
936. somebody

936. Each and every provision of the other chapters of this title apply to subcontractors, material suppliers, individual product manufacturers, and design professionals to the extent that the subcontractors, material suppliers, individual product manufacturers, and design professionals caused, in whole or in part, a violation of a particular standard as the result of a negligent act or omission or a breach of contract. In addition to the affirmative defenses set forth in Section 945.5, a subcontractor, material supplier, design professional, individual product manufacturer, or other entity may also offer common law and contractual defenses as applicable to any claimed violation of a standard. All actions by a claimant or builder to enforce an express contract, or any provision thereof, against a subcontractor, material supplier, individual product manufacturer, or design professional is preserved. Nothing in this title modifies the law pertaining to joint and several liability for subcontractors, material suppliers, individual product manufacturer, and design professionals that contribute to any specific violation of this title. However, this section does not apply to any subcontractor, material supplier, individual product manufacturer, or design professional to which strict liability would apply.