthly flat fee of $10 plus credit amount for anticipated tokens used.  

You can choose any available model type you wish to use for any query: Bronze, Silver or Gold.

Your credit amount is deducted each month based upon your usage at each model rate.  The table below shows each model along with *approximate* number of messages/searches/queries based upon available credit.  This table assumes a 5 document citation limit per query.



monthly credit


monthly credit


monthly credit


monthly credit

Bronze916 messages1832 messages2747 messages3663 messages
Silver43 messages86 messages129 messages172 messages
Gold46 messages92 messages137 messages183 messages

*Please note that the above are estimates of messages/queries.  Your individual usage may vary, and will depend upon model(s) used and citation document limit(s) selected.

Click here to see the differences between AI levels

Click here to see the Pricing Calculator.

API Tier

Our API Tier pricing is based on a monthly flat fee of $225 plus credit amount for anticipated tokens used.  

Note that the rates per model are the exact same as the Pro tier.  You must take into consideration, however, that on the API tier, your model and usage calculations should be based upon multiple users accessing the REBAI system from your website portal.  

You can choose any available model type you wish to use for for your API: Bronze, Silver or Gold. You determine which model is used in the query form you create on your site.  Keep in mind that if you have a small group of serious researchers, you may wish to use Silver or Gold.  If you have a very large group of casual users, then you probably want to use the more economical Bronze.  The choice, in any event, is yours.

The table below shows the approximate usage (searches/messages/queries) per model per month based upon credit available. This table assumes a 5 document citation limit per query.



monthly credit


monthly credit


monthly credit


monthly credit

Bronze916 messages1832 messages2747 messages3663 messages
Silver43 messages86 messages129 messages172 messages
Gold46 messages92 messages137 messages183 messages

*Please note that the above are estimates of messages/queries.  Your individual usage may vary, and will depend upon model(s) used and citation document limit(s) selected.

Click here to see the differences between AI levels

Click here to see the Pricing Calculator.

Explanation of Pricing

Our low monthly fee structure gives you access to our full real estate database and AI assistant. You can ask questions conversationally and get answers fast.  You can ask the system to explain an answer as much as you need to understand it.  It will never get tired.

Our system is specialized as it is focused on California Real Estate Law, and only contains publications from the California Department of Real Estate.  Needless to say, there is a cost to operate and maintain this system, and that cost is passed along to our users via our monthly fee mechanism.  These are the components of that mechanism:


Searching with the power of AI can provide huge time savings and convenience for your CA real estate information needs. The goal with our pricing is to make AI affordable at any usage level.

Behind the scenes, the AI uses computational resources called tokens to process and respond to each search. You can think of them like the minutes in a phone plan. 

Each time you execute a semantic query (i.e., you ask a question conversationally), tokens are charged for both your question and the AI response.  This token cost is a hard cost, and rather than hide it in an exorbitant fee structure, we simply pass it along to you to be paid by the credits you allocate each month.  

Your monthly estimates are based upon average token usage per query, but you are only charged for the tokens you actually use.


We have 3 types of Large Language Models (LLMs) which comprise our Artificial Intelligence (AI) system.  Each one operates at higher levels of efficiency and accuracy:

  • Bronze (lowest level)
  • Silver (intermediate level)
  • Gold (highest level)

Bronze level will give you good results.  Silver level better results.  Gold level the best results possible.  Our pricing gives you access to all three models at any credit level.  You get to decide which one is best for you by using and comparing them yourself.

Click here to see the differences between AI levels

Monthly Credit

We charge a flat monthly fee of $10 ($225 for API tier) for access to our system.  You then select a credit amount that basically pays for your usage of the system for the month.  No, there is no monthly rollover of credit

Most services charge you a flat monthly fee and limit the model(s) you can use or the number of queries you can execute.  Rather than try to come up with pricing schemes that guess at what your usage will be, we give all those options to you.  You decide how much credit you need for each month, how many queries you need to make and which model(s) you want to use per query.

Your usage for each model is deducted from your monthly credits at that model's token rate. Your account record on our system always shows you how many queries you have executed and the exact cost of each query. Once all of your credits are used, you can no longer execute semantic searches -- but you are free to execute as many keyword searches as you like.

Note: We use the terms message, search, question and query interchangeably.  They all represent the action of sending a request to the AI to receive an answer.

Click here to see the Pricing Calculator.

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Query | Search

Query | Search somebody

In this section, we discuss in detail the Query screen and how our query system works as well as the best approaches to achieving the most successful search results.

Key Points to Remember When Asking Questions

  • Phrase questions naturally, no keywords 
  • Use full sentences and conversational style
  • Provide context as needed just like a real conversation
  • Avoid using acronyms and abbreviations unless they have already been used in the conversation.
  • Avoid asking general questions.  Be as specific as possible.
  • Avoid referring to specific part / article / section numbers.  If you need to refer to a specific section, use keyword search or simply browse to that section.


Basic Query Example


Basic Usage

Basic Usage somebody

When you arrive at, you can click on the "Query" tab to access the Query Screen.

If you are not a registered user, you will be asked for your email address.  Enter it into the "Email" box and submit.  You will receive an email with a link to verify the address. Look for it in your spam folder if it doesn't arrive immediately.

Once your email is verified, you have access.  Here is a short video which demonstrates how to enter questions.

00:06 Conversational Chat
04:07 Re-Phrase Question
08:33 Keyword Search
10:09 Select Library / Narrow Search

When you are ready, click here to start your Query search!


The Advanced Query Screen

The Advanced Query Screen somebody

The Advanced Query Screen unlocks additional options to fine-tune your searches for maximum relevance. While the basic query interface is ideal for most users, power users may benefit from the advanced controls.

These additional options allow precision filtering of context documents and tailoring model parameters. You can leverage tools like Groups/Tags (now called "Libraries") filters, keyword search, answer length limits, and more.

Advanced users like researchers, subject matter experts, or anyone with specialized information needs may appreciate the customization. But casual users will likely find the basic search sufficient.

The advanced options add power at the cost of complexity. They require understanding concepts like cosine similarity and token length. If you know what parameters will best serve your search, the controls enable deep customization.

In summary, the Advanced Query Screen offers levers to tune relevancy for users with specialized search needs or willingness to learn advanced concepts. Casual users will find the standard search provides solid results without added complexity. But power users gain modeling power to hone in on documents and answers.

You can bring up the Advanced Query Screen by ticking the 'Show Advanced' checkbox and entering 'new'. 

the new query screen - click show advanced

This will bring up the Advanced Query Screen Options.

the new query screen - advanced checked

Click here for a general overview of this screen.

Click here for a deep dive into this screen.

advanced query screen options


Advanced Query Screen - General Overview

Advanced Query Screen - General Overview somebody

In this section we focus on the Advanced Query Screen options.  The format may have changed a bit since this documentation was written, but the features are the same.

Remember that to access this screen, you will tick the "Show Advanced" checkbox right below the "Libraries" (formally "Groups" and "Tags") section.

click show advanced


If you are NOT a subscriber, you will not have access to this screen.  However, during our beta test period, we are allowing a few "anonymous" users access.  You do not need an account to test the system, but you will have to verify your email address.  This is the screen you will see:

query screen - anonymous

After the beta test period, only users with accounts (i.e. subscribers) will have access to the Query screen.  You will have some additional options:

query screen - authenticated

General Overview

The following is a general overview of this screen:

  • Question
    • Enter your question here.  This AI allows you to ask questions conversationally, like you would with an expert. Simply phrase your question naturally, without keywords, as if you were speaking to a knowledgeable real estate professional. For example, instead of typing 'rent control california', you could ask 'What are the rent control laws in California?' Feel free to use full sentences and provide context just like a normal conversation. The AI will understand your question and provide the most relevant answer it can find within the California real estate books.
      • The key points to remember are:

        - Phrase questions naturally, no keywords 
        - Use full sentences and conversational style
        - Provide context as needed just like a real conversation
        - The AI will understand and respond with the most relevant answer

    • Our system is designed to maintain chat history, so every subsequent question you ask will be considered to be part of the same conversation.  If you wish to change subjects, or begin a new conversation, then enter "new" or "exit".
    • You can either hit the "enter" key after your typing your question or click "Submit".
  • Concepts On
    • This determines whether the system will extract the main concept of your question to submit to the vector store.  
    • Beginners: Make sure it is checked.
  • Hybrid Query | Hybrid Alpha
    • Engages the optional Hybrid search feature.
    • Beginners: Ignore.  Leave unchecked.
  • Include generated context summaries?
    • Chunked documents sometimes include the summary of their source document to maintain context.  This option allows you to include this summary in your search request.
    • Beginners: Ignore.  Leave unchecked.
  • Include generated context questions?
    • Our system optionally generates it's own list of questions that are answered by each document.  These questions can be included in the search request with this option.
    • Beginners: Ignore.  Leave unchecked.
  • Standalone Question On
    • This is used to maintain the conversational history of your chat with the AI.  This is how it knows the context of each successive question that you may ask on a particular subject.
    • Beginners: Make sure it is checked.
  • Limit
    • Our system currently has a limit of 5 context documents (the Real Estate documents submitted to the AI so that it can answer your question) returned to the AI.  This means that even if your question is answered in the first document returned, 5 documents will still be returned if the AI determines they are relevant.  This is costly in terms of tokens used and decreases the number of queries you can make daily/monthly.
    • Beginners:  Leave it at the default.  Reduce it if you find you only need 3 or 2 documents returned.
  • Distance
    • The context documents (the Real Estate documents submitted to the AI to answer your question) are determined by a cosine similarity search against your question.  The closer the document is found to be relative to your question, the lower it's "distance".  The distance entered here sets the highest limit for documents to be returned.  In other words, documents with a distance score equal to or higher than this number will NOT be returned.
    • Beginners:  Complicated subject.  Leave it where it is.
  • Libraries (formally Groups and Tags)
    • These are identifiers used to determine which Real Estate publications will be included in your query.  By default, leaving all options here unchecked will result in ALL documents in the library being searched.  The Real Estate Books AI library is quite large, with a number of similar subjects discussed in multiple publications.  You may frequently find it necessary to narrow your searches to get the most relevant and accurate responses.
    • When you tick an item, only documents from that Group or Tag will be searched.  If you tick multiple items, the same is true:  Only documents from the ticked items will be searched, and no other categories.
    • Beginners: If only wish certain publications or groups of publications searched, then feel free tick those options.  
  • Email Address
    • If you are an "anonymous" user, you will need to enter your email address.  You will be sent a link that you must click to verify the address.  Please check your email spam folder for the verification email.
    • If you are an "authenticated" (logged in subscriber) user, your email address is already validated and automatically inserted.
  • Submit
    • Click here to submit your request.
  • Keyword Search
    • You can optionally enter a keyword search here.  This is a traditional search that will match the keywords you enter and return all documents in the Real Estate Books AI library that match your entry.  Note that the results are not limited to the Groups and Tags you may have optionally ticked.


- Ask your questions conversationally in the text box, as you would with an expert. Use full sentences and provide context. For example, "What is the definition of a forbearance plan in real estate law?"

- Make sure "Concepts On" and "Standalone Question On" are checked to enable the full conversational experience.

- Your chat history is maintained automatically to provide context between questions. 

- The advanced settings can be ignored initially. The default expansive search is a good starting point.

- Authentication provides more features, but anonymous users can still ask questions. 

- The keyword search is an additional option, but the highlight is the conversational query.

- Feel free to refine your search with the limits and filters if needed.

- Phrase your questions naturally and conversationally. The AI will respond with the most relevant answers it finds.


After You Submit Your First Question

After you submit your question, if all has gone well, you will get a response similar to the following:

query screen - first response

  • Question
    • The question you submitted.
  • Concept
    • The core concept submitted to the vector store to retrieve the context documents.
  • Citations - Context Documents
    • Important!
      • These are the relevant context documents returned by the vector store.  The concept was analyzed and submitted and the vector store returned these documents as the best matches to that concept.
      • Each of these citations will be a clickable link to the actual Real Estate Books AI publication.  Do not hesitate to click on these links to verify the answer you receive is correct.
      • Note the number in parenthesis () next to each citation title.  This is the cosine similarity distance between the submitted concept and the retrieved document.  The lower the number, the higher the relevancy of the document to your concept / question.
  • Answer
    • The AI analyzes your question and the submitted documents, and attempts to answer your question based on the text in the submitted documents.
    • If all goes well, it's a good answer.  It is also possible that given the question and the submitted documents, the AI is unable to answer your question.  If this happens, the Short Answer is to re-phrase your question until the AI does give you a reasonable response.
  • Total Tokens
    • Total tokens used in the completion of this response.  This would include the question, the response, and the development of the "concept".
    • We will discuss tokens in more detailed documentation, but suffice it to say that the more tokens you use on each query, the less queries in total you are able to make on a daily or monthly basis.  And, of course, the opposite is true:  The less tokens you use, the more queries you will be able to make.

Follow-Up Responses

The beauty of semantic/conversational search is that the context of your discussion is maintained, so that the next question you ask in a conversation with the AI is understood to be within the scope of that conversation.  Much like in human interaction.

query screen - follow up response

Note that the follow up question simply refers to "it".  This is understood, in the context of the conversation, to mean the HOA.

Also note that the AI can't quite answer the question.  This is because at the time this demonstration was executed, the Real Estate Law (regulatory/legal references) documents had not yet been added to the Real Estate Books AI library.  So, the AI attempts to answer the question as best it can using what information it can find in the citations / context documents submitted -- which are part of the rest of the CA Department of Real Estate publications list (excluding the law).

Note that there are two new items included in the AI response:

  • Standalone Question
    • This is exactly what it says: A standalone question that can be submitted to the AI to help it remember the conversation.
    • This also becomes the actual question that is submitted to the AI along with the context documents and chat history, instead of the actual question entered which, with no other context, would not be understood.
  • Chat History Tokens
    • The other method used to maintain the conversation context is to submit, with each question, the history of the conversation to the AI.  These are the tokens accumulated in each AI call by the chat history.

Each time you want to ask a follow up question in the same conversation, this is how you do it.  When you want to start a new conversation on a different subject, then enter "new" or "exit" in the Question box.

Do NOT switch subjects without doing this, or it will confuse the AI and you will get very unsatisfactory results.

Otherwise, Happy Searching!



The Advanced Query Screen - A Deep Dive

The Advanced Query Screen - A Deep Dive somebody

The Query Screen

A Deep Dive

Artificial Intelligence

First, understand that the entities we refer to as "Artificial Intelligence" are technically referred to as Large Language Models (LLMs).  They are these massive computers that have been trained on massive amounts of data to do one thing extremely well: anticipate the next word.

"A large language model or LLM is a type of artificial intelligence system that is trained on massive amounts of text data. This allows the system to generate coherent and human-like text by predicting the next word or sequence of words based on the previous text. Unlike traditional AI, LLMs don't rely on rules programmed by engineers. Instead, they learn patterns and associations directly from the data."

These LLMs are also stochastic, meaning they don't have a true semantic understanding of concepts or a persistent memory of facts. Each response is generated afresh based on statistical patterns learned from data, not a knowledge base of facts.

In other words, they only know what you tell them at the time you tell it to them and can't remember what you told them unless you remind them of it.

Hence, the query process we have designed to take advantage of their amazing ability to sample probable next words/text and leverage knowledge acquired from pre-training data, as well as analyze and summarize text presented to them.


This is how the AI itself responded to my statements above.

"But it's not quite right to say we "don't know anything" beyond the current context. The pre-training gives us substantial linguistic knowledge and common sense patterns that inform our responses. We leverage this background knowledge, along with the current context, to generate each reply.

We don't have true semantic understanding of language or maintain long-term factual memories. Our knowledge comes from statistical patterns, not a knowledge base. And our responses are transient, generated afresh each time based on the prompt."



The Query Process

So, now that you understand a bit about our query screen and how AI works (straight out of the AI's mouth), let's talk about the Query Process.  This is a very simple flowchart of our current process:

langchain chat process
  • Enter your question.
    • The question is vectorized and sent to the vector store.  The vector store is where all the vectorized Real Estate Books AI publications are stored.
  • A search of the vector store is executed.
    • A cosine similarity search is performed with your vectorized question against the stored Real Estate publication vectors.
    • Documents with the closest similarity (the most "relevant" documents) are returned.  We refer to these as our "context documents".
  • Relevant context documents along with Question are sent to the AI.
    • The AI examines this information and -- hopefully -- returns a useful answser.

This is a very simple explanation of the process.  There are other steps that can and do occur in our system, but if you understand the above, then you have a basic grasp of the Embedded Document Chat Completion Process which is the core of virtually all "Chat with your PDF" types of services that are currently offered as a result of the recent AI explosion.

Using Our Query Screen

So, how do we use this query screen, considering the process, to get the best answers possible from the California Real Estate publications we have stored?

the new query screen - advanced checked

  • Question
    • Let's chat! Ask your real estate question naturally, as if speaking with an agent. Instead of saying "ca disclosure laws", you could ask "What are the rules around disclosures when selling a home in California?"

    • Tips:

      • Use full sentences and conversational style
      • Give context if needed, like "We're selling our California home. What disclosures do we need to provide?"
      • No keywords required
      • The AI will understand and give the most relevant real estate law answer it can
    • This system maintains our conversation history. So each question builds on the last.

    • To start a new topic, type "new" or "exit".

    • You can hit Enter to submit, or click Submit button.

  • Concepts On
    • This option tells the system to extract the core concept(s) from your question before retrieving context.
    • It makes an API call to the AI to analyze your question text. The AI identifies the central topic or subject.
    • For example, from the question "What are the rules for disclosures when selling a home in California?" it would extract "California home disclosures" as the key concept.
    • This concept is then used to query the knowledge base and retrieve the most relevant context documents about that specific topic.
    • The context documents are critical because the AI uses them, together with your question, to generate the answer.
    • Getting context documents closely related to the core of your question results in more pertinent, useful responses.
    • In contrast, without this analysis, the context documents may be too generic and wide-ranging.
    • In summary, the Concepts On option focuses your question to retrieve targeted context and improve the answers provided by the AI.
    • Pro tip: Keep an eye on the "concept" returned by your query screen and the relevant documents.  If the concept submitted is not bringing back the documents you expect, you may want to untick this option, which will have the submitting the exact text of your question as the vector store concept on the next submission.
      query screen - first response - concepts
  • Hybrid Query | Hybrid Alpha
    • This feature controls how the vector store interprets your question's core concept when retrieving context documents.
    • It uses a scale from 0 to 1 called Hybrid Alpha. This determines if it performs a keyword-based or semantic-based search.
    • A value closer to 0 means the vector store does a more keyword-focused search. It emphasizes matching your exact words and phrases.
    • A value closer to 1 means a more concept-focused search. It looks for documents related to the broader meaning and ideas.
    • For example, with a question about "California home disclosures", a keyword search would look for documents containing those exact words.
    • Whereas a semantic search would find documents about the general topic of real estate disclosures in California, even without that specific wording.
    • Adjust the Hybrid Alpha slider based on whether you want results matching the precise terminology or the general concepts from your question.
    • In summary, the Hybrid Query option allows you to control how literal or conceptual the search is for context documents related to your question's core concepts.
    • In this example, the correct multiple choice question was "Rumford Act".  However, this term was not mentioned in any of the DRE publications available in the REBAI library.  So, this was the initial response:
    • gpt-4 inconclusive - no mention of Rumford act in documents
    • However, when documentation on the Rumford Act was added, we used the Hybrid Alpha option to assure that the search leaned more heavily on keywords:
    • turned down hybrid alpha for the Rumford Act search
    • And this was the subsequent answer:
    • claude-2 correct after adding documentation about Rumford Act
  • Include generated context summaries?
    • Due to length limits, some documents are divided into smaller "chunks" when indexed.
    • To maintain the overall context, each chunk has the summary of the full source document attached.
    • These summaries act like descriptive labels, capturing the main concepts of the whole document.
    • This option allows including those summaries when searching for relevant chunks.
    • The search looks at both the chunks and their attached summaries.
    • It retrieves chunks where the source document summary is related to your question.
    • It helps find all relevant chunks that share concepts.
    • Without the summaries, the chunks lose their broader contextual connections.
    • The downside is more processing time if there are many summaries.
    • In summary, this option utilizes the summaries to find relevant chunks based on the source documents' core concepts.
  • Include generated context questions?
    • Each document has automatically generated questions attached to it when indexed.
    • These questions provide additional context about what each document contains.
    • If this option is enabled, the search considers both the documents and the attached questions.
    • It retrieves documents where the document content AND the generated questions are relevant to your original question.
    • The questions provide additional signals to find documents that are contextual matches beyond just the document text alone.
    • An attached generated question may be similar to your actual question.
    • If disabled, only the document content is matched, without using the questions.
    • In summary, this option allows the search to leverage the extra context from the generated questions attached to each document to improve matching.
  • Standalone Question On
    • This option creates a summarized, standalone question based on the chat history.
    • Rather than sending the full conversation, it forms one comprehensive question encapsulating the key concepts.
    • This standalone question is sent along with the actual latest question to the AI.
    • It provides a condensed version of the context, giving the essence of what the chat has been about.
    • For example, if you first ask "What are the disclosure laws when selling a home in California?" and then ask "Are there any exceptions to those laws?", the AI needs the context to understand the meaning of "those laws".
    • Without the standalone question providing the necessary context, the AI would not know what "those laws" refers to in the follow-up question.
    • By condensing the chat history into one summarized standalone question, the AI has what it needs to make sense of references back to previous parts of the conversation.
    • This enables it to give much more coherent and useful responses.
    • Pro tip: Because this option changes the the text of the actual question entered, it could prove problematic if the AI is struggling to or unable to answer a question adequately.  Sometimes, you may want to pass  exact text of the question as you entered it to the AI.  In that case, you would untick this option.
  • Limit
    • By default, the system returns 5 context documents to the AI, even if fewer are needed to answer the question.
    • For example, if the first document contains the full answer, the other 4 documents are still returned.
    • This uses more tokens, since the AI processes unnecessary documents.
    • It also reduces the number of queries you can make given the token limits.
    • This option allows setting a lower limit, like 1 or 2 documents.
    • This sends only the minimum needed context to the AI.
    • It saves tokens since extra documents are not processed once the answer is found.
    • The downside is it risks missing helpful supplementary information.
    • But for many questions, 1 or 2 documents are sufficient context.
    • In summary, reducing the limit cuts costs and lets you stay under token usage quotas, at the expense of potentially useful additional context.
  • Distance
    • The system matches your question to relevant documents using something called "cosine similarity".
    • This gives each document a score for how closely it matches your question.
      query screen - follow up response - citations
    • It's like comparing two documents and rating their similarity.
    • The more related a document is to your question, the higher its similarity score.
    • Or to put it another way, the more related a document is, the lower its "distance" from your question.
    • This option sets a limit on the maximum distance allowed for documents.
    • Any documents with distance scores above the limit are filtered out and not returned.
    • So a lower limit means only documents very closely related to your question are included.
    • A higher limit includes documents that are more loosely related.
    • The right setting depends on how focused or broad you want the context to be.
    • In summary, this controls the relevance threshold for the documents by limiting the maximum distance/dissimilarity from your question.
  • Libraries (formally Groups and Tags)
    • The real estate library contains many documents organized into different categories.
    • By default, all documents are searched to find answers to your question.
    • But the library covers a wide range of overlapping topics across many publications.
    • You may want to narrow the search to specific sets of documents.
    • Libraries allow you to select document categories to search.
    • When you select a Library, only those documents are included.
    • If you select multiple items, it combines those categories.
    • This focuses the search on more targeted sets of documents.
    • It helps improve relevancy by eliminating documents that may not be applicable.
    • Leaving all unchecked searches everything. Selecting just what you need makes the search more precise.
    • In summary, Libraries allow you to filter the search to specific document sets to get more accurate answers.
  • Email Address
    • If you are an "anonymous" user, you will need to enter your email address.  You will be sent a link that you must click to verify the address.  Please check your email spam folder for the verification email.
    • If you are an "authenticated" (logged in subscriber) user, your email address is already validated and automatically inserted.
  • Submit
    • Click here to submit your request.
  • Keyword Search
    • This allows you to do a traditional keyword-based search of the document library.
    • It will match and return all documents containing the words or phrases you enter.
    • The search ignores any selected Groups or Tags and looks across all documents.
    • A keyword search can be useful in certain situations:
      • If the AI does not return an answer despite relevant context documents. This helps surface documents the AI may have missed.
      • When references to your question are scattered across many documents. Keyword search casts a wider net to find them.
      • If you want to triangulate facts by finding multiple mentions across documents.
    • The downside is keyword search loses context and may return irrelevant documents that happen to match the words.
    • In summary, keyword search complements the AI by allowing precise term matching across all documents when needed. But results may lack broader relevance.
    • Note that the results are not limited to the Groups and Tags you may have optionally ticked above.


The Query Response

  • Question
    • The question you submitted.
  • Concept
    • The core concept submitted to the vector store to retrieve the context documents.
  • Citations - Context Documents
    • Important!
      • These are the relevant context documents returned by the vector store.  The concept was analyzed and submitted and the vector store returned these documents as the best matches to that concept.
      • Each of these citations will be a clickable link to the actual Real Estate Books AI publication.  Do not hesitate to click on these links to verify the answer you receive is correct.
      • Note the number in parenthesis () next to each citation title.  This is the cosine similarity distance between the submitted concept and the retrieved document.  The lower the number, the higher the relevancy of the document to your concept / question.
  • Answer
    • The AI analyzes your question and the submitted documents, and attempts to answer your question based on the text in the submitted documents.
    • If all goes well, it's a good answer.  It is also possible that given the question and the submitted documents, the AI is unable to answer your question.  If this happens, the Short Answer is to re-phrase your question until the AI does give you a reasonable response.
  • Total Tokens
    • Total tokens used in the completion of this response.  This would include the question, the response, and the development of the "concept".
    • We will discuss tokens in more detailed documentation, but suffice it to say that the more tokens you use on each query, the less queries in total you are able to make on a daily or monthly basis.  And, of course, the opposite is true:  The less tokens you use, the more queries you will be able to make.

Follow-Up Responses

The beauty of semantic/conversational search is that the context of your discussion is maintained, so that the next question you ask in a conversation with the AI is understood to be within the scope of that conversation.  Much like in human interaction.

query screen - follow up response

Note that the follow up question simply refers to "it".  This is understood, in the context of the conversation, to mean the HOA.

Also note that the AI can't quite answer the question.  This is because at the time this demonstration was executed, the Real Estate Law (regulatory/legal references) documents had not yet been added to the Real Estate Books AI library.  So, the AI attempts to answer the question as best it can using what information it can find in the citations / context documents submitted -- which are part of the rest of the CA Department of Real Estate publications list (excluding the law).

Note that there are two new items included in the AI response:

  • Standalone Question
    • This is exactly what it says: A standalone question that can be submitted to the AI to help it remember the conversation.
    • This also becomes the actual question that is submitted to the AI along with the context documents and chat history, instead of the actual question entered which, with no other context, would not be understood.
  • Chat History Tokens
    • The other method used to maintain the conversation context is to submit, with each question, the history of the conversation to the AI.  These are the tokens accumulated in each AI call by the chat history.

Each time you want to ask a follow up question in the same conversation, this is how you do it.  When you want to start a new conversation on a different subject, then enter "new" or "exit" in the Question box.

Do NOT switch subjects without doing this, or it will confuse the AI and you will get very unsatisfactory results.

Otherwise, Happy Searching!



SMS Query Responder

SMS Query Responder somebody

If you are a subscriber, you can easily send your queries to the system via SMS text messaging.

Our SMS terms are discussed here.

In short, our SMS Query Responder can only be used by subscribers who provide their mobile phone number for that purpose.  The Responder will only ever send you a message or messages in response to a query you have sent it.  There is nothing to "opt-out" of.  Simply do not provide your phone number and/or simply do not use the SMS Responder.

To "opt-in", you will need to edit your subscriber account and add your mobile phone number.

Log into your account, and in the right upper hand corner, click on "My Account".

my account

This will bring up your account overview screen.  Click on "Edit":

edit my account

This will bring up your Account Edit screen.  Scroll down to "Mobile Phone Number":

enter mobile phone number

Read the terms.  If you agree, enter your 11 digit (if you are in US or Canada) mobile phone number, beginning with country code.  For the US, this is "1".  Click "Save".

That's it.  You can now send your SMS queries to: 1 310 697 8054

Message and carrier rates may apply.

Send SMS as you would normally.  Phrase your questions as you would in the site Query Screen.  Keep them simple but specific.  Note that complex questions may require multiple SMS replies, as in the example images below.

sms query 01

sms query 02

sms query 03


Real World Use Case for SMS Query Responder




Text to SQL Analytics

Text to SQL Analytics somebody

Text to SQL Analytics

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It's a programming language used to interact with databases. SQL allows you to query, analyze, and transform data stored in databases.

Traditionally, writing SQL queries requires some programming knowledge. You have to learn SQL syntax and compose queries using code.

Text-to-SQL changes this by letting you query data using plain English. Instead of coding SQL statements, you just type natural language questions.

For example, you could ask "What are the most popular topics people have asked about this month?" The text-to-SQL engine will automatically translate this to an SQL query.

This makes data analytics much more accessible to non-programmers. You don't need any technical skills. Just ask questions in everyday language.

The text-to-SQL system handles the complex work behind the scenes of parsing your question, understanding intent, and translating it into optimized SQL code.

So in essence, text-to-SQL democratizes access to data. Anyone can get insights by querying data conversationally using simple English questions rather than programming code.

It makes data analytics much more inclusive, intuitive and user-friendly especially for non-technical users. You get the power of SQL without learning a programming language.

Advantages of Using Natural Language to Generate Reports

  • Natural language queries - Users can analyze data by typing simple plain English questions rather than complex Boolean search queries. 
  • Conversation interface - The text-to-SQL system allows interacting with the data in a conversational manner by clarifying questions.
  • No coding needed - Users don't need to know SQL. The text-to-SQL engine handles translating questions to SQL behind the scenes. Accessibility - The natural interface opens up data access and analytics to non-technical users.
  • Agility - Quickly get answers to ad-hoc analytical questions by typing them, no need to submit requests to BI teams.
  • Democratization of data - Enabling more stakeholders to directly query and analyze data by using natural language.
  • Unified semantics - The text-to-SQL mapping understands synonyms and equivalent phrasing, creating a unified semantic layer.

So in summary, for this use case text-to-SQL delivers a much more accessible, intuitive and conversational analytics experience compared to traditional Boolean search or coded SQL queries. The natural interface makes AI-driven analytics much more inclusive.

Overall Advantage of Easy Access to Analytics

  • Flexibility - SQL allows you to join, aggregate, filter, and transform data in many ways to generate insights. It's more flexible than restrictive "canned" reports.
  • Customization - SQL queries can be customized to answer specific business questions. Reports can evolve as needs change.
  • Automation - SQL queries can be scheduled and automated to run periodically without manual effort.
  • Performance - Databases are optimized for performing fast aggregations and joins to analyze large datasets.
  • Skills - SQL skills are widely available compared to proprietary reporting tools. Easier to find people to build and modify reports.
  • Data governance - SQL analysis leverages the security, access control and governance of the database platform.
  • Scaling - SQL platforms provide ways to scale out analytics to large data volumes like parallel execution and clustering.
  • Integration - Easy to integrate results of SQL queries with other systems like dashboards, apps and predictive models.

The key advantage is flexibility - SQL provides the building blocks for creating a wide variety of reports and insights by mashing up, filtering, and transforming data in many creative ways.

Advantages Specific to Real Estate Books AI Reporting

REBAI makes two tables available for analytics reporting:

  • Query log table
  • User log table

Here are some report ideas that could be generated from these tables:

  • Daily token usage by user - Shows the number of tokens used by each user per day. This could help track heavy users and identify potential issues.
  • Monthly token usage by user - Same as above but summarized by month. Useful for billing or limiting users.
  • Queries by category - Shows the number of queries categorized into each subject area. Helps identify popular topics.
  • Query response times - Calculates average, min, max query response times. Measures system performance.
  • Top models by usage - Shows the number of queries processed by each AI model. Helps track model usage.
  • User logins by source - Shows number of logins from site, email, SMS. Measures engagement.
  • Ranked vs unranked queries - Compares number of ranked vs unranked queries over time. Tracks ranking progress.
  • Queries by user - Shows number of queries performed by each user. Identifies highly engaged users.
  • Daily active users - Tracks number of unique users performing queries each day. Measures daily engagement.
  • Email usage - Shows number of queries by email vs other sources. Track email channel usage.

average response times

top ten categories


The Multilingual Capabilities and Limitations of AI

The Multilingual Capabilities and Limitations of AI somebody

- The Real Estate Books AI library allows queries in multiple languages like English, Spanish, and Chinese. This provides more flexibility for users.

- However, the AI does not truly understand any language natively since it's not human. It relies on machine translation.

- Translations can lack nuance due to differences in grammar, semantics, idioms, etc. between languages.

- When using non-English languages, phrase queries clearly and avoid complex linguistic constructs. Provide more context to aid understanding.

- Translated responses may lose some nuance from the original English indexed documents. 

- The AI cannot comprehend meaning like a human can. It solely uses automated translation.

- For best results, query the system in clear, simple English. Other languages are feasible but may require trial and error.

- Well-formed queries can still give useful information across languages. But human language comprehension remains unique to humans.

- The article explains the multilingual capabilities and limitations to guide users in interacting with the system.

Our Real Estate Books AI library features the exciting capability of querying the system in multiple languages such as English, Spanish, and Chinese. This provides users more flexibility to interact with the system in their preferred language. However, some caution should be exercised when using languages other than English. 

To use the Multi-Lingual support feature, you only need enter your question in the language which you would like a response:

en espanol

A little Spanlish above.

in chinese

You can optionally ask your question in English, and tell the system to respond in another language:

in korean

Note that in the above, the question was about "brokers", but the response translates to "real estate agent".  These are the potential differences in nuance you must be aware of when working in languages other than English.

As an AI system, our library does not actually know any language natively. It relies on advanced machine translation to convert queries and documents between languages. While these translations are decent, they lack the nuance and understanding of an actual multilingual human. Subtleties in grammar, semantics, idioms, etc. may not always translate perfectly.

When querying our system in languages besides English, users should keep this limitation in mind. It is best to phrase queries in a very clear and straightforward manner, avoiding complex linguistic constructs that may not translate accurately. Providing more context and specifics can also help the system interpret the intent behind non-English queries.

The system's responses may also lose some nuance when translated from the original indexed English documents into other languages. The AI cannot comprehend the true meaning behind the text like a person can. It relies solely on automated translation processes.

So while we are excited to offer multilingual capabilities in our AI library, the system does not actually know any human language innately. Users get the best results by querying in clear, simple English. Non-English queries are feasible but may require some trial and error to understand the system's translation limitations. With well-formulated queries, our multilingual AI can still provide useful information to users across language barriers. But human language comprehension remains a unique human faculty that AI cannot fully replicate. We hope this explanation provides helpful guidance on interacting with our system in multiple languages.

As all the documentation uploaded to the Real Estate Books AI Library is in English, the only language for which we can guarantee a good response will always be English.

Generally Supported Languages

  • English
  • Italian
  • Afrikaans
  • Spanish
  • German
  • French
  • Indonesian
  • Russian
  • Polish
  • Ukranian
  • Greek
  • Latvian
  • Mandarin
  • Arabic
  • Turkish
  • Japanese
  • Swahili
  • Welsh
  • Korean

Complete List of Supported Languages

  • Albanian, Albania
  • Arabic, Arab World
  • Armenian, Armenia
  • Awadhi, India
  • Azerbaijani, Azerbaijan
  • Bashkir, Russia
  • Basque, Spain
  • Belarusian, Belarus
  • Bengali, Bangladesh
  • Bhojpuri, India
  • Bosnian, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Brazilian Portuguese, Brazil
  • Bulgarian, Bulgaria
  • Cantonese (Yue), China
  • Catalan, Spain
  • Chhattisgarhi, India
  • Chinese, China
  • Croatian, Croatia
  • Czech, Czech Republic
  • Danish, Denmark
  • Dogri, India
  • Dutch, Netherlands
  • English, United Kingdom
  • Estonian, Estonia
  • Faroese, Faroe Islands
  • Finnish, Finland
  • French, France
  • Galician, Spain
  • Georgian, Georgia
  • German, Germany
  • Greek, Greece
  • Gujarati, India
  • Haryanvi, India
  • Hindi, India
  • Hungarian, Hungary
  • Indonesian, Indonesia
  • Irish, Ireland
  • Italian, Italy
  • Japanese, Japan
  • Javanese, Indonesia
  • Kannada, India
  • Kashmiri, India
  • Kazakh, Kazakhstan
  • Konkani, India
  • Korean, South Korea
  • Kyrgyz, Kyrgyzstan
  • Latvian, Latvia
  • Lithuanian, Lithuania
  • Macedonian, North Macedonia
  • Maithili, India
  • Malay, Malaysia
  • Maltese, Malta
  • Mandarin, China
  • Mandarin Chinese, China
  • Marathi, India
  • Marwari, India
  • Min Nan, China
  • Moldovan, Moldova
  • Mongolian, Mongolia
  • Montenegrin, Montenegro
  • Nepali, Nepal
  • Norwegian, Norway
  • Oriya, India
  • Pashto, Afghanistan
  • Persian (Farsi), Iran
  • Polish, Poland
  • Portuguese, Portugal
  • Punjabi, India
  • Rajasthani, India
  • Romanian, Romania
  • Russian, Russia
  • Sanskrit, India
  • Santali, India
  • Serbian, Serbia
  • Sindhi, Pakistan
  • Sinhala, Sri Lanka
  • Slovak, Slovakia
  • Slovene, Slovenia
  • Slovenian, Slovenia
  • Ukrainian, Ukraine
  • Urdu, Pakistan
  • Uzbek, Uzbekistan
  • Vietnamese, Vietnam
  • Welsh, Wales
  • Wu, China



Troubleshooting somebody

Notes on resolving issues.


Error Messages in Response

Error Messages in Response somebody

You ask a question, but instead of an answer, you get an "ERROR" message.  Here are some the error messages that we are aware of, and what you should do if you see them.

Error occurred (getChatCompletion): Rate limit reached for default-gpt-4 in organization org- on tokens per min. Limit: 40000 / min. Please try again in 1ms. Contact us through our help center at if you continue to have issues.

This means that our system is sending too many requests to the OpenAI model.  This is very rare, but has happened before.  The only thing you can do is wait a minute or two and try again.

Error occurred (getChatCompletion): This model's maximum context length is 8192 tokens. However, you requested 9792 tokens (1792 in the messages, 8000 in the completion). Please reduce the length of the messages or completion.

You should never see a message like this as our system is fine-tuned to not exceed it's token limits.  However, accidents do happen.  If you see a message like this, contact us immediately.  In the interim, you can usually fix something like this by reducing your "Limit" (Advanced Query Screen) which is the maximum number of context documents the system will return for on your question.

Error occurred (getChatCompletion): Incorrect API key provided: sk-8n85g***************************************87Jn. You can find your API key at

Another error you should never see, but if you do see this error, please contact us immediately.  OpenAI has a nasty habit of deleting API keys without notice and for no apparent reason. 

Error occurred (): That model is currently overloaded with other requests. You can retry your request, or contact us through our help center at if the error persists. (Please include the request ID 225dd54ee337f5b2251d0a1dee0da5fe in your message.)

This means that the OpenAI servers are overloaded.  Nothing anyone can do except wait for a few minutes, then try again.  This is a error message you could see during peak periods of the day.

We recorded several of these in June 2023, but as of this writing (July 31, 2023) none since then.


