1097. Vendors or Lessors Are Limited in the Amount They Can Charge for Signing and Delivering Transfer, Cancellation or Reconveyance Documents

1097. Vendors or Lessors Are Limited in the Amount They Can Charge for Signing and Delivering Transfer, Cancellation or Reconveyance Documents somebody

Vendors or Lessors Are Limited in the Amount They Can Charge for Signing and Delivering Transfer, Cancellation or Reconveyance Documents
1097. No vendor or lessor of a single family residential property shall contract for or exact any fee in excess of ten dollars ($10) for the act of signing and delivering a document in connection with the transfer, cancellation or reconveyance of any title or instrument at the time the buyer or lessee exercises an option to buy, or completes performance of the contract for the sale of, the property.
The provisions of this section shall apply prospectively only.