
1102.155. somebody

1102.155. (a) (1) The seller of single-family residential real property subject to this article shall disclose, in writing, that Section 1101.4 requires that California single-family residences be equipped with waterconserving plumbing fixtures on or after January 1, 2017, and shall disclose whether the property includes any noncompliant plumbing fixtures as defined in subdivision (c) of Section 1101.3.
(2) The seller shall affirm that this representation is that of the seller and not a representation of any agent, and that this disclosure is not intended to be part of any contract between the buyer and the seller. The seller shall further affirm that this disclosure is not a warranty of any kind by the seller or any agent representing any

principal in the transaction and is not a substitute for any inspections or warranties that any principal may wish to obtain.

(b) This section shall become operative on January 1, 2017.