896. Construction Defects - Actionable Items

896. Construction Defects - Actionable Items somebody

Construction Defects - Actionable Items
896. In any action seeking recovery of damages arising out of, or related to deficiencies in, the residential construction, design, specifications, surveying, planning, supervision, testing, or observation of construction, a builder, and to the extent set forth in Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 910), a general contractor, subcontractor, material supplier, individual product manufacturer, or design professional, shall, except as specifically set forth in this title, be liable for, and the claimant’s claims or causes of action shall be limited to violation of, the following standards, except as specifically set forth in this title. This title applies to original construction intended to be sold as an individual dwelling unit. As to condominium conversions, this title does not apply to or does not supersede any other statutory or common law.
(a) With respect to water issues:

(1) A door shall not allow unintended water to pass beyond, around, or through the door or its designed or actual moisture barriers, if any.

(2) Windows, patio doors, deck doors, and their systems shall not allow water to pass beyond, around, or through the window, patio door, or deck door or its designed or actual moisture barriers, including, without limitation, internal barriers within the systems themselves. For purposes of this paragraph,

“systems” include, without limitation, windows, window assemblies, framing, substrate, flashings, and trim, if any.

(3) Windows, patio doors, deck doors, and their systems shall not allow excessive condensation to enter the structure and cause damage to another component. For purposes of this paragraph, “systems” include, without limitation, windows, window assemblies, framing, substrate, flashings, and trim, if any.

(4) Roofs, roofing systems, chimney caps, and ventilation components shall not allow water to enter the structure or to pass beyond, around, or through the designed or actual moisture barriers, including, without limitation, internal barriers located within the systems themselves. For purposes of this paragraph, “systems” include, without limitation, framing, substrate, and sheathing, if any.

(5) Decks, deck systems, balconies, balcony systems, exterior stairs, and stair systems shall not allow water to pass into the adjacent structure. For purposes of this paragraph, “systems” include, without limitation, framing, substrate, flashing, and sheathing, if any.

(6) Decks, deck systems, balconies, balcony systems, exterior stairs, and stair systems shall not allow unintended water to pass within the systems themselves and cause damage to the systems. For purposes of this paragraph, “systems” include, without limitation, framing, substrate, flashing, and sheathing, if any.

(7) Foundation systems and slabs shall not allow water or vapor to enter into the structure so as to cause damage to another building component.

(8) Foundation systems and slabs shall not allow water or vapor to enter into the structure so as to limit the installation of the type of flooring materials typically used for the particular application.

(9) Hardscape, including paths and patios, irrigation systems, landscaping systems, and drainage systems, that are installed as part of the original construction, shall not be installed in such a way as to cause water or soil erosion to enter into or come in contact with the structure so as to cause damage to another building component.

(10) Stucco, exterior siding, exterior walls, including, without limitation, exterior framing, and other exterior wall finishes and fixtures and the systems of those components and fixtures, including, but not limited to, pot shelves, horizontal surfaces, columns, and plant-ons, shall be installed in such a way so as not to allow unintended water to pass into the structure or to pass beyond, around, or through the

designed or actual moisture barriers of the system, including any internal barriers located within the system itself. For purposes of this paragraph, “systems” include, without limitation, framing, substrate, flashings, trim, wall assemblies, and internal wall cavities, if any.

(11) Stucco, exterior siding, and exterior walls shall not allow excessive condensation to enter the structure and cause damage to another component. For purposes of this paragraph, “systems” include, without limitation, framing, substrate, flashings, trim, wall assemblies, and internal wall cavities, if any.

(12) Retaining and site walls and their associated drainage systems shall not allow unintended water to pass beyond, around, or through its designed or actual moisture barriers including, without limitation, any internal barriers, so as to cause damage. This standard does not apply to those portions of any wall or drainage system that are designed to have water flow beyond, around, or through them.

(13) Retaining walls and site walls, and their associated drainage systems, shall only allow water to flow beyond, around, or through the areas designated by design.

(14) The lines and components of the plumbing system, sewer system, and utility systems shall not leak.

(15) Plumbing lines, sewer lines, and utility lines shall not corrode so as to impede the useful life of the systems.

(16) Sewer systems shall be installed in such a way as to allow the designated amount of sewage to flow through the system.

(17) Showers, baths, and related waterproofing systems shall not leak water into the interior of walls, flooring systems, or the interior of other components.

(18) The waterproofing system behind or under ceramic tile and tile countertops shall not allow water into the interior of walls, flooring systems, or other components so as to cause damage. Ceramic tile systems shall be designed and installed so as to deflect intended water to the waterproofing system.

(b) With respect to structural issues:

(1) Foundations, load bearing components, and slabs, shall not contain significant cracks or significant vertical displacement.

(2) Foundations, load bearing components, and slabs shall not cause the structure, in whole or in part, to be structurally unsafe.

(3) Foundations, load bearing components, and slabs, and underlying soils shall be constructed so as to materially comply with the design criteria set by applicable government building codes, regulations, and ordinances for chemical deterioration or corrosion resistance in effect at the time of original construction.

(4) A structure shall be constructed so as to materially comply with the design criteria for earthquake and wind load resistance, as set forth in the applicable government building codes, regulations, and ordinances in effect at the time of original construction.

(c) With respect to soil issues:

(1) Soils and engineered retaining walls shall not cause, in whole or in part, damage to the structure built upon the soil or engineered retaining wall.

(2) Soils and engineered retaining walls shall not cause, in whole or in part, the structure to be structurally unsafe.

(3) Soils shall not cause, in whole or in part, the land upon which no structure is built to become unusable for the purpose represented at the time of original sale by the builder or for the purpose for which that land is commonly used.

(d) With respect to fire protection issues:

(1) A structure shall be constructed so as to materially comply with the design criteria of the applicable government building codes, regulations, and ordinances for fire protection of the occupants in effect at the time of the original construction.

(2) Fireplaces, chimneys, chimney structures, and chimney termination caps shall be constructed and installed in such a way so as not to cause an unreasonable risk of fire outside the fireplace enclosure or chimney.

(3) Electrical and mechanical systems shall be constructed and installed in such a way so as not to cause an unreasonable risk of fire.

(e) With respect to plumbing and sewer issues:

Plumbing and sewer systems shall be installed to operate properly and shall not materially impair the use of the structure by its inhabitants. However, no action may be brought for a violation of this subdivision more than four years after close of escrow.

(f) With respect to electrical system issues:

Electrical systems shall operate properly and shall not materially impair the use of the structure by its inhabitants. However, no action shall be brought pursuant
to this subdivision more than four years from close of escrow.

(g) With respect to issues regarding other areas of construction:

(1) Exterior pathways, driveways, hardscape, sidewalls, sidewalks, and patios installed by the original builder shall not contain cracks that display significant vertical displacement or that are excessive. However, no action shall be brought upon a violation of this paragraph more than four years from close of escrow.

(2) Stucco, exterior siding, and other exterior wall finishes and fixtures, including, but not limited to, pot shelves, horizontal surfaces, columns, and plant-ons, shall not contain significant cracks or separations.

(3) (A) To the extent not otherwise covered by these standards, manufactured products, including, but not limited to, windows, doors, roofs, plumbing products and fixtures, fireplaces, electrical fixtures, HVAC units, countertops, cabinets, paint, and appliances shall be installed so as not to interfere with the products’ useful life, if any.

(B) For purposes of this paragraph, “useful life” means a representation of how long a product is warranted or represented, through its limited warranty or any written representations, to last by its manufacturer, including recommended or required maintenance. If there is no representation by a manufacturer, a builder shall install manufactured products so as not to interfere with the product’s utility.

(C) For purposes of this paragraph, “manufactured product” means a product that is completely manufactured offsite.

(D) If no useful life representation is made, or if the representation is less than one year, the period shall be no less than one year. If a manufactured product is damaged as a result of a violation of these standards, damage to the product is a recoverable element of damages. This subparagraph does not limit recovery if there has been damage to another building component caused by a manufactured product during the manufactured product’s useful life.

(E) This title does not apply in any action seeking recovery solely for a defect in a manufactured product located within or adjacent to a structure.

(4) Heating shall be installed so as to be capable of maintaining a room temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit at a point three feet above the floor in any living space if the heating was installed pursuant to a

building permit application submitted prior to January 1, 2008, or capable of maintaining a room temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit at a point three feet above the floor and two feet from exterior walls in all habitable rooms at the design temperature if the heating was installed pursuant to a building permit application submitted on or before January 1, 2008.

(5) Living space air-conditioning, if any, shall be provided in a manner consistent with the size and efficiency design criteria specified in Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations or its successor.

(6) Attached structures shall be constructed to comply with interunit noise transmission standards set by the applicable government building codes, ordinances, or regulations in effect at the time of the original construction. If there is no applicable code, ordinance, or regulation, this paragraph does not apply. However, no action shall be brought pursuant to this paragraph more than one year from the original occupancy of the adjacent unit.

(7) Irrigation systems and drainage shall operate properly so as not to damage landscaping or other external improvements. However, no action shall be brought pursuant to this paragraph more than one year from close of escrow.

(8) Untreated wood posts shall not be installed in contact with soil so as to cause unreasonable decay to the wood based upon the finish grade at the time of original construction. However, no action shall be brought pursuant to this paragraph more than two years from close of escrow.

(9) Untreated steel fences and adjacent components shall be installed so as to prevent unreasonable corrosion. However, no action shall be brought pursuant to this paragraph more than four years from close of escrow.

(10) Paint and stains shall be applied in such a manner so as not to cause deterioration of the building surfaces for the length of time specified by the paint or stain manufacturers’ representations, if any. However, no action shall be brought pursuant to this paragraph more than five years from close of escrow.

(11) Roofing materials shall be installed so as to avoid materials falling from the roof.

(12) The landscaping systems shall be installed in such a manner so as to survive for not less than one year. However, no action shall be brought pursuant to this paragraph more than two years from close of escrow.

(13) Ceramic tile and tile backing shall be installed in such a manner that the tile does not detach.

(14) Dryer ducts shall be installed and terminated pursuant to manufacturer installation requirements. However, no action shall be brought pursuant to this paragraph more than two years from close of escrow.

(15) Structures shall be constructed in such a manner so as not to impair the occupants’ safety because they contain public health hazards as determined by a duly authorized public health official, health agency, or governmental entity having jurisdiction. This paragraph does not limit recovery for any damages caused by a violation of any other paragraph of this section on the grounds that the damages do not constitute a health hazard.



900. Construction Defects - Minimum Warranty

900. Construction Defects - Minimum Warranty somebody

Construction Defects - Minimum Warranty
900. As to fit and finish items, a builder shall provide a homebuyer with a minimum one-year express written limited warranty covering the fit and finish of the following building components. Except as otherwise provided by the standards specified in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 896), this warranty shall cover the fit and finish of cabinets, mirrors, flooring, interior and exterior walls, countertops, paint finishes, and trim, but shall not apply to damage to those components caused by defects in other components governed by the other provisions of this title. Any fit and finish matters covered by this warranty are not subject to the provisions of this title. If a builder fails to provide the express warranty required by this section, the warranty for these items shall be for a period of one year.

901. Construction Defects - Enhanced Protection Agreement

901. Construction Defects - Enhanced Protection Agreement somebody

Construction Defects - Enhanced Protection Agreement
901. A builder may, but is not required to, offer greater protection or protection for longer time periods in its express contract with the homeowner than that set forth in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 896). A builder may not limit the application of Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 896) or lower its protection through the express contract with the homeowner. This type of express contract constitutes an “enhanced protection agreement.”


902. somebody

902. If a builder offers an enhanced protection agreement, the builder may choose to be subject to its own express contractual provisions in place of the provisions set forth in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 896). If an enhanced protection agreement is in place, Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 896) no longer applies other than to set forth minimum provisions by which to judge
the enforceability of the particular provisions of the enhanced protection agreement.


903. somebody

903. If a builder offers an enhanced protection agreement in place of the provisions set forth in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 896), the election to do so shall be made in writing with the homeowner no later than the close of escrow. The builder shall provide the homeowner with a complete copy of Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 896) and advise the homeowner that the builder has elected not to be subject to its provisions. If any provision of an enhanced protection agreement is later found to be unenforceable as not meeting the minimum standards of Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 896), a builder may use this chapter in lieu of those provisions found to be unenforceable.


904. somebody

904. If a builder has elected to use an enhanced protection agreement, and a homeowner disputes that the particular provision or time periods of the enhanced protection agreement are not greater than, or equal to, the provisions of Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 896) as they apply to the particular deficiency alleged by the homeowner, the homeowner may seek to enforce the application of the standards set forth in this chapter as to those claimed deficiencies. If a homeowner seeks to enforce a particular standard in lieu of a provision of the enhanced protection agreement, the homeowner shall give the builder written notice of that intent at the time the homeowner files a notice of claim pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 910).


905. somebody

905. If a homeowner seeks to enforce Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 896), in lieu of the enhanced protection agreement in a subsequent litigation or other legal action, the builder shall have the right to have the matter bifurcated, and to have an immediately binding determination of his or her responsive pleading within 60 days after the filing of that pleading, but in no event after the commencement of discovery, as to the application of either Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 896) or the enhanced protection agreement as to the deficiencies claimed by the homeowner. If the builder fails to seek that determination in the timeframe specified, the builder waives the right to do so and the standards set forth in this title shall apply. As to any nonoriginal homeowner, that homeowner shall be deemed in privity for purposes of an enhanced protection agreement only to the extent that the builder has recorded the enhanced protection agreement on title or provided actual notice to the nonoriginal homeowner of the enhanced protection agreement. If the enhanced protection agreement is not recorded on title or no actual notice has been provided, the standards set forth in this title apply to any nonoriginal homeowners’ claims.


906. somebody

906. A builder’s election to use an enhanced protection agreement addresses only the issues set forth in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 896) and does not constitute an election to use or not use the provisions of Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 910). The decision to use or not use Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 910) is governed by the provisions of that chapter.


907. somebody

907. A homeowner is obligated to follow all reasonable maintenance obligations and schedules communicated in writing to the homeowner by the builder and product manufacturers, as well as commonly accepted maintenance practices. A failure by a homeowner to follow these obligations, schedules, and practices may subject the homeowner to the affirmative defenses contained in Section 944.



910. Construction Defects - Prelitigation Procedure

910. Construction Defects - Prelitigation Procedure somebody

Construction Defects - Prelitigation Procedure
910. Prior to filing an action against any party alleged to have contributed to a violation of the standards set forth in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 896), the claimant shall initiate the following prelitigation procedures:
(a) The claimant or his or her legal representative shall provide written notice via certified mail, overnight mail, or personal delivery to the builder, in the manner prescribed in this section, of the claimant’s claim that the construction of his or her residence violates any of the standards set forth in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 896). That notice shall provide the claimant’s name, address, and preferred method of contact, and shall state that the claimant alleges a violation pursuant to this part against the builder, and shall describe the claim in reasonable detail sufficient to determine the nature and location, to the extent known, of the claimed violation. In the case of a group of homeowners or an association, the notice may identify the claimants solely by address or other description sufficient to apprise the builder of the locations of the subject residences. That document shall have the same force and effect as a notice of commencement of a legal proceeding.

(b) The notice requirements of this section do not preclude a homeowner from seeking redress through any applicable normal customer service procedure as set forth in any contractual, warranty, or other builder-generated document; and, if a homeowner seeks to do so, that request shall not satisfy the notice requirements of this section.


911. somebody

911. (a) For purposes of this title, except as provided in subdivision (b), "builder" means any entity or individual, including, but not limited to a builder, developer, general contractor, contractor, or original seller, who, at the time of sale, was also in the business of selling residential units
to the public for the property that is the subject of the homeowner's claim or was in the business of building, developing, or constructing residential units for public purchase for the property that is the subject of the homeowner's claim.

(b) For the purposes of this title, "builder" does not include any entity or individual whose involvement with a residential unit that is the subject of the homeowner's claim is limited to his or her capacity as general contractor or contractor and who is not a partner, member of, subsidiary of, or otherwise similarly affiliated with the builder. For purposes of this title, these nonaffiliated general contractors and nonaffiliated contractors shall be treated the same as subcontractors, material suppliers, individual product manufacturers, and design professionals.


912. somebody

912. A builder shall do all of the following:
(a) Within 30 days of a written request by a homeowner or his or her legal representative, the builder shall provide copies of all relevant plans, specifications, mass or rough grading plans, final soils reports, Bureau of Real Estate public reports, and available engineering calculations, that pertain to a homeowner’s residence specifically or as part of a larger development tract. The request shall be honored if it states that it is made relative to structural, fire safety, or soils provisions of this title. However, a builder is not obligated to provide a copying service, and reasonable copying costs shall be borne by the requesting party. A builder may require that the documents be copied onsite by the requesting party, except that the homeowner may, at his or her option, use his or her own copying service, which may include an offsite copy facility that is bonded and insured. If a builder can show that the builder maintained the documents, but that they later became unavailable due to loss or destruction that was not the fault of the builder, the builder may be excused from the requirements of this subdivision, in which case the builder shall act with reasonable diligence to assist the homeowner in obtaining those documents from any applicable government authority or from the source that generated the document. However, in that case, the time limits specified by this section do not apply.

(b) At the expense of the homeowner, who may opt to use an offsite copy facility that is bonded and insured, the builder shall provide to the homeowner or his or her legal representative copies of all maintenance and preventative maintenance recommendations that pertain to his or her residence within 30 days of service of a written request for those documents. Those documents shall also be provided to the homeowner in conjunction with the initial sale of the residence.

(c) At the expense of the homeowner, who may opt to use an offsite copy facility that is bonded and insured, a

builder shall provide to the homeowner or his or her legal representative copies of all manufactured products maintenance, preventive maintenance, and limited warranty information within 30 days of a written request for those documents. These documents shall also be provided to the homeowner in conjunction with the initial sale of the residence.

(d) At the expense of the homeowner, who may opt to use an offsite copy facility that is bonded and insured, a builder shall provide to the homeowner or his or her legal representative copies of all of the builder’s limited contractual warranties in accordance with this part in effect at the time of the original sale of the residence within 30 days of a written request for those documents. Those documents shall also be provided to the homeowner in conjunction with the initial sale of the residence.

(e) A builder shall maintain the name and address of an agent for notice pursuant to this chapter with the Secretary of State or, alternatively, elect to use a third party for that notice if the builder has notified the homeowner in writing of the third party’s name and address, to whom claims and requests for information under this section may be mailed. The name and address of the agent for notice or third party shall be included with the original sales documentation and shall be initialed and acknowledged by the purchaser and the builder’s sales representative. This subdivision applies to instances in which a builder contracts with a third party to accept claims and act on the builder’s behalf. A builder shall give actual notice to the homeowner that the builder has made such an election, and shall include the name and address of the third party.

(f) A builder shall record on title a notice of the existence of these procedures and a notice that these procedures impact the legal rights of the homeowner. This information shall also be included with the original sales documentation and shall be initialed and acknowledged by the purchaser and the builder’s sales representative.

(g) A builder shall provide, with the original sales documentation, a written copy of this title, which shall be initialed and acknowledged by the purchaser and the builder’s sales representative.

(h) As to any documents provided in conjunction with the original sale, the builder shall instruct the original purchaser to provide those documents to any subsequent purchaser.

(i) Any builder who fails to comply with any of these requirements within the time specified is not entitled to the protection of this chapter, and the homeowner is released from the requirements of this chapter and may proceed with the filing of an action, in which case the remaining chapters of this part shall continue to apply to the action.


913. somebody

913. A builder or his or her representative shall acknowledge, in writing, receipt of the notice of the claim within 14 days after receipt of the notice of the claim. If the notice of the claim is served by the claimant’s legal representative, or if the builder receives a written representation letter from a homeowner’s attorney, the builder shall include the attorney in all subsequent substantive communications, including, without limitation, all written communications occurring pursuant to this chapter, and all substantive and procedural communications, including all written communications, following the commencement of any subsequent complaint or other legal action, except that if the builder has retained or involved legal counsel to assist the builder in this process, all communications by the builder’s counsel shall only be with the claimant’s legal representative, if any.


914. somebody

914. (a) This chapter establishes a nonadversarial procedure, including the remedies available under this chapter which, if the procedure does not resolve the dispute between the parties, may result in a subsequent action to enforce the other chapters of this title. A builder may attempt to commence nonadversarial contractual provisions other than the nonadversarial procedures and remedies set forth in this chapter, but may not, in addition to its own nonadversarial contractual provisions, require adherence to the nonadversarial procedures and remedies set forth in this chapter, regardless of whether the builder’s own alternative nonadversarial contractual provisions are successful in resolving the dispute or ultimately deemed enforceable. At the time the sales agreement is executed, the builder shall notify the homeowner whether the builder intends to engage in the nonadversarial procedure of this section or attempt to enforce alternative nonadversarial contractual provisions. If the builder elects to use alternative nonadversarial contractual provisions in lieu of this chapter, the election is binding, regardless of whether the builder’s alternative nonadversarial contractual provisions are successful in resolving the ultimate dispute or are ultimately deemed enforceable.
(b) Nothing in this title is intended to affect existing statutory or decisional law pertaining to the applicability, viability, or enforceability of alternative dispute resolution methods, alternative remedies, or contractual arbitration, judicial reference, or similar procedures requiring a binding resolution to enforce the other chapters of this title or any other disputes between homeowners and builders. Nothing in this title is intended to affect the applicability, viability, or enforceability, if any, of contractual arbitration or judicial reference after a nonadversarial procedure or provision has been completed.


915. somebody

915. If a builder fails to acknowledge receipt of the notice of a claim within the time specified, elects not to go through the process set forth in this chapter, or fails to request an inspection within the time specified, or at the conclusion or cessation of an alternative nonadversarial proceeding, this chapter does not apply and the homeowner is released from the requirements of this chapter and may proceed with the filing of an action. However, the standards set forth in the other chapters of this title shall continue to apply to the action.


916. somebody

916. (a) If a builder elects to inspect the claimed unmet standards, the builder shall complete the initial inspection and testing within 14 days after acknowledgment of receipt of the notice of the claim, at a mutually convenient date and time. If the homeowner has retained legal representation, the inspection shall be scheduled with the legal representative’s office at a mutually convenient date and time, unless the legal representative is unavailable during the relevant time periods. All costs of builder inspection and testing, including any damage caused by the builder inspection, shall be borne by the builder. The builder shall also provide written proof that the builder has liability insurance to cover any damages or injuries occurring during inspection and testing. The builder shall restore the property to its pretesting condition within 48 hours of the testing. The builder shall, upon request, allow the inspections to be observed and electronically recorded, videotaped, or photographed by the claimant or his or her legal representative.
(b) Nothing that occurs during a builder’s or claimant’s inspection or testing may be used or introduced as evidence to support a spoilation defense by any potential party in any subsequent litigation.

(c) If a builder deems a second inspection or testing reasonably necessary, and specifies the reasons therefor in writing within three days following the initial inspection, the builder may conduct a second inspection or testing. A second inspection or testing shall be completed within 40 days of the initial inspection or testing. All requirements concerning the initial inspection or testing shall also apply to the second inspection or testing.

(d) If the builder fails to inspect or test the property within the time specified, the claimant is released from the requirements of this section and may proceed with the filing of an action. However, the standards set forth in the other chapters of this title shall continue to apply to the action.

(e) If a builder intends to hold a subcontractor, design professional, individual product manufacturer, or material supplier, including an insurance carrier, warranty company, or service company, responsible for its contribution to the unmet standard, the builder shall

provide notice to that person or entity sufficiently in advance to allow them to attend the initial, or if requested, second inspection of any alleged unmet standard and to participate in the repair process. The claimant and his or her legal representative, if any, shall be advised in a reasonable time prior to the inspection as to the identity of all persons or entities invited to attend. This subdivision shall not apply to the builder’s insurance company. Except with respect to any claims involving a repair actually conducted under this chapter, nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to relieve a subcontractor, design professional, individual product manufacturer, or material supplier of any liability under an action brought by a claimant.


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917. Within 30 days of the initial or, if requested, second inspection or testing, the builder may offer in writing to repair the violation. The offer to repair shall also compensate the homeowner for all applicable damages recoverable under Section 944, within the timeframe for the repair set forth in this chapter. Any such offer shall be accompanied by a detailed, specific, step-by-step statement identifying the particular violation that is being repaired, explaining the nature, scope, and location of the repair, and setting a reasonable completion date for the repair. The offer shall also include the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and license numbers of the contractors whom the builder intends to have perform the repair. Those contractors shall be fully insured for, and shall be responsible for, all damages or injuries that they may cause to occur during the repair, and evidence of that insurance shall be provided to the homeowner upon request. Upon written request by the homeowner or his or her legal representative, and within the timeframes set forth in this chapter, the builder shall also provide any available technical documentation, including, without limitation, plans and specifications, pertaining to the claimed violation within the particular home or development tract. The offer shall also advise the homeowner in writing of his or her right to request up to three additional contractors from which to select to do the repair pursuant to this chapter.


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918. Upon receipt of the offer to repair, the homeowner shall have 30 days to authorize the builder to proceed with the repair. The homeowner may alternatively request, at the homeowner’s sole option and discretion, that the builder provide the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and license numbers for up to three alternative contractors who are not owned or financially controlled by the builder and who regularly conduct business in the county where the structure is located. If the homeowner so elects, the builder is entitled to an additional noninvasive inspection, to occur at a mutually convenient date and time within 20 days of the election, so as to permit the other proposed contractors to review the proposed site of the repair.
Within 35 days after the request of the homeowner for alternative contractors, the builder shall present the homeowner with a choice of contractors. Within 20 days after that presentation, the homeowner shall authorize the builder or one of the alternative contractors to perform the repair.


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919. The offer to repair shall also be accompanied by an offer to mediate the dispute if the homeowner so chooses. The mediation shall be limited to a four-hour mediation, except as otherwise mutually agreed before a nonaffiliated mediator selected and paid for by the builder. At the homeowner’s sole option, the homeowner may agree to split the cost of the mediator, and if he or she does so, the mediator shall be selected jointly. The mediator shall have sufficient availability such that the mediation occurs within 15 days after the request to mediate is received and occurs at a mutually convenient location within the county where the action is pending. If a builder has made an offer to repair a violation, and the mediation has failed to resolve the dispute, the homeowner shall allow the repair to be performed either by the builder, its contractor, or the selected contractor.


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920. If the builder fails to make an offer to repair or otherwise strictly comply with this chapter within the times specified, the claimant is released from the requirements of this chapter and may proceed with the filing of an action. If the contractor performing the repair does not complete the repair in the time or manner specified, the claimant may file an action. If this occurs, the standards set forth in the other chapters of this part shall continue to apply to the action.


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921. (a) In the event that a resolution under this chapter involves a repair by the builder, the builder shall make an appointment with the claimant, make all appropriate arrangements to effectuate a repair of the claimed unmet standards, and compensate the homeowner for all damages resulting therefrom free of charge to the claimant. The repair shall be scheduled through the claimant’s legal representative, if any, unless he or she is unavailable during the relevant time periods. The repair shall be commenced on a mutually convenient date within 14 days of acceptance or, if an alternative contractor is selected by the homeowner, within 14 days of the selection, or, if a mediation occurs, within seven days of the mediation, or within five days after a permit is obtained if one is required. The builder shall act with reasonable diligence in obtaining any such permit.
(b) The builder shall ensure that work done on the repairs is done with the utmost diligence, and that the repairs are completed as soon as reasonably possible, subject to the nature of the repair or some unforeseen event not caused by the builder or the contractor performing the repair.

Every effort shall be made to complete the repair within 120 days.


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922. The builder shall, upon request, allow the repair to be observed and electronically recorded, videotaped, or photographed by the claimant or his or her legal representative. Nothing that occurs during the repair process may be used or introduced as evidence to support a spoliation defense by any potential party in any subsequent litigation.


925. somebody

925. If the builder fails to complete the repair within the time specified in the repair plan, the claimant is released from the requirements of this chapter and may proceed with the filing of an action. If this occurs, the standards set forth in the other chapters of this title shall continue to apply to the action.


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926. The builder may not obtain a release or waiver of any kind in exchange for the repair work mandated by this chapter. At the conclusion of the repair, the claimant may proceed with filing an action for violation of the applicable standard or for a claim of inadequate repair, or both, including all applicable damages available under Section 944.


927. somebody

927. If the applicable statute of limitations has otherwise run during this process, the time period for filing a complaint or other legal remedies for violation of any provision of this title, or for a claim of inadequate repair, is extended from the time of the original claim by the claimant to 100 days after the repair is completed, whether or not the particular violation is the one being repaired. If the builder fails to acknowledge the claim within the time specified, elects not to go through this statutory process, or fails to request an inspection within the time specified, the time period for filing a complaint or other legal remedies for violation of any provision of this title is extended from the time of the original claim by the claimant to 45 days after the time for responding to the notice of claim has expired. If the builder elects to attempt to enforce its own nonadversarial procedure in lieu of the procedure set forth in this chapter, the time period for filing a complaint or other legal remedies for violation of any provision of this part is extended from the time of the original claim by the claimant to 100 days after either the completion of the builder’s alternative nonadversarial procedure, or 100 days after the builder’s
alternative nonadversarial procedure is deemed unenforceable, whichever is later.


928. somebody

928. If the builder has invoked this chapter and completed a repair, prior to filing an action, if there has been no previous mediation between the parties, the homeowner or his or her legal representative shall request mediation in writing. The mediation shall be limited to four hours, except as otherwise mutually agreed before a nonaffiliated mediator selected and paid for by the builder. At the homeowner’s sole option, the homeowner may agree to split the cost of the mediator and if he or she does so, the mediator shall be selected jointly. The mediator shall have sufficient availability such that the mediation will occur within 15 days after the request for mediation is received and shall occur at a mutually convenient location within the county where the action is pending. In the event that a mediation is used at this point, any applicable statutes of limitations shall be tolled from the date of the request to mediate until the next court day after the mediation is completed, or the 100-day period, whichever is later.


929. somebody

929. (a) Nothing in this chapter prohibits the builder from making only a cash offer and no repair. In this situation, the homeowner is free to accept the offer, or he or she may reject the offer and proceed with the filing of an action. If the latter occurs, the standards of the other chapters of this title shall continue to apply to the action.
(b) The builder may obtain a reasonable release in exchange for the cash payment. The builder may negotiate the terms and conditions of any reasonable release in terms of scope and consideration in conjunction with a cash payment under this chapter.


930. somebody

930. (a) The time periods and all other requirements in this chapter are to be strictly construed, and, unless extended by the mutual agreement of the parties in accordance with this chapter, shall govern the rights and obligations under this title. If a builder fails to act in accordance with this section within the timeframes mandated, unless extended by the mutual agreement of the parties as evidenced by a postclaim written confirmation by the affected homeowner demonstrating that he or she has knowingly and voluntarily extended the statutory timeframe, the claimant may proceed with filing an action. If this occurs, the standards of the other chapters of this title shall continue to apply to the action.
(b) If the claimant does not conform with the requirements of this chapter, the builder may bring a motion to stay any subsequent court action or other proceeding until the requirements of this chapter have been satisfied. The court, in its discretion, may award the prevailing party on such a motion, his or her attorney’s fees and costs in bringing or opposing the motion.


931. somebody

931. If a claim combines causes of action or damages not covered by this part, including, without limitation, personal injuries, class actions, other statutory remedies, or fraud-based claims, the claimed unmet standards shall be administered according to this part, although evidence of the property in its unrepaired condition may be introduced to support the respective elements of any such cause of action. As to any fraud-based claim, if the fact that the property has been repaired under this chapter is deemed admissible, the trier of fact shall be informed that the repair was not voluntarily accepted by the homeowner. As to any class action claims that address solely the incorporation of a defective component into a residence, the named and unnamed class members need not comply with this chapter.


932. somebody

932. Subsequently discovered claims of unmet standards shall be administered separately under this chapter, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties. However, in the case of a detached single family residence, in the same home, if the subsequently discovered claim is for a violation of the same standard as that which has already been initiated by the same claimant and the subject of a currently pending action, the claimant need not reinitiate the process as to the same standard. In the case of an attached project, if the subsequently discovered claim is for a violation of the same standard for a connected component system in the same building as has already been initiated by the same claimant, and the subject of a currently pending action, the claimant need not reinitiate this process as to that standard.


933. somebody

933. If any enforcement of these standards is commenced, the fact that a repair effort was made may be introduced to the trier of fact. However, the claimant may use the condition of the property prior to the repair as the basis for contending that the repair work was inappropriate, inadequate, or incomplete, or that the violation still exists. The claimant need not show that the repair work resulted in further damage nor that damage has continued to occur as a result of the violation.


934. somebody

934. Evidence of both parties’ conduct during this process may be introduced during a subsequent enforcement action, if any, with the exception of any mediation. Any repair efforts undertaken by the builder, shall not be considered settlement communications or offers of settlement and are not inadmissible in evidence on such a basis.


935. somebody

935. To the extent that provisions of this chapter are enforced and those provisions are substantially similar to provisions in Section 6000, but an action is subsequently commenced under Section 6000, the parties are excused from performing the substantially similar requirements under Section 6000.


936. somebody

936. Each and every provision of the other chapters of this title apply to subcontractors, material suppliers, individual product manufacturers, and design professionals to the extent that the subcontractors, material suppliers, individual product manufacturers, and design professionals caused, in whole or in part, a violation of a particular standard as the result of a negligent act or omission or a breach of contract. In addition to the affirmative defenses set forth in Section 945.5, a subcontractor, material supplier, design professional, individual product manufacturer, or other entity may also offer common law and contractual defenses as applicable to any claimed violation of a standard. All actions by a claimant or builder to enforce an express contract, or any provision thereof, against a subcontractor, material supplier, individual product manufacturer, or design professional is preserved. Nothing in this title modifies the law pertaining to joint and several liability for subcontractors, material suppliers, individual product manufacturer, and design professionals that contribute to any specific violation of this title. However, this section does not apply to any subcontractor, material supplier, individual product manufacturer, or design professional to which strict liability would apply.


937. somebody

937. Nothing in this title shall be interpreted to eliminate or abrogate the requirement to comply with Section 411.35 of the Code of Civil Procedure or to affect the liability of design professionals, including architects and architectural firms, for claims and damages not covered by this title. 938. This title applies only to residences originally sold on or after January 1, 2003.



1057.3. Release of Escrow Funds - Liability for Failure

1057.3. Release of Escrow Funds - Liability for Failure somebody

Release of Escrow Funds - Liability for Failure
1057.3. (a) It shall be the obligation of a buyer and seller who enter into a contract to purchase and sell real property to ensure that all funds deposited into an escrow account are returned to the person who deposited the funds or who is otherwise entitled to the funds under the contract, if the purchase of the property is not completed by the date set forth in the contract for the close of escrow or any duly executed extension thereof.
(b) Any buyer or seller who fails to execute any document required by the escrow holder to release funds on deposit in an escrow account as provided in subdivision (a) within 30 days following a written demand for the return of funds deposited in escrow by the other party shall be liable to the person making the deposit for all of the following:

(1) The amount of the funds deposited in escrow not held in good faith to resolve a good faith dispute.

(2) Damages of treble the amount of the funds deposited in escrow not held to resolve a good faith dispute, but liability under this paragraph shall not be less than one hundred dollars ($100) or more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

(3) Reasonable attorney’s fees incurred in any action to enforce this section.

(c) Notwithstanding subdivision (b), there shall be no cause of action under this section, and no party to a contract to purchase and sell real property shall be liable, for failure to return funds deposited in an escrow account by a buyer or seller, if the funds are withheld in order to resolve a good faith dispute between a buyer and seller. A party who is denied the return of the funds deposited in escrow is entitled to damages under this section only upon proving that there was no good faith dispute as to the right to the funds on deposit.

(d) Upon the filing of a cause of action pursuant to this section, the escrow holder shall deposit the sum in dispute, less any cancellation fee and charges incurred, with the court in which the action is filed and be discharged of further responsibility for the funds.

(e) Neither any document required by the escrow holder to release funds deposited in an escrow account nor the acceptance of funds released from escrow, by any principal to the escrow transaction, shall be deemed a cancellation or termination of the underlying contract to purchase and sell real property, unless the cancellation is specifically stated therein. If the escrow instructions constitute the only contract between the buyer and seller, no document required by the escrow holder to release funds deposited in an escrow account shall abrogate a cause of action for breach of a contractual obligation to purchase or sell real property, unless the cancellation is specifically stated therein.

(f) For purposes of this section:

(1) “Close of escrow” means the date, specified event, or performance of prescribed condition upon which the escrow agent is to deliver the subject of the escrow to the person specified in the buyer’s instructions to the escrow agent.

(2) “Good faith dispute” means a dispute in which the trier of fact finds that the party refusing to return the deposited funds had a reasonable belief of his or her legal entitlement to withhold the deposited funds. The existence of a “good faith dispute” shall be determined by the trier of fact.

(3) “Property” means real property containing one to four residential units at least one of which at the time the escrow is created is to be occupied by the buyer. The buyer’s statement as to his or her intention to occupy one of the units is conclusive for the purposes of this section.

(g) Nothing in this section restricts the ability of an escrow holder to file an interpleader action in the event of a dispute as to the proper distribution of funds deposited in an escrow account.

1057.6. Notice If No Policy of Title Insurance

1057.6. Notice If No Policy of Title Insurance somebody

Notice If No Policy of Title Insurance
1057.6. In an escrow transaction for the purchase or simultaneous exchange of real property, where a policy of title insurance will not be issued to the buyer or to the parties to the exchange, the following notice shall be provided in a separate document to the buyer or parties exchanging real property, which shall be signed and acknowledged by them:
Initial Escrow Instructions - Disclosure of License 1057.7. All written escrow instructions executed by a buyer or seller, whether prepared by a person subject to Division 6 (commencing with Section 17000) of the Financial Code, or by a person exempt from that division under Section 17006 of the Financial Code, shall contain a statement in not less than 10-point type which shall include the license name and the name of the department issuing the license or authority under which the person is operating. This section shall not apply to supplemental escrow instructions or modifications to escrow instructions.

This section shall become operative on July 1, 1993.

1086. Listings Defined

1086. Listings Defined somebody

Listings Defined
1086. (a) For purposes of this article, the definitions contained in Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 10000) of Part 1 of Division 4 of the Business and Professions Code apply.
(b) An “agent” is one authorized by law to act in that capacity for that type of property and is licensed as a real estate broker under Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 10130) of Part 1 of Division 4 of the Business and Professions Code, or is a licensee, as defined in Section 18006 of the Health and Safety Code.

1087. Multiple Listing Service

1087. Multiple Listing Service somebody

Multiple Listing Service
1087. A multiple listing service (MLS) is a facility of cooperation of agents and appraisers, operating through an intermediary that does not itself act as an agent or appraiser, through which agents establish express or implied contracts for compensation between agents that are MLS participants in accordance with its MLS rules with respect to listed properties in a listing agreement, or that may be used by agents and appraisers, pursuant to the rules of the service, to prepare market evaluations and appraisals of real property.

1088. Listing Placed in Multiple Listing Service -Authorization and Accuracy Required

1088. Listing Placed in Multiple Listing Service -Authorization and Accuracy Required somebody

Listing Placed in Multiple Listing Service -Authorization and Accuracy Required
1088. (a) A listing may not be placed in a multiple listing service unless authorized or directed by the seller in the listing.
(b) If an agent or appraiser places a listing or other information in the multiple listing service, that agent or appraiser shall be responsible for the truth of all representations and statements made by the agent or appraiser of which that agent or appraiser had knowledge

or reasonably should have had knowledge to anyone injured by their falseness or inaccuracy.

(c) A multiple listing service shall retain and make accessible on its computer system, if any, all listing and other information placed in the multiple listing service by an agent or appraiser for no less than three years from the date the listing was placed in the multiple listing service.

(d) This section shall not alter the obligations of a licensed real estate broker to retain documents as specified in subdivision (a) of Section 10148 of the Business and Professions Code.

1090.5. Unlawful Influence of Appraisers

1090.5. Unlawful Influence of Appraisers somebody

Unlawful Influence of Appraisers
1090.5. (a) No person with an interest in a real estate transaction involving a valuation shall improperly influence or attempt to improperly influence the development, reporting, result, or review of that valuation, through coercion, extortion, bribery, intimidation, compensation, or instruction. For purposes of this section, a valuation is defined as an estimate of the value of real property in written or electronic form, other than one produced solely by an automated valuation model or system. Prohibited acts include, but are not limited to, the following:
(1) Seeking to influence a person who prepares a valuation to report a minimum or maximum value for the property being valued. Such influence may include, but is not limited to:

(A) Requesting that a person provide a preliminary estimate or opinion of value prior to entering into a contract with that person for valuation services.

(B) Conditioning whether to hire a person based on an expectation of the value conclusion likely to be returned by that person.

(C) Conditioning the amount of a person's compensation on the value conclusion returned by that person.

(D) Providing to a person an anticipated, estimated, encouraged, or desired valuation prior to their completion of a valuation.

(2) Withholding or threatening to withhold timely payment to a person or entity that prepares a valuation, or provides valuation management functions, because that person or entity does not return a value at or above a certain amount.

(3) Implying to a person who prepares a valuation that current or future retention of that person depends on

the amount at which the person estimates the value of real property.

(4) Excluding a person who prepares a valuation from consideration for future engagement because the person reports a value that does not meet or exceed a predetermined threshold.

(5) Conditioning the compensation paid to a person who prepares a valuation on consummation of the real estate transaction for which the valuation is prepared.

(6) Requesting the payment of compensation to achieve higher priority in the assignment of valuation business.

(b) Subdivision (a) does not prohibit a person with an interest in a real estate transaction from doing any of the following:

(1) Asking a person who performs a valuation to do any of the following:

(A) Consider additional, appropriate property information, including information about comparable properties.

(B) Provide further detail, substantiation, or explanation for the person's value conclusion.

(C) Correct errors in a valuation report.

(2) Obtaining multiple valuations, for purposes of selecting the most reliable valuation.

(3) Withholding compensation due to breach of contract or substandard performance of services.

(4) Providing a copy of the sales contract in connection with a purchase transaction.

(c) If a person who violates this section is licensed or registered under any state licensing or registration law and the violation occurs within the course and scope of the person's duties as a licensee or registrant, the violation shall be deemed a violation of that law.

(d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize communications that are otherwise prohibited under existing law.

1097. Vendors or Lessors Are Limited in the Amount They Can Charge for Signing and Delivering Transfer, Cancellation or Reconveyance Documents

1097. Vendors or Lessors Are Limited in the Amount They Can Charge for Signing and Delivering Transfer, Cancellation or Reconveyance Documents somebody

Vendors or Lessors Are Limited in the Amount They Can Charge for Signing and Delivering Transfer, Cancellation or Reconveyance Documents
1097. No vendor or lessor of a single family residential property shall contract for or exact any fee in excess of ten dollars ($10) for the act of signing and delivering a document in connection with the transfer, cancellation or reconveyance of any title or instrument at the time the buyer or lessee exercises an option to buy, or completes performance of the contract for the sale of, the property.
The provisions of this section shall apply prospectively only.

1098. Transfer Fees Defined

1098. Transfer Fees Defined somebody

Transfer Fees Defined
1098. (a) A “transfer fee” is any fee payment requirement imposed within a covenant, restriction, or condition contained in any deed, contract, security instrument, or other document affecting the transfer or sale of, or any interest in, real property that requires a fee be paid as a result of transfer of the real property. A transfer fee does not include any of the following:
(1) Fees or taxes imposed by a governmental entity.

(2) Fees pursuant to mechanics’ liens.

(3) Fees pursuant to court-ordered transfers, payments, or judgments.

(4) Fees pursuant to property agreements in connection with a legal separation or dissolution of marriage.

(5) Fees, charges, or payments in connection with the administration of estates or trusts pursuant to Division 7 (commencing with Section 7000), Division 8 (commencing with Section 13000), or Division 9 (commencing with Section 15000) of the Probate Code.

(6) Fees, charges, or payments imposed by lenders or purchasers of loans, as these entities are described in subdivision (c) of Section 10232 of the Business and Professions Code.

(7) Assessments, charges, penalties, or fees authorized by the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act (Part 5 (commencing with Section 4000) of Division 4) or by the Commercial and Industrial Common Interest Development Act (Part 5.3 (commencing with Section 6500) of Division 4).

(8) Fees, charges, or payments for failing to comply with, or for transferring the real property prior to satisfying, an obligation to construct residential improvements on the real property.

(9) (A) Any fee reflected in a document recorded against the property on or before December 31, 2007, that is separate from any covenants, conditions, and restrictions, and that substantially complies with subdivision (a) of Section 1098.5 by providing a prospective transferee notice of the following:

(i) Payment of a transfer fee is required.

(ii) The amount or method of calculation of the fee.

(iii) The date or circumstances under which the transfer fee payment requirement expires, if any.

(iv) The entity to which the fee will be paid.

(v) The general purposes for which the fee will be used.

(B) A fee reflected in a document recorded against the property on or before December 31, 2007, that is not separate from any covenants, conditions, and restrictions, or that incorporates by reference from another document, is a “transfer fee” for purposes of Section 1098.5. A transfer fee recorded against the property on or before December 31, 2007, that complies with subparagraph (A) and incorporates by reference from another document is unenforceable unless recorded against the property on or before December 31, 2016, in a single document that complies with subdivision (b) and with Section 1098.5.

(b) The information in paragraph (9) of subdivision (a) shall be set forth in a single document and shall not be incorporated by reference from any other document.

1098.5. Transfer Fees

1098.5. Transfer Fees somebody

Transfer Fees
1098.5. (a) For transfer fees, as defined in Section 1098, imposed prior to January 1, 2008, the receiver of the fee, as a condition of payment of the fee on or after January 1, 2009, shall record, on or before December 31, 2008, against the real property in the office of the county recorder for the county in which the real property is located a separate document that meets all of the following requirements:
(1) The title of the document shall be “Payment of Transfer Fee Required” in at least 14-point boldface type.

(2) The document shall include all of the following information:

(A) The names of all current owners of the real property subject to the transfer fee, and the legal description and assessor’s parcel number for the affected real property.

(B) The amount, if the fee is a flat amount, or the percentage of the sales price constituting the cost of the fee.

(C) If the real property is residential property, actual dollar-cost examples of the fee for a home priced at two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000), five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000), and seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000).

(D) The date or circumstances under which the transfer fee payment requirement expires, if any.

(E) The purpose for which the funds from the fee will be used.

(F) The entity to which funds from the fee will be paid and specific contact information regarding where the funds are to be sent.

(G) The signature of the authorized representative of the entity to which funds from the fee will be paid.

(b) When a transfer fee, as defined in Section 1098, is imposed upon real property on or after January 1, 2008, the person or entity imposing the transfer fee, as a condition of payment of the fee, shall record in the office of the county recorder for the county in which the real property is located, concurrently with the instrument creating the transfer fee requirement, a separate document that meets all of the following requirements:

(1) The title of the document shall be “Payment of Transfer Fee Required” in at least 14-point boldface type.

(2) The document shall include all of the following information:

(A) The names of all current owners of the real property subject to the transfer fee, and the legal description and assessor’s parcel number for the affected real property.

(B) The amount, if the fee is a flat amount, the percentage of the sales price constituting the cost of the fee, or the method for calculating the amount.

(C) If the real property is residential property and the amount of the fee is based on the price of the real property, actual dollar-cost examples of the fee for a home priced at two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000), five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000), and seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($750,000).

(D) The date or circumstances under which the transfer fee payment requirement expires, if any.

(E) The purpose for which the funds from the fee will be used.

(F) The entity to which funds from the fee will be paid and specific contact information regarding where the funds are to be sent.

(G) The signature of the authorized representative of the entity to which funds from the fee will be paid.

(H) For private transfer fees created on or after February 8, 2011, unless the exception in Section 1228.3 of Title 12 of the Code of Federal Regulations applies, the following notice in at least 14-point boldface type:

The Federal Housing Finance Agency and the Federal Housing Administration are prohibited from dealing in mortgages on properties encumbered by private transfer fee covenants that do not provide a “direct benefit” to the real property encumbered by the covenant. As a result, if you purchase such a property, you or individuals you want to sell the property to may have difficulty obtaining financing.

(c) The recorder shall only be responsible for examining that the document required by subdivision (a) or (b) contains the information required by subparagraphs (A), (F), and (G) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) or (b). The recorder shall index the document under the names of the persons and entities identified in subparagraphs (A) and (F) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) or (b). The recorder shall not examine any other information contained in the document required by subdivision (a) or (b).


1098.6. somebody

1098.6. (a) (1) On or after January 1, 2019, a transfer fee shall not be created.
(2) This subdivision does not apply to excepted transfer fee covenants as defined by Section 1228.1 of Title 12 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Excepted transfer fee covenants are not required to comply with subparagraph (H) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 1098.5.

(b) Any transfer fee created in violation of subdivision (a) is void as against public policy.

(c) For purposes of this section, “transfer fee” has the same meaning as that term is defined in Section 1098.

1099. Structural Pest Control Inspection Report and Certification - Delivery to Transferee

1099. Structural Pest Control Inspection Report and Certification - Delivery to Transferee somebody

Structural Pest Control Inspection Report and Certification - Delivery to Transferee
1099. (a) As soon as practical before transfer of title of any real property or the execution of a real property sales contract as defined in Section 2985, the transferor, fee owner, or his or her agent, shall deliver to the transferee a copy of a structural pest control inspection report prepared pursuant to Section 8516 of the Business and Professions Code upon which any certification in accordance with Section 8519 of the Business and Professions Code may be made, provided that certification or preparation of a report is a condition of the contract effecting that transfer, or is a requirement imposed as a condition of financing such transfer.
(b) If a notice of work completed as contemplated by Section 8518 of the Business and Professions Code, indicating action by a structural pest control licensee in response to an inspection report delivered or to be delivered under provisions of subdivision (a), or a certification pursuant to Section 8519 of the Business and Professions Code, has been received by a transferor or his or her agent before transfer of title or execution of a real property sales contract as defined in Section 2985, it shall be furnished to the transferee as soon as practical before transfer of title or the execution of such real property sales contract.

(c) Delivery to a transferee as used in this section means delivery in person or by mail to the transferee himself or herself or any person authorized to act for him or her in the transaction or to such additional transferees who have requested such delivery from the transferor or his or her agent in writing. For the purposes of this section, delivery to either spouse shall be deemed delivery to a transferee, unless the contract affecting the transfer states otherwise.

(d) No transfer of title of real property shall be invalidated solely because of the failure of any person to comply with the provisions of this section unless such failure is an act or omission which would be a valid ground for rescission of such transfer in the absence of this section.

Article 1.5. Disclosures Upon Transfer of Residential Property

941. Construction Defects - Action

941. Construction Defects - Action somebody

Construction Defects - Action
941. (a) Except as specifically set forth in this title, no action may be brought to recover under this title more than 10 years after substantial completion of the improvement but not later than the date of recordation of a valid notice of completion.
(b) As used in this section, “action” includes an action for indemnity brought against a person arising out of that person’s performance or furnishing of services or materials referred to in this title, except that a crosscomplaint for indemnity may be filed pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 428.10 of the Code of Civil Procedure in an action which has been brought within the time period set forth in subdivision (a).

(c) The limitation prescribed by this section shall not be asserted by way of defense by any person in actual possession or the control, as owner, tenant or otherwise, of such an improvement, at the time any deficiency in the improvement constitutes the proximate cause for which it is proposed to make a claim or bring an action.

(d) Sections 337.15 and 337.1 of the Code of Civil Procedure shall not apply to actions under this title.

(e) Existing statutory and decisional law regarding tolling of the statute of limitations shall apply to the time periods for filing an action or making a claim under this title, except that repairs made pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 910), with the exception of the tolling provision contained in Section 927, do not extend the period for filing an action, or restart the time limitations contained in subdivisions (a) or (b) if 7091 of the Business and Professions Code. If a builder arranges for a contractor to perform a repair pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 910), as to the builder the time period for calculating the statute of limitation in subdivisions (a) or (b) if Section 7091 of the Business and Professions Code shall pertain to the substantial completion of the original construction and not to the date of repairs under this title. The time limitations established by this title do not apply to any action by a claimant for a contract or express contractual provision. Causes of action and damages to which this chapter does not apply are not limited by this section. In order to make a claim for violation of the standards set forth in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 896), a homeowner need only demonstrate, in accordance with the applicable evidentiary standard, that the home does not meet the applicable standard, subject to the affirmative defenses set forth in Section 945.5. No further showing of causation or damages is required to meet the burden of proof regarding a violation of a standard set forth in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 896), provided that the violation arises out of, pertains to, or is related to, the original construction.


942. somebody

942. (a) Except as provided in this title, no other cause of action for a claim covered by this title or for damages recoverable under Section 944 is allowed. In addition to the rights under this title, this title does not apply to any action by a claimant to enforce a contract or express contractual provision, or any action for fraud, personal injury, or violation of a statute. Damages awarded for the items set forth in Section 944 in such other cause of action shall be reduced by the amounts recovered pursuant to Section 944 for violation of the standards set forth in this title.
(b) As to any claims involving a detached single-family home, the homeowner’s right to the reasonable value of repairing any nonconformity is limited to the repair costs, or the diminution in current value of the home caused by the nonconformity, whichever is less, subject to the personal use exception as developed under common law. 944. If a claim for damages is made under this title, the homeowner is only entitled to damages for the reasonable value of repairing any violation of the standards set forth in this title, the reasonable cost of repairing any damages

caused by the repair efforts, the reasonable cost of repairing and rectifying any damages resulting from the failure of the home to meet the standards, the reasonable cost of removing and replacing any improper repair by the builder, reasonable relocation and storage expenses, lost business income if the home was used as a principal place of a business licensed to be operated from the home, reasonable investigative costs for each established violation, and all other costs or fees recoverable by contract or statute.


945. somebody

945. The provisions, standards, rights, and obligations set forth in this title are binding upon all original purchasers and their successors-in-interest. For purposes of this title, associations and others having the rights set forth in Sections 5980 and 5985 shall be considered to be original purchasers and shall have standing to enforce the provisions, standards, rights, and obligations set forth in this title.


945.5. somebody

945.5. A builder, under the principles of comparative fault pertaining to affirmative defenses, may be excused, in whole or in part, from any obligation, damage, loss, or liability if the builder can demonstrate any of the following affirmative defenses in response to a claimed violation:
(a) To the extent it is caused by an unforeseen act of nature which caused the structure not to meet the standard. For purposes of this section an “unforeseen act of nature” means a weather condition, earthquake, or manmade event such as war, terrorism, or vandalism, in excess of the design criteria expressed by the applicable building codes, regulations, and ordinances in effect at the time of original construction.

(b) To the extent it is caused by a homeowner’s unreasonable failure to minimize or prevent those damages in a timely manner, including the failure of the homeowner to allow reasonable and timely access for inspections and repairs under this title. This includes the failure to give timely notice to the builder after discovery of a violation, but does not include damages due to the untimely or inadequate response of a builder to the homeowner’s claim.

(c) To the extent it is caused by the homeowner or his or her agent, employee, subcontractor, independent contractor, or consultant by virtue of their failure to follow the builder’s or manufacturer’s recommendations, or commonly accepted homeowner maintenance obligations. In order to rely upon this defense as it relates to a builder’s recommended maintenance schedule, the builder shall show that the homeowner had written notice of these schedules and recommendations and that the recommendations and schedules were reasonable at the time they were issued.

(d) To the extent it is caused by the homeowner or his or her agent’s or an independent third party’s alterations, ordinary wear and tear, misuse, abuse, or neglect, or by the structure’s use for something other than its intended purpose.

(e) To the extent that the time period for filing actions bars the claimed violation.

(f) As to a particular violation for which the builder has obtained a valid release.

(g) To the extent that the builder’s repair was successful in correcting the particular violation of the applicable standard.

(h) As to any causes of action to which this statute does not apply, all applicable affirmative defenses are preserved.

Article 1.5. Disclosures Upon Transfer of Residential Property

Article 1.5. Disclosures Upon Transfer of Residential Property somebody


1101.4. somebody

1101.4. (a) For all building alterations or improvements to single-family residential real property, as a condition for issuance of a certificate of final completion and occupancy or final permit approval by the local building
department, the permit applicant shall replace all noncompliant plumbing fixtures with water-conserving plumbing fixtures.

(b) On or before January 1, 2017, noncompliant plumbing fixtures in any single-family residential real property shall be replaced by the property owner with water-conserving plumbing fixtures.

(c) A seller or transferor of single-family residential real property shall disclose in writing to the prospective purchaser or transferee the requirements of subdivision (b) and whether the real property includes any noncompliant plumbing fixtures.

1102. Application of Article

1102. Application of Article somebody

Application of Article
1102. (a) Except as provided in Section 1102.2, this article applies to any transfer by sale, exchange, real property sales contract as defined in Section 2985, lease with an option to purchase, any other option to purchase, or ground lease coupled with improvements of any singlefamily residential property.
(b) For purposes of this article, the definitions contained in Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 10000) of Part 1 of Division 4 of the Business and Professions Code shall apply.

(c) Any waiver of the requirements of this article is void as against public policy.

1102.1. Legislative Intent

1102.1. Legislative Intent somebody

Legislative Intent
1102.1. (a) In enacting Chapter 817 of the Statutes of 1994, it was the intent of the Legislature to clarify and facilitate the use of the real estate disclosure statement, as specified in Section 1102.6. The Legislature intended the statement to be used by transferors making disclosures required under this article and by agents making disclosures required by Section 2079 on the agent’s portion of the real estate disclosure statement, in transfers subject to this article. In transfers not subject to this article, agents may make required disclosures in a separate writing. The Legislature did not intend to affect the existing obligations of the parties to a real estate contract, or their agents, to disclose any fact materially affecting the value and desirability of the property, including, but not limited to, the physical conditions of the property and previously received reports of physical inspections noted on the disclosure form set forth in Section 1102.6 or 1102.6a, and that nothing in this article shall be construed to change the duty of a real estate broker or salesperson pursuant to Section 2079.
It is also the intent of the Legislature that the delivery of a real estate transfer disclosure statement may not be waived in an “as is” sale, as held in Loughrin v. Superior Court (1993) 15 Cal. App. 4th 1188.

(b) In enacting Chapter 677 of the Statutes of 1996, it was the intent of the Legislature to clarify and facilitate the use

of the manufactured home and mobilehome transfer disclosure statement applicable to the resale of a manufactured home or mobilehome pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 1102. The Legislature intended the statements to be used by transferors making disclosures required under this article and by agents making disclosures required by Section 2079 on the agent’s portion of the disclosure statement and as required by Section 18046 of the Health and Safety Code on the dealer’s portion of the manufactured home and mobilehome transfer disclosure statement, in transfers subject to this article. In transfers not subject to this article, agents may make required disclosures in a separate writing. The Legislature did not intend to affect the existing obligations of the parties to a real estate contract, or their agents, to disclose any fact materially affecting the value and desirability of the property, including, but not limited to, the physical conditions of the property and previously received reports of physical inspections noted on the disclosure form set forth in Section 1102.6 or 1102.6a or to affect the existing obligations of the parties to a manufactured home or mobilehome purchase contract, and nothing in this article shall be construed to change the duty of a real estate broker or salesperson pursuant to Section 2079 or the duty of a manufactured home or mobilehome dealer or salesperson pursuant to Section 18046 of the Health and Safety Code.

It is also the intent of the Legislature that the delivery of a mobilehome transfer disclosure statement may not be waived in an “as is” sale.

(c) It is the intent of the Legislature that manufactured home and mobilehome dealers and salespersons and real estate brokers and salespersons use the form provided pursuant to Section 1102.6d. It is also the intent of the Legislature for sellers of manufactured homes or mobilehomes who are neither manufactured home dealers or salespersons nor real estate brokers or salespersons to use the Manufactured Home/Mobilehome Transfer Disclosure Statement contained in Section 1102.6d.

(d) Nothing in Assembly Bill 1289 of the 2017-18 Regular Session or Assembly Bill 2884 of the 2017-18 Regular Session shall be construed to affect any of the following:

(1) A real estate broker’s duties under existing statutory or common law as an agent of a person who retains that broker to perform acts for which a license is required under this division.

(2) Any fiduciary duties owed by a real estate broker to a person who retains that broker to perform acts for which a license is required under this division.

(3) Any duty of disclosure or any other duties or obligations of a real estate broker, which arise under

this division or other existing, applicable California law, including common law.

(4) Any duties or obligations of a salesperson or a broker associate, which arise under this division or existing, applicable California law, including common law, and duties and obligations to the salesperson’s or broker associate’s responsible broker.

(5) A responsible broker’s duty of supervision and oversight for the acts of retained salespersons or broker associates, which arise under this division or other existing, applicable California law, including common law.

For purposes of this subdivision, references to “existing statutory law” and “existing, applicable California law” refer to the law as it read immediately prior to enactment of Assembly Bill 1289 of the 2017-18 Regular Session and Assembly Bill 2884 of the 2017-18 Regular Session.

1102.10. Delivery

1102.10. Delivery somebody

1102.10. Delivery of disclosures required by this article shall be by personal delivery to the transferee or by mail to the prospective transferee. For the purposes of this article, delivery to the spouse of a transferee shall be deemed delivery to the transferee, unless provided otherwise by contract.


1102.11. somebody

1102.11. Any person or entity, other than a real estate licensee licensed pursuant to Part 1 (commencing with Section 10000) of Division 4 of the Business and Professions Code, acting in the capacity of an escrow agent for the transfer of real property subject to this article shall not be deemed the agent of the transferor or transferee for purposes of the disclosure requirements of this article, unless the person or entity is empowered to so act by an express written agreement to that effect. The extent of such an agency shall be governed by the written agreement.

1102.12. More Than One Broker/Agent in a Transaction

1102.12. More Than One Broker/Agent in a Transaction somebody

More Than One Broker/Agent in a Transaction
1102.12. (a) If more than one licensed real estate broker is acting as an agent in a transaction subject to this article, the broker who has obtained the offer made by the transferee shall, except as otherwise provided in this
article, deliver the disclosure required by this article to the transferee, unless the transferor has given other written instructions for delivery.

(b) If a licensed real estate broker responsible for delivering the disclosures under this section cannot obtain the disclosure document required and does not have written assurance from the transferee that the disclosure has been received, the broker shall advise the transferee in writing of his or her rights to the disclosure. A licensed real estate broker responsible for delivering disclosures under this section shall maintain a record of the action taken to effect compliance in accordance with Section 10148 of the Business and Professions Code.


1102.13. somebody

1102.13. No transfer subject to this article shall be invalidated solely because of the failure of any person to comply with any provision of this article. However, any person who willfully or negligently violates or fails to perform any duty prescribed by any provision of this article shall be liable in the amount of actual damages suffered by a transferee.

1102.15. Disclosure of Former Ordinance Location

1102.15. Disclosure of Former Ordinance Location somebody

Disclosure of Former Ordinance Location
1102.15. The seller of residential real property subject to this article who has actual knowledge of any former federal or state ordnance locations within the neighborhood area shall give written notice of that knowledge as soon as practicable before transfer of title.
For purposes of this section, “former federal or state ordnance locations” means an area identified by an agency or instrumentality of the federal or state government as an area once used for military training purposes which may contain potentially explosive munitions. “Neighborhood area” means within one mile of the residential real property.

The disclosure required by this section does not limit or abridge any obligation for disclosure created by any other law or that may exist in order to avoid fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit in the transfer transaction.


1102.155. somebody

1102.155. (a) (1) The seller of single-family residential real property subject to this article shall disclose, in writing, that Section 1101.4 requires that California single-family residences be equipped with waterconserving plumbing fixtures on or after January 1, 2017, and shall disclose whether the property includes any noncompliant plumbing fixtures as defined in subdivision (c) of Section 1101.3.
(2) The seller shall affirm that this representation is that of the seller and not a representation of any agent, and that this disclosure is not intended to be part of any contract between the buyer and the seller. The seller shall further affirm that this disclosure is not a warranty of any kind by the seller or any agent representing any

principal in the transaction and is not a substitute for any inspections or warranties that any principal may wish to obtain.

(b) This section shall become operative on January 1, 2017.

1102.16. Disclosure Regarding Window Security Bars

1102.16. Disclosure Regarding Window Security Bars somebody

Disclosure Regarding Window Security Bars
1102.16. The disclosure of the existence of any window security bars and any safety release mechanism on those window security bars shall be made pursuant to Section 1102.6 or 1102.6a of the Civil Code.

1102.17. Disclosure that Property is Affected by or Zoned to Allow Industrial Use

1102.17. Disclosure that Property is Affected by or Zoned to Allow Industrial Use somebody

Disclosure that Property is Affected by or Zoned to Allow Industrial Use
1102.17. The seller of residential real property subject to this article who has actual knowledge that the property is adjacent to, or zoned to allow, an industrial use described in Section 731a of the Code of Civil Procedure, or affected by a nuisance created by such a use, shall give written notice of that knowledge as soon as practicable before transfer of title.


1102.19. somebody

1102.19. (a) On and after July 1, 2021, a seller of a real property subject to this article that is located in a high or very high fire hazard severity zone, as identified by the Director of Forestry and Fire Protection pursuant to Section 51178 of the Government Code or Article 9 (commencing with Section 4201) of Chapter 1 of Part 2 of Division 4 of the Public Resources Code, shall provide to the buyer documentation stating that the property is in compliance with Section 4291 of the Public Resources Code or local vegetation management ordinances, as follows:
(1) In a local jurisdiction that has enacted an ordinance requiring an owner of real property to obtain documentation that the property is in compliance with Section 4291 of the Public Resources Code or a local vegetation management ordinance, the seller shall provide the buyer with a copy of the documentation that complies with the requirements of that local ordinance and information on the local agency from which a copy of that documentation may be obtained.

(2) In a local jurisdiction that has not enacted an ordinance for an owner of real property to obtain documentation that a property is in compliance with Section 4291 of the Public Resources Code or a local vegetation management ordinance, and if a state or local agency, or other government entity, or other qualified nonprofit entity, provides an inspection with documentation for the jurisdiction in which the property is located, the seller shall

provide the buyer with the documentation obtained in the six-month period preceding the date the seller enters into a transaction to sell that real property and provide information on the local agency from which a copy of that documentation may be obtained.

(b) On and after July 1, 2021, if the seller of a real property described in subdivision (a) has not obtained documentation of compliance in accordance with paragraph (1) or (2) of subdivision (a), the seller and the buyer shall enter into a written agreement pursuant to which the buyer agrees to obtain documentation of compliance with Section 4291 of the Public Resources Code or a local vegetation management ordinance as follows:

(1) In a local jurisdiction that has enacted an ordinance requiring an owner or buyer to obtain documentation of compliance with Section 4291 of the Public Resources Code or a local vegetation management ordinance, the buyer shall comply with that ordinance.

(2) In a local jurisdiction that has not enacted an ordinance requiring an owner or buyer to obtain documentation of compliance, and if a state or local agency, or other government entity, or other qualified nonprofit entity, provides an inspection with documentation for the jurisdiction in which the property is located, the buyer shall obtain documentation of compliance within one year of the date of the close of escrow.

(c) Nothing in this section, including the existence of an agreement between a buyer and seller pursuant to subdivision (b), shall limit the ability of a state or local agency to enforce defensible space requirements pursuant to Section 51182 of the Government Code, Section 4291 of the Public Resources Code, or other applicable statutes, regulations, and local ordinances.

Article 1.7. Disclosure of Natural Hazards Upon Transfer of Residential Property

1102.2. Exempt Transfers

1102.2. Exempt Transfers somebody

Exempt Transfers
1102.2. This article does not apply to the following:
(a) Sales or transfers that are required to be preceded by the furnishing to a prospective buyer of a copy of a public report pursuant to Section 11018.1 of the Business and Professions Code and transfers that can be made without a public report pursuant to Section 11010.4 of the Business and Professions Code.

(b) Sales or transfers pursuant to court order, including, but not limited to, sales ordered by a probate court in the administration of an estate, sales pursuant to a writ of execution, sales by any foreclosure sale, transfers by a trustee in bankruptcy, sales by eminent domain, and sales resulting from a decree for specific performance.

(c) Sales or transfers to a mortgagee by a mortgagor or successor in interest who is in default, sales to a beneficiary of a deed of trust by a trustor or successor in interest who is in default, any foreclosure sale after default, any foreclosure sale after default in an obligation secured by a mortgage, a sale under a power of sale or any foreclosure sale under a decree of foreclosure after default in an obligation secured by a deed of trust or secured by any other instrument containing a power of sale, sales by a mortgagee or a beneficiary under a deed of trust who has acquired the real property at a sale conducted pursuant to a power of sale under a mortgage or deed of trust or a sale pursuant to a decree of foreclosure or has acquired the real property by a deed in lieu of foreclosure, sales to the legal owner or lienholder of a manufactured home or mobilehome by a registered owner or successor in interest who is in default, or sales by reason of any foreclosure of a security interest in a manufactured home or mobilehome.

(d) Sales or transfers by a fiduciary in the course of the administration of a trust, guardianship, conservatorship, or decedent’s estate. This exemption shall not apply to a sale if the trustee is a natural person who is a trustee of a revocable trust and is a former owner of the property or was an occupant in possession of the property within the preceding year.

(e) Sales or transfers from one coowner to one or more other coowners.

(f) Sales or transfers made to a spouse, or to a person or persons in the line of consanguinity of one or more of the transferors.

(g) Sales or transfers between spouses resulting from a judgment of dissolution of marriage or of legal separation or from a property settlement agreement incidental to that judgment.

(h) Sales or transfers by the Controller in the course of administering Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 1500) of Title 10 of Part 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure.

(i) Sales or transfers under Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 3691) or Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 3771) of Part 6 of Division 1 of the Revenue and Taxation Code.

(j) Sales or transfers or exchanges to or from any governmental entity.

(k) Sales or transfers of any portion of a property not constituting single-family residential property.

(l) The sale, creation, or transfer of any lease of any duration with the exception of a lease with an option to purchase or a ground lease coupled with improvements.

(m) Notwithstanding the definition of sale in Section 10018.10 of the Business and Professions Code and Section 2079.13, the terms “sale” and “transfer,” as they are used in this section, shall have their commonly understood meanings. The changes made to this section by Assembly Bill 1289 of the 2017-18 Legislative Session shall not be interpreted to change the application of the law as it read prior to January 1, 2019.

1102.3. Written Statement Required

1102.3. Written Statement Required somebody

Written Statement Required
1102.3. The seller of any single-family real property subject to this article shall deliver to the prospective buyer the completed written statement required by this article, as follows:
(a) In the case of a sale, as soon as practicable before transfer of title.

(b) In the case of a sale by a real property sales contract, as defined in Section 2985, or by a lease together with an option to purchase, or a ground lease coupled with improvements, as soon as practicable before execution of

the contract. For the purpose of this subdivision, “execution” means the making or acceptance of an offer.

(c) With respect to any sale subject to subdivision (a) or (b), the seller shall indicate compliance with this article on the real property sales contract, the lease, or any addendum attached thereto or on a separate document.

If any disclosure, or any material amendment of any disclosure, required to be made by this article, is delivered after the execution of an offer to purchase, the prospective buyer shall have three days after delivery in person, five days after delivery by deposit in the mail, or five days after delivery of an electronic record in transactions where the parties have agreed to conduct the transaction by electronic means, pursuant to provisions of the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (Title 2.5 (commencing with Section 1633.1) of Part 2 of Division 3), to terminate the prospective buyer’s offer by delivery of a written notice of termination to the seller or the seller’s agent. The period of time the prospective buyer has in which to terminate the prospective buyer’s offer commences when Sections I, II, and III in the form described in Section 1102.6 are completed and delivered to the buyer or buyer’s agent. A real estate agent may complete the agent’s portion of the required disclosure by providing all of the information on the agent’s inspection disclosure set forth in Section 1102.6.

1102.3a. Resale of Manufacturea/Mobilehome - Disclosure Statement Required

1102.3a. Resale of Manufacturea/Mobilehome - Disclosure Statement Required somebody

Resale of Manufacturea/Mobilehome - Disclosure Statement Required
1102.3a. (a) The transferor of any manufactured home or mobilehome subject to this article shall deliver to the prospective transferee the written statement required by this article, as follows:
(1) In the case of a sale, or a lease with an option to purchase, of a manufactured home or mobilehome, involving an agent, as defined in Section 18046 of the Health and Safety Code, as soon as practicable, but no later than the close of escrow for the purchase of the manufactured home or mobilehome.

(2) In the case of a sale, or lease with an option to purchase, of a manufactured home or mobilehome, not involving an agent, as defined in Section 18046 of the Health and Safety Code, at the time of execution of any document by the prospective transferee with the transferor for the purchase of the manufactured home or mobilehome.

(b) With respect to any transfer subject to this section, the transferor shall indicate compliance with this article either on the transfer disclosure statement, any addendum thereto, or on a separate document.

(c) If any disclosure, or any material amendment of any disclosure, required to be made pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 1102, is delivered after the execution of an

offer to purchase, the transferee shall have three days after delivery in person or five days after delivery by deposit in the mail, to terminate his or her offer by delivery of a written notice of termination to the transferor.

1102.4. Liability for Error, Inaccuracy or Omission

1102.4. Liability for Error, Inaccuracy or Omission somebody

Liability for Error, Inaccuracy or Omission
1102.4. (a) Neither the seller nor any seller’s agent or buyer’s agent shall be liable for any error, inaccuracy, or omission of any information delivered pursuant to this article if the error, inaccuracy, or omission was not within the personal knowledge of the seller or that listing or buyer’s agent, was based on information timely provided by public agencies or by other persons providing information as specified in subdivision (c) that is required to be disclosed pursuant to this article, and ordinary care was exercised in obtaining and transmitting it.
(b) The delivery of any information required to be disclosed by this article to a prospective buyer by a public agency or other person providing information required to be disclosed pursuant to this article shall be deemed to comply with the requirements of this article and shall relieve the seller or any listing or buyer’s agent of any further duty under this article with respect to that item of information.

(c) The delivery of a report or opinion prepared by a licensed engineer, land surveyor, geologist, structural pest control operator, contractor, a C-39 roofing contractor conducting a roof inspection pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 7197 of the Business and Professions Code, or other expert, dealing with matters within the scope of the professional’s license or expertise, shall be sufficient compliance for application of the exemption provided by subdivision (a) if the information is provided to the prospective buyer pursuant to a request therefor, whether written or oral. In responding to such a request, an expert may indicate, in writing, an understanding that the information provided will be used in fulfilling the requirements of Section 1102.6 and, if so, shall indicate the required disclosures, or parts thereof, to which the information being furnished is applicable. Where such a statement is furnished, the expert shall not be responsible for any items of information or parts thereof, other than those expressly set forth in the statement.

1102.5. Inaccurate Information Not a Violation if Reasonable Effort is Made

1102.5. Inaccurate Information Not a Violation if Reasonable Effort is Made somebody

Inaccurate Information Not a Violation if Reasonable Effort is Made
1102.5. (a) If information disclosed in accordance with this article is subsequently rendered inaccurate as a result of any act, occurrence, or agreement subsequent to the delivery of the required disclosures, any inaccuracy resulting therefrom does not constitute a violation of this article. If at the time the disclosures are required to be made, an item of information required to be disclosed is unknown or not available to the seller, and the seller or the seller’s agent has made a reasonable effort to ascertain
it, the seller may use an approximation of the information, provided the approximation is clearly identified as such, is reasonable, is based on the best information reasonably available to the seller or the seller’s agent, and is not used for the purpose of circumventing or evading this article.

(b) The requirements of this article in effect on the date that all of the parties enter into a contract or agreement subject to this article are the requirements that shall apply to that contract or agreement. An amendment to this article that becomes effective after that date does not alter the requirements under this article that shall apply to that

contract or agreement, unless the applicable statute provides otherwise.

1102.6 Anti-Discrimination in Appraisal Notices

1102.6 Anti-Discrimination in Appraisal Notices somebody

Anti-Discrimination in Appraisal Notices
1102.6g. (a) After July 1, 2022, every contract for the sale of real property shall contain, in no less than 8-point type, the following notice:
“Any appraisal of the property is required to be unbiased, objective, and not influenced by improper or illegal considerations, including, but not limited to, any of the following: race, color, religion (including religious dress, grooming practices, or both), gender (including, but not limited to, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and related conditions, and gender identity and gender expression), sexual orientation, marital status, medical condition, military or veteran status, national origin (including language use and possession of a driver’s license issued to persons unable to provide their presence in the United States is authorized under federal law), source of income, ancestry, disability (mental and physical, including, but not limited to, HIV/AIDS status, cancer diagnosis, and genetic characteristics), genetic information, or age. If a buyer or seller believes that the appraisal has been influenced by any of the above factors, the seller or buyer can report this information to the lender or mortgage broker that retained the appraiser and may also file a complaint with the Bureau of Real Estate Appraisers at https://www2.brea.ca.gov/complaint/ or call (916) 552-9000 for further information on how to file a complaint.”
(b) The notice described in subdivision (a) shall also be delivered by a licensed person refinancing a first lien purchase money loan secured by residential real property containing no more than four dwelling units, either prior to, or with, the loan estimate as required by the federal Truth in Lending Act, as amended (15 U.S.C. Sec. 1601 et seq.), or the mortgage loan

disclosure statement as required pursuant to Section 10240 of the Business and Professions Code. The notice described in subdivision (a) may be included as part of the disclosure required under Section 1002.14(a)(2) of the federal Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B) (12 C.F.R. Sec. 1002 et seq.).

(c) For purposes of this section, a “licensed person” means a depository institution chartered under federal or state law, a person covered by the licensing requirements of Division 9 (commencing with Section 22000) or Division 20 (commencing with Section 50000) of the Financial Code, or a person licensed pursuant to Part 1 (commencing with Section 10000) of Division 4 of the Business and Professions Code.

1102.6. Required Disclosure Form

1102.6. Required Disclosure Form somebody

Required Disclosure Form
1102.6. (a) The disclosures required by this article pertaining to the property proposed to be transferred are set forth in, and shall be made on a copy of, the following disclosure form:



This Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement is made pursuant to Section 1102 of the Civil Code. Other statutes require disclosures, depending upon the details of the particular real estate transaction (for example: special study zone and purchase-money liens on residential property).

Substituted Disclosures: The following disclosures and other disclosures required by law, including the Natural Hazard Disclosure Report/Statement that may include airport annoyances, earthquake, fire, flood, or special assessment information, have or will be made in connection with this real estate transfer, and are intended to satisfy the disclosure obligations on this form, where the subject matter is the same:

□ Inspection reports completed pursuant to the contract of sale or receipt for deposit.

□ Additional inspection reports or disclosures: _________________________________________________________
□ No substituted disclosures for this transfer.

The Seller discloses the following information with the knowledge that even though this is not a warranty, prospective Buyers may rely on this information in deciding whether and on what terms to purchase the subject property. Seller hereby authorizes any agent(s) representing any principal(s) in this transaction to provide a copy of this statement to any person or entity in connection with any actual or anticipated sale of the property.


Seller __________ is not occupying the property.

A. The subject property has the items checked below (read across):*
__ Range __ Oven __ Microwave

__ Dishwasher __ Trash Compactor __ Garbage Disposal

__ Washer/Dryer Hookups __ Rain Gutters

__ Burglar Alarms __ Carbon Monoxide Device(s) __ Fire Alarm

__ TV Antenna __ Satellite Dish __ Intercom

__ Central Heating __ Central Air Cndtng. __ Evaporator Cooler(s)

__ Wall/Window Air Cndtng. __ Sprinklers __ Public Sewer System

__ Septic Tank __ Sump Pump __ Water Softener

__ Patio/Decking __ Built-in Barbecue __ Gazebo

__ Sauna

__ Hot Tub __ Locking Safety Cover __ Pool __ Child Resistant Barrier __ Spa __ Locking Safety Cover

__ Security Gate(s) __ Automatic Garage Door Opener(s) __ Number Remote Controls

Garage: __Attached __ Not Attached __ Carport

Pool/Spa Heater: __ Gas __ Solar __ Electric

Water Heater: __ Gas __ Well __ Private Utility or Other

Water Supply: __ City __ Bottled __ Water-conserving plumbing fixtures

Gas Supply: __ Utility __ Window Security Bars __ Quick Release Mechanism on Bedroom Windows

__ Window Screens

Exhaust Fan(s) in ________________220 Volt Wiring in ________________Fireplace(s) in ___________

Gas Starter ______________________Roof(s): Type: ____________________ Age: __________(approx.)

Other: _________________________________________________________________________________________

Are there, to the best of your (Seller’s) knowledge, any of the above that are not in operating condition?
___Yes ___No. If yes, then describe.

(Attach additional sheets if necessary):

B. Are you (Seller) aware of any significant defects/malfunctions in any of the following?
__ Yes __ No. If yes, check appropriate space(s) below.

___Interior Walls ___Ceilings ___Floors ___Exterior Walls ___Insulation ___Roof(s)

___Windows ___Doors ___Foundation ___Slab(s) ___Driveways ___Sidewalks

___Walls/Fences ___Electrical Systems ___Plumbing/Sewers/Septics ___Other

Structural Components (Describe):__________________________________________________________________________________


If any of the above is checked, explain (Attach additional sheets if necessary):

* Installation of a listed appliance, device, or amenity is not a precondition of sale or transfer of the dwelling. The carbon monoxide device, garage door opener, or child-resistant pool barrier may not be in compliance with the safety standards relating to, respectively, carbon monoxide device standards of Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 13260) of Part 2 of Division 12 of, automatic reversing device standards of Chapter 12.5 (commencing with Section 19890) of Part 3 of Division 13 of, or the pool safety standards of Article 2.5 (commencing with Section 115920) of Chapter 5 of Part 10 of Division 104 of, the Health and Safety Code. Window security bars may not have quick-release mechanisms in compliance with the 1995 edition of the California Building Standards Code. Section 1101.4 of the Civil Code requires all single-family residences built on or before January 1, 1994 to be equipped with water-conserving plumbing fixtures after January 1, 2017. Additionally, on and after January 1, 2014, a single-family residence built on or before January 1, 1994, that is altered or improved is required to be equipped with water-conserving plumbing fixtures as a condition of final approval. Fixtures in this dewelling may not comply with Section 1101.4 of the Civil Code.

C. Are you (Seller) aware of any of the following:

1. Substances, materials or products which may be an environmental hazard such as, but not limited to, asbestos, formaldehyde, radon gas, lead-based paint, mold, fuel or chemical storage tanks, and contaminated soil or water on the subject property................ __Yes __No
2. Features of the property shared in common with adjoining landowners, such as walls, fences, and driveways, whose use or responsibility for maintenance may have an effect on the subject property.......................................................... __Yes __No
3. Any encroachments, easements or similar matters that may affect your interest in the subject property............................. __Yes __No
4. Room additions, structural modifications, or other alterations or repairs made without necessary permits............................ __Yes __No
5. Room additions, structural modifications, or other alterations or repairs not in compliance with building codes .................... __Yes __No
6. Fill (compacted or otherwise) on the property or any portion thereof __Yes __No
7. Any settling from any cause, or slippage, sliding, or other soil problems ......................................................... __Yes __No
8. Flooding, drainage or grading problems ........................ __Yes __No
9. Major damage to the property or any of the structures from fire, earthquake, floods, or landslides................................. __Yes __No
10. Any zoning violations, nonconforming uses, violations of “setback” requirements ..................................................... __Yes __No
11. Neighborhood noise problems or other nuisances................ __Yes __No
12. CC&Rs or other deed restrictions or obligations .............. __Yes __No
13. Homeowners’ Association which has any authority over the subject property.......................................................... __Yes __No
14. Any “common area” (facilities such as pools, tennis courts, walkways, or other areas co-owned in undivided interest with others). __Yes __No
15. Any notices of abatement or citations against the property. __Yes __No
16. Any lawsuits by or against the Seller threatening to or affecting this real property, claims for damages by the seller pursuant to Sections 910 or 914 of the Civil Code threatening to or affecting this real property, claims for breach of warranty pursuant to Section 900 of the Civil Code threatening to or affecting this real property, or claims for breach of an enhanced protection agreement pursuant to Section 903 of the Civil Code threatening to or affecting this real property, including any lawsuits, or claims for damages pursuant to Sections 910 or 914 of the Civil Code alleging a defect or deficiency in this real property or “common areas” (facilities such as pools, tennis courts, walkways, or other areas co-owned in undivided interest with others) ............................................................... __Yes __No
If the answer to any of these is yes, explain. (Attach additional sheets if necessary.)
D. 1. The Seller certifies that the property, as of the close of escrow, will be in compliance with Section 13113.8 of the Health and
Safety Code by having operable smoke detectors(s) which are approved, listed, and installed in accordance with the State Fire Marshal’s regulations and applicable local standards.

2. The Seller certifies that the property, as of the close of escrow, will be in compliance with Section 19211 of the Health and Safety Code by having the water heater tank(s) braced, anchored, or strapped in place in accordance with applicable law.
Seller certifies that the information herein is true and correct to the best of the Seller’s knowledge as of the date signed by the Seller.

Seller ___________________________________________________________ Date _________________________

Seller ___________________________________________________________ Date _________________________

(To be completed only if the Seller is represented by an agent in this transaction.)


__ Agent notes no items for disclosure.

__ Agent notes the following items:

Agent (Broker
Representing Seller) ___________________________ By ____________________Date_________

(Please Print)

(Associate Licensee or Broker Signature)

(To be completed only if the agent who has obtained the offer is other than the agent above.)


□ Agent notes no items for disclosure.

□ Agent notes the following items:

Agent (Broker
Obtaining the Offer) ____________________By _________________Date ______

(Please Print) (Associate Licensee

or Broker Signature)





Agent (Broker
Representing Seller) ________________________ By __________________Date________

(Please Print) (Associate Licensee

or Broker Signature)
Agent (Broker
Obtaining the Offer) ________________________By ___________________Date _______

(Please Print) (Associate Licensee

or Broker Signature)


(b) The amendments to this section by the act adding this subdivision shall become operative on July 1, 2014.

1102.6a. Disclosure Form - City or County May Require

1102.6a. Disclosure Form - City or County May Require somebody

Disclosure Form - City or County May Require
1102.6a. (a) On and after July 1, 1990, any city or county may elect to require disclosures on the form set forth in subdivision (b) in addition to those disclosures required by Section 1102.6. However, this section does not affect or limit the authority of a city or county to require disclosures on a different disclosure form in connection with transactions subject to this article pursuant to an
ordinance adopted prior to July 1, 1990. An ordinance like this adopted prior to July 1, 1990, may be amended thereafter to revise the disclosure requirements of the ordinance, in the discretion of the city council or county board of supervisors.

(b) Disclosures required pursuant to this section pertaining to the property proposed to be sold, shall be set forth in, and shall be made on a copy of, the following disclosure form:


COUNTY OF ______________________, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS ________________. THIS STATEMENT



The Seller discloses the following information with the knowledge that even though this is not a warranty, prospective Buyers may rely on this information in deciding whether and on what terms to purchase the subject property. Seller hereby authorizes any real estate licensee(s) representing any principal(s) in this transaction to provide a copy of this statement to any person or entity in connection with any actual or anticipated sale of the property.



(Example: Adjacent land is zoned for timber production which may be subject to harvest.)

Seller certifies that the information herein is true and correct to the best of the Seller’s knowledge as of the date signed by the Seller.

Seller ____________________________________________Date ____________________

Seller ____________________________________________Date ____________________



Buyer _________________________ Date__________

Buyer _________________________ Date__________


(c) This section does not preclude the use of addenda to the form specified in subdivision (b) to facilitate the required disclosures. This section does not preclude a city or county from using the disclosure form specified in subdivision (b) for a purpose other than that specified in this section.

(d) (1) On and after January 1, 2005, if a city or

county adopts a different or additional disclosure form pursuant to this section regarding the proximity or effects of an airport, the statement in that form shall contain, at a minimum, the information in the statement “Notice of Airport in Vicinity” found in Section 11010 of the Business and Professions Code, or Section 1103.4 or 4255.

(2) On and after January 1, 2006, if a city or county does not adopt a different or additional disclosure form pursuant to this section, then the provision of an “airport influence area” disclosure pursuant to Section 11010 of the Business and Professions Code, or Section 1103.4 or 4255, or if there is not a current airport influence map, a written disclosure of an airport within two statute miles, shall be deemed to satisfy any city or county requirements for the disclosure of airports in connection with sales of real property.

1102.6b. Disclosure of Mello-Roos Lien

1102.6b. Disclosure of Mello-Roos Lien somebody

Disclosure of Mello-Roos Lien
1102.6b. (a) This section applies to all sales of real property for which all of the following apply:
(1) The sale is subject to this article.

(2) The property being sold is subject to a continuing lien securing the levy of special taxes pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act (Chapter 2.5 (commencing with Section 53311) of Part 1 of Division 2 of Title 5 of the Government Code), to a fixed lien assessment collected in installments to secure bonds issued pursuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 (Division 10 (commencing with Section 8500) of the Streets and Highways Code), or to a contractual assessment program authorized pursuant to Chapter 29 (commencing with Section 5898.10) of Part 3 of Division 7 of the Streets and Highway Code.

(3) A notice is not required pursuant to Section 53341.5 of the Government Code.

(b) In addition to any other disclosure required pursuant to this article, the seller of any real property subject to this section shall make a good faith effort to obtain a disclosure notice concerning the special tax as provided for in Section 53340.2 of the Government Code, or a disclosure notice concerning an assessment installment as provided in Section 53754 of the Government Code, from each local agency that levies a special tax pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act, or that collects assessment installments to secure bonds issued pursuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 (Division 10 (commencing with Section 8500) of the Streets and Highways Code), or a disclosure notice concerning the contractual assessment as provided in Section 5898.24 of the Streets and Highways Code, on

the property being sold, and shall deliver that notice or those notices to the prospective buyer, as long as the notices are made available by the local agency.

(c) (1) The seller of real property subject to this

section may satisfy the disclosure notice requirements in regard to the bonds issued pursuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 (Division 10 (commencing with Section 8500) of the Streets and Highways Code) by delivering a disclosure notice that is substantially equivalent and obtained from another source until December 31, 2004.

(2) The seller of real property subject to this section may satisfy the disclosure notice requirements in regard to the assessments collected under the contractual assessment program authorized pursuant to Chapter 29 (commencing with Section 5898.10) of Part 3 of Division 7 of the Streets and Highway Code by delivering a disclosure notice that is substantially equivalent and obtained from another source.

(3) For the purposes of this section, a substantially equivalent disclosure notice includes, but is not limited to, a copy of the most recent year’s property tax bill or an itemization of current assessment amounts applicable to the property.

(d) (1) Notwithstanding subdivision (c), the

seller of real property subject to this section may satisfy the disclosure notice requirements of this section by delivering a disclosure notice obtained from a nongovernmental source that satisfies the requirements of paragraph (2).

(2) A notice provided by a private entity other than a designated office, department, or bureau of the levying entity may be modified as needed to clearly and accurately describe a special tax pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act levied against the property or to clearly and accurately consolidate information about two or more districts that levy or are authorized to levy a special tax pursuant to the Mello-Roos Community Facilities Act against the property, and shall include the name of the Mello-Roos entity levying taxes against the property, the annual tax due for the Mello-Roos entity for the current tax year, the maximum tax that may be levied against the property in any year, the percentage by which the maximum tax for the Mello-Roos entity may increase per year, and the date until the tax may be levied against the property for the Mello-Roos entity and a contact telephone number, if available, for further information about the Mello-Roos entity. A notice provided by a private entity other than a designated office,

department, or bureau of the levying entity may be modified as needed to clearly and accurately describe special assessments and bonds pursuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 levied against the property, or to clearly and accurately consolidate information about two or more districts that levy or are authorized to levy special assessments and bonds pursuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 against the property, and shall include the name of the special assessments and bonds issued pursuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915, the current annual tax on the property for the special assessments and bonds issued pursuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915 and a contact telephone number, if available, for further information about the special assessments and bonds issued pursuant to the Improvement Bond Act of 1915.

(3) This section does not change the ability to make disclosures pursuant to Section 1102.4 of the Civil Code.

(e) If a disclosure received pursuant to subdivision (b), (c), or (d) has been delivered to the buyer, a seller or his or her agent is not required to provide additional information concerning, and information in the disclosure shall be deemed to satisfy the responsibility of the seller or his or her agent to inform the buyer regarding the special tax or assessment installments and the district. Notwithstanding subdivision (b), (c), or (d), nothing in this section imposes a duty to discover a special tax or assessment installments or the existence of any levying district not actually known to the agents.

1102.6c. Supplemental Property Tax Bill Disclosure

1102.6c. Supplemental Property Tax Bill Disclosure somebody

Supplemental Property Tax Bill Disclosure
1102.6c. (a) In addition to any other disclosure required pursuant to this article, it shall be the sole responsibility of the seller of any real property subject to this article, or his or her agent, to deliver to the prospective buyer a disclosure notice that includes both of the following:
(1) A notice, in at least 12-point type or a contrasting color, as follows:

“California property tax law requires the Assessor to revalue real property at the time the ownership of the property changes. Because of this law, you may receive one or two supplemental tax bills, depending on when your loan closes.

The supplemental tax bills are not mailed to your lender. If you have arranged for your property tax payments to be paid through an impound account, the supplemental tax bills will not be paid by your lender. It is your responsibility to pay these supplemental bills directly to the tax collector. If you have any question concerning this matter, please call your local tax collector’s office.”
(2) A title, in at least 14-point type or a contrasting color, that reads as follows: “Notice of Your ’Supplemental’ Property Tax Bill.”

(b) The disclosure notice requirements of this section may be satisfied by delivering a disclosure notice pursuant to Section 1102.6b that satisfies the requirements of subdivision (a).

1102.6d. Manufactured Home/Mobilehome - Transfer

1102.6d. Manufactured Home/Mobilehome - Transfer somebody

Manufactured Home/Mobilehome - Transfer
Disclosure Statement
1102.6d. Except for manufactured homes and mobilehomes located in a common interest
development governed by Part 5 (commencing with Section 4000) of Division 4, the disclosures applicable to the resale of a manufactured home or mobilehome pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 1102 are set forth in, and shall be made on a copy of, the following disclosure form:






This Manufactured Home and Mobilehome Transfer Disclosure Statement is made pursuant to Article 1.5 (commencing with Section 1102) of Chapter 2 of Title 4 of Part 4 of Division 2 of the Civil Code. Other statutes require disclosures, or other information may be important to the prospective buyer, depending upon the details of the particular transaction (including, but not limited to, the condition of the park in which the manufactured home or mobilehome will be located; disclosures required or information provided by the Mobilehome Residency Law, Section 798 of the Civil Code et seq.; the mobilehome park rental agreement or lease; the mobilehome park rules and regulations; and park and lot inspection reports, if any, completed by the state or a local enforcement agency). Substituted Disclosures: The following disclosures have or will be made in connection with this transfer, and are intended to satisfy the disclosure obligations of this form, where the subject matter is the same:

— Home inspection reports completed pursuant to the contract of sale or receipt for deposit.

__ Additional inspection reports or disclosures:

The Seller discloses the following information with the knowledge that even though this is not a warranty, prospective buyers may rely on this information in deciding whether, and on what terms, to purchase the subject Home. Seller hereby authorizes any agent(s), as defined in Section 18046 of the Health and Safety Code, representing any principal(s) in this transaction to provide a copy of this statement to any person or entity in connection with any actual or anticipated sale of the Home.


Seller ___ is ___ is not occupying the Home.

A. The subject Home includes the items checked below which are being sold with the Home (read across):*
__Range __Oven __Microwave

__Dishwasher __Trash Compactor __Garbage Disposal

__Burglar Alarm __Carbon Monoxide Device(s) __Fire Alarm

__TV Antenna __Satellite Dish __Intercom

__Central Heating __Central Air Cndtng. __Wall/Window Air Cndtng.

__Evaporative Cooler(s) __Sump Pump __Water Softener

__Porch Decking __Porch Awning __Gazebo

__Private Sauna __Private Spa __Spa Locking Safety Cvr

__Private Hot Tub __Hot Tub Locking Cvr __Gas/Spa Heater

__Solar/Spa Heater __Gas Water Heater __Solar Water Heater

__Electric Water Heater __Attached Garage __Bottled Propane

__Carport Awning __# Remote Controls __Detached Garage

__Automatic Garage Door Opener(s) __ Bedroom Window Quick Release Mechanism __Window Screens

__Window Secure Bars __Washer/Dryer Hookups __Rain Gutters

__Earthquake Resistant Bracing

Exhaust Fan(s) in ______________________ 220 Volt Wiring in _________________________________________

Fireplace(s) in ________________________ Gas Starter(s) _____________________________________________

Roof(s) and type(s) ____________________ Roof age (Approximate) _____________________________________

Other _______________________________________________________________________________________________

* Installation of a listed appliance, device, or amenity is not a precondition of sale or transfer of the home. The carbon monoxide device, garage door opener, or child-resistant pool barrier may not be in compliance with the safety standards relating to, respectively, carbon monoxide device standards of Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 13260) of Part 2 of Division 12 of, automatic reversing device standards of Chapter 12.5 (commencing with Section 19890) of Part 3 of Division 13 of, or the pool safety standards of Article 2.5 (commencing with Section 115920) of Chapter 5 of Part 10 of Division 104 of, the Health and Safety Code. Window security bars may not have quick-release mechanisms in compliance with the 1995 edition of the California Building Standards Code.

Are there, to the best of your (Seller’s) knowledge, any of the above that are not in operating condition? ___Yes ___No. If yes, then describe. (Attach additional sheets if necessary):

B. Are you (the Seller) aware of any significant defects/malfunctions in any of the following in connection with the Home? __ Yes __ No. If yes, check appropriate space(s) below.

__ Interior Walls __ Ceilings __ Floors __ Exterior Walls

__ Insulation __ Roof(s) __ Windows __ Doors

__ Home Electrical Systems __ Plumbing __ Porch or Deck

__ Porch Steps & Railings __ Other Steps & Railings __ Porch Awning __ Carport Awning

__ Other Awnings __Skirting __ Home Foundation or Support System

Other Structural Components (Describe: ______________________________________________________)

If any of the above is checked, explain. (Attach additional sheets if necessary): __________________________________________

C. Are you (the Seller) aware of any of the following:

1. Substances, materials or products which may be an environmental hazard such as, but not limited to, asbestos, formaldehyde, radon gas, lead-based paint, or chemical storage tanks on the subject
home interior or exterior __Yes __No

2. Room additions, structural modifications, or other alterations or repairs made without necessary permits __Yes __No
3. Room additions, structural modifications, or other alterations or repairs not in compliance with applicable codes __Yes __No
4. Any settling from slippage, sliding or problems with leveling of the home or the foundation or support system __Yes __No
5. Drainage or grading problems with the home, space or lot __Yes __No
6. Damage to the home or accessory structures being sold with the home from fire, flood, earthquake, or landslides __Yes __No
7. Any notices of abatement or citations against the home or accessory structures being sold with the home __Yes __No
8. Any lawsuits by or against the seller threatening to or affecting the home or the accessory structures being sold with the home, including any lawsuits alleging any defect or deficiency in the home or accessories sold with the home __Yes __No
9. Neighborhood noise problems or other nuisances __Yes __No
10. Any encroachment, easement, nonconforming use or violation of setback requirements with the home, accessory structures being sold with the home, or space __Yes __No
If the answer to any of these is yes, explain. (Attach additional sheets if necessary.):

D. 1. The Seller certifies that the home, as of the close of escrow, will be in compliance with Section 13113.8 of the Health and Safety Code by having operable smoke detectors(s) which are approved, listed, and installed in accordance with the State Fire Marshal’s regulations and applicable local standards.

2. The Seller certifies that the home, as of the close of escrow, will be in compliance with Section 19211 of the Health and Safety Code by having the water heater tank(s) braced, anchored, or strapped in place in accordance with applicable law.
Seller certifies that the information herein is true and correct to the best of the Seller’s knowledge as of the date signed by the Seller.

Seller ____________________________________________________ Date _______________________

Seller ____________________________________________________ Date _______________________

(To be completed only if the Seller is represented by an Agent in this transaction.)


__ Agent notes no items for disclosure.

__ Agent notes the following items:

Representing Seller __________________________ By ______________________Date______________

(Please Print) (Signature)

(To be completed only if the Agent who has obtained the offer is other than the Agent above.)


__ Agent notes no items for disclosure.

__ Agent notes the following items:

Representing Buyer _________________By __________________ Date_________

(Please Print) (Signature)



Seller Date Buyer Date
Seller Date Buyer Date
Agent Representing Seller By Date
(Please Print) (Signature)

Representing Buyer ________________By _________________Date__________

(Please Print) (Signature)



1102.6e. Property Transfer Fee

1102.6e. Property Transfer Fee somebody

Property Transfer Fee
1102.6e. If a property being transferred on or after January 1, 2008, is subject to a transfer fee, as defined in Section 1098, the transferor shall provide, at the same time as the transfer disclosure statement required pursuant to Section 1102.6 is provided if the document required by subdivision (b) of Section 1098.5 has not already been provided, an additional disclosure statement containing all of the following:
(a) Notice that payment of a transfer fee is required as a result of transfer of the property.

(b) The amount of the fee required for the asking price of the real property, if the amount of the fee is based on the price of the real property, and a description of how the fee is calculated.

(c) Notice that the final amount of the fee may be different if the fee is based upon a percentage of the final sale price.

(d) The entity to which funds from the fee will be paid.

(e) The purposes for which funds from the fee will be used.

(f) The date or circumstances under which the obligation to pay the transfer fee expires, if any.


1102.6f. somebody

1102.6f. (a) On or after January 1, 2021, in addition to any other disclosure required pursuant to this article, the seller of any real property subject to this article that is located in a high or very high fire hazard severity zone, as identified by the Director of Forestry and Fire Protection pursuant to Section 51178 of the Government Code or Article 9 (commencing with Section 4201) of Chapter 1 of Part 2 of Division 4 of the Public Resources Code, shall provide a disclosure notice to the buyer, if the home was constructed before January 1, 2010, that includes the following information:
(1) A statement as follows: “This home is located in a high or very high fire hazard severity zone and this home was built before the implementation of the Wildfire Urban Interface building codes which help to fire harden a home. To better protect your home from wildfire, you might need to consider improvements. Information on fire hardening, including current building standards and information on minimum annual vegetation management standards to protect homes from wildfires, can be obtained on the internet website http://www.readyforwildfire.org.”

(2) On or after July 1, 2025, a list of low-cost retrofits developed and listed pursuant to Section 51189 of the Government Code. The notice shall disclose which listed retrofits, if any, have been completed during the time that the seller has owned the property.

(3) A list of the following features that may make the home vulnerable to wildfire and flying embers. The notice shall disclose which of the listed features, if any, that exist on the home of which the seller is aware:

(A) Eave, soffit, and roof ventilation where the vents have openings in excess of one-eighth of an inch or are not flame and ember resistant.

(B) Roof coverings made of untreated wood shingles or shakes.

(C) Combustible landscaping or other materials within five feet of the home and under the footprint of any attached deck.

(D) Single pane or nontempered glass windows.

(E) Loose or missing bird stopping or roof flashing.

(F) Rain gutters without metal or noncombustible gutter covers.

(b) If, pursuant to Section 51182 of the Government Code, a seller has obtained a final inspection report described in that section, the seller shall provide to the buyer a copy of that report or information on where a copy of the report may be obtained.

(c) This section shall not be construed as a requirement, instruction, or consideration for present or future building code formulation, including, but not limited to, the Wildland Urban Interface building standards (Chapter 7A (commencing with Section 701A.1) of Part 2 of Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations).

Article 1.7. Disclosure of Natural Hazards Upon Transfer of Residential Property

Article 1.7. Disclosure of Natural Hazards Upon Transfer of Residential Property somebody

1103. Application of Article

1103. Application of Article somebody

Application of Article
1103. (a) For purpose of this article, the definitions in Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 10000) of Part 1 of Division 4 of the Business and Professions Code shall apply.
(b) Except as provided in Section 1103.1, this article applies to a sale, exchange, real property sales contract, as defined in Section 2985, lease with an option to purchase, any other option to purchase, or ground lease coupled with improvements, of any single-family residential real property.

(c) This article shall apply to the transactions described in subdivision (b) only if the seller or his or her agent is required by one or more of the following to disclose the property’s location within a hazard zone:

(1) A seller’s agent for a seller of real property that is located within a special flood hazard area (any type Zone “A” or “V”) designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or the seller if the seller is acting without a seller’s agent, shall disclose to any prospective buyer the fact that the property is located within a special flood hazard area if either:

(A) The seller, or the seller’s agent, has actual knowledge that the property is within a special flood hazard area.

(B) The local jurisdiction has compiled a list, by parcel, of properties that are within the special flood hazard area and a notice has been posted at the offices of the county recorder, county assessor, and county planning agency that identifies the location of the parcel list.

(2) A seller’s agent for a seller of real property that is located within an area of potential flooding designated pursuant to Section 6161 of the Water Code, or the seller if the seller is acting without a seller’s agent, shall disclose to any prospective buyer the fact that the property is located within an area of potential flooding if either:

(A) The seller, or the seller’s agent, has actual knowledge that the property is within an inundation area.

(B) The local jurisdiction has compiled a list, by parcel, of properties that are within the inundation area and a notice has been posted at the offices of the county recorder, county assessor, and county planning agency that identifies the location of the parcel list.

(3) A seller of real property that is located within a very high fire hazard severity zone, designated pursuant to Section 51178 of the Government Code, or the seller’s agent, shall disclose to any prospective buyer the fact that the property is located within a very high fire hazard severity zone and is subject to the requirements of Section 51182 of the Government Code if either:

(A) The seller or the seller’s agent, has actual knowledge that the property is within a very high fire hazard severity zone.

(B) A map that includes the property has been provided to the local agency pursuant to Section 51178 of the Government Code and a

notice has been posted at the offices of the county recorder, county assessor, and county planning agency that identifies the location of the map and any information regarding changes to the map received by the local agency.

(4) A seller’s agent for a seller of real property that is located within an earthquake fault zone, designated pursuant to Section 2622 of the Public Resources Code, or the seller, if the seller is acting without an agent, shall disclose to any prospective buyer the fact that the property is located within a delineated earthquake fault zone if either:

(A) The seller, or the seller’s agent, has actual knowledge that the property is within a delineated earthquake fault zone.

(B) A map that includes the property has been provided to the city or county pursuant to Section 2622 of the Public Resources Code and a notice has been posted at the offices of the county recorder, county assessor, and county planning agency that identifies the location of the map and any information regarding changes to the map received by the county.

(5) A seller’s agent for a seller of real property that is located within a seismic hazard zone, designated pursuant to Section 2696 of the Public Resources Code, or the seller if the seller is acting without an agent, shall disclose to any prospective buyer the fact that the property is located within a seismic hazard zone if either:

(A) The seller, or the seller’s agent, has actual knowledge that the property is within a seismic hazard zone.

(B) A map that includes the property has been provided to the city or county pursuant to Section 2696 of the Public Resources Code and a notice has been posted at the offices of the county recorder, county assessor, and county planning agency that identifies the location of the map and any information regarding changes to the map received by the county.

(6) A seller of real property that is located within a state responsibility area determined by the board, pursuant to Section 4125 of the Public Resources Code, or the seller’s agent, shall disclose to any prospective buyer the fact that the property is located within a wildland area that may contain substantial forest fire risks and hazards and is subject to the requirements of Section 4291 of the Public Resources Code if either:

(A) The seller, or the seller’s agent, has actual knowledge that the property is within a wildland fire zone.

(B) A map that includes the property has been provided to the city or county pursuant to Section 4125 of the Public Resources Code and a notice has been posted at the offices of the county recorder, county assessor, and county planning agency that identifies the location of the map and any information regarding changes to the map received by the county.

(d) Any waiver of the requirements of this article is void as against public policy.

1103.1. Exempt Transfers

1103.1. Exempt Transfers somebody

Exempt Transfers
1103.1. (a) This article does not apply to the following sales:
(1) Sales or transfers pursuant to court order, including, but not limited to, sales ordered by a probate court in administration of an estate, sales pursuant to a writ of execution, sales by any foreclosure sale, sales by a trustee in bankruptcy, sales by eminent domain, and sales resulting from a decree for specific performance.

(2) Sales or transfers to a mortgagee by a mortgagor or successor in interest who is in default, sales to a beneficiary of a deed of trust by a trustor or successor in interest who is in default, transfers by any foreclosure sale after default, any foreclosure sale after default in an obligation secured by a mortgage, sale under a power of sale or any foreclosure sale under a decree of foreclosure after default in an obligation secured by a deed of trust or secured by any other instrument containing a power of sale, or sales by a mortgagee or a beneficiary under a deed of trust who has acquired the real property at a sale conducted pursuant to a power of sale under a mortgage or deed of trust or a sale pursuant to a decree of foreclosure or has acquired the real property by a deed in lieu of foreclosure.

(3) Sales or transfers by a fiduciary in the course of the administration of a trust, guardianship, conservatorship, or decedent’s estate. This exemption shall not apply to a sale if the trustee is a natural person who is a trustee of a revocable trust and the seller is a former owner of the property or an occupant in possession of the property within the preceding year.

(4) Sales or transfers from one coowner to one or more other coowners.

(5) Sales or transfers made to a spouse, or to a person or persons in the line of consanguinity of one or more of the sellers.

(6) Sales or transfers between spouses resulting from a judgment of dissolution of marriage or of legal separation of the parties or from a property settlement agreement incidental to that judgment.

(7) Sales or transfers by the Controller in the course of administering Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 1500) of Title 10 of Part 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure.

(8) Sales or transfers under Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 3691) or Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 3771) of Part 6 of Division 1 of the Revenue and Taxation Code.

(9) Sales, transfers, or exchanges to or from any governmental entity.

(10) The sale, creation, or transfer of any lease of any duration except a lease with an option to purchase or a ground lease coupled with improvements.

(b) Sales and transfers not subject to this article may be subject to other disclosure requirements, including those under Sections 8589.3, 8589.4, and 51183.5 of the Government Code and Sections 2621.9, 2694, and 4136 of the Public Resources Code. In sales not subject to this article, agents may make required disclosures in a separate writing.

(c) Notwithstanding the definition of sale in Section 10018.5 of the Business and Professions Code and Section 2079.13, the terms “sale” and “transfer,” as they are used in this section, shall have their commonly understood meanings. The changes made to this section by Assembly Bill 1289 of the 2017-18 Legislative Session shall not be interpreted to change the application of the law as it read prior to January 1, 2019.

1103.10. Delivery

1103.10. Delivery somebody

1103.10. Delivery of disclosures required by this article shall be by personal delivery to the transferee or by mail to the prospective transferee. For the purposes of this article, delivery to the spouse of a transferee shall be deemed delivery to the transferee, unless provided otherwise by contract.


1103.11. somebody

1103.11. Any person or entity, other than a real estate licensee licensed pursuant to Part 1 (commencing with Section 10000) of Division 4 of the Business and Professions Code, acting in the capacity of an escrow agent for the transfer of real property subject to this article shall not be deemed the agent of the transferor or transferee for purposes of the disclosure requirements of this article, unless the person or entity is empowered to so act by an express written agreement to that effect. The extent of that agency shall be governed by the written agreement.
More Than One Broker/Agent in a Transaction 1103.12. (a) If more than one licensed real estate broker is acting as an agent in a transaction subject to this article, the broker who has obtained the offer made by
the transferee shall, except as otherwise provided in this article, deliver the disclosure required by this article to the transferee, unless the transferor has given other written instructions for delivery.

(b) If a licensed real estate broker responsible for delivering the disclosures under this section cannot obtain the disclosure document required and does not have written assurance from the transferee that the disclosure has been received, the broker shall advise the transferee in writing of his or her rights to the disclosure. A licensed real estate broker responsible for delivering disclosures under this section shall maintain a record of the action taken to effect compliance in accordance with Section 10148 of the Business and Professions Code.

1103.13. Failure to Comply Does Not Invalidate Transfer -Damages

1103.13. Failure to Comply Does Not Invalidate Transfer -Damages somebody

Failure to Comply Does Not Invalidate Transfer -Damages
1103.13. No transfer subject to this article shall be invalidated solely because of the failure of any person to comply with any provision of this article. However, any person who willfully or negligently violates or fails to perform any duty prescribed by any provision of this article shall be liable in the amount of actual damages suffered by a transferee.

1103.2. Required Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement

1103.2. Required Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement somebody

Required Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement
1103.2. (a) The disclosures required by this article are set forth in, and shall be made on a copy of, the following Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement:
This statement applies to the following property:

The seller and the seller’s agent(s) or a third-party consultant disclose the following information with the knowledge that even though this is not a warranty, prospective buyers may rely on this information in deciding whether and on what terms to purchase the subject property. Seller hereby authorizes any agent(s) representing any principal(s) in this action to provide a copy of this statement to any person or entity in
connection with any actual or anticipated sale of the property.

The following are representations made by the seller and the seller’s agent(s) based on their knowledge and maps drawn by the state and federal governments. This information is a disclosure and is not intended to be part of any contract between the seller and buyer.


A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA (Any type Zone “A” or “V”) designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Yes _____No _____Do not know and

______information not

______available from local

______jurisdiction __

AN AREA OF POTENTIAL FLOODING shown on a dam failure inundation map pursuant to Section 8589.5 of the Government Code.

Yes _____No _____Do not know and

______information not

______available from local

______jurisdiction __

A VERY HIGH FIRE HAZARD SEVERITY ZONE pursuant to Section 51178 or 51179 of the Government Code. The owner of this property is subject to the maintenance requirements of Section 51182 of the Government Code.

Yes _____No _____

A WILDLAND AREA THAT MAY CONTAIN SUBSTANTIAL FOREST FIRE RISKS AND HAZARDS pursuant to Section 4125 of the Public Resources Code. The owner of this property is subject to the maintenance requirements of Section 4291 of the Public Resources Code. Additionally, it is not the state’s responsibility to provide fire protection services to any building or structure located within the wildlands unless the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection has entered into a cooperative agreement with a local agency for those purposes pursuant to Section 4142 of the Public Resources Code.

Yes _____No _____

AN EARTHQUAKE FAULT ZONE pursuant to Section 2622 of the Public Resources Code.

Yes _____No _____

A SEISMIC HAZARD ZONE pursuant to Section 2696 of the Public Resources Code.

Yes (Landslide Zone)_____________Yes (Liquefaction

Zone) _______

No _____Map not yet released by state __



Signature of Seller(s)
Signature of Seller(s)
Seller’s Agent(s)
Seller’s Agent(s)
Check only one of the following: ___

□ Seller(s) and their agent(s) represent that the information herein is true and correct to the best of their knowledge as of the date signed by the transferor(s) and agent(s).

□ Seller(s) and their agent(s) acknowledge that they have exercised good faith in the selection of a third-party report provider as required in Section 1103.7 of the Civil Code, and that the representations made in this Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement are based upon information provided by the independent third-party disclosure provider as a substituted disclosure pursuant to Section 1103.4 of the Civil Code. Neither seller(s) nor their agent(s) (1) has independently verified the information contained in this statement and report or (2) is personally aware of any errors or inaccuracies in the information contained on the statement. This statement was prepared by the provider below:

Disclosure Provider(s)
Buyer represents that Buyer has read and understands this document. Pursuant to Section 1103.8 of the Civil Code, the representations made in this Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement do not constitute all of the seller’s or agent’s disclosure obligations in this transaction.

Signature of Buyer(s)
Signature of Buyer(s)
(b) If an earthquake fault zone, seismic hazard zone, very high fire hazard severity zone, or wildland fire area map or accompanying information is not of sufficient accuracy or scale that a reasonable person can determine if the subject real property is included in a natural hazard area, the seller or seller’s agent shall mark “Yes” on the Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement. The seller’s agent may mark “No” on the Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement if the seller attaches a report prepared pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 1103.4 that verifies the property is not in the hazard zone. This subdivision is not intended to limit or abridge any existing duty of the seller or the seller’s agent to exercise reasonable care in making a determination under this subdivision.

(c) If the Federal Emergency Management Agency has issued a Letter of Map Revision confirming that a property is no longer within a special flood hazard area, then the seller or seller’s agent may mark “No” on the Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement, even if the map has not yet been updated. The seller or seller’s agent shall attach a copy of the Letter of Map Revision to the disclosure statement.

(d) If the Federal Emergency Management Agency has issued a Letter of Map Revision confirming that a property is within a special flood hazard area and the location of the letter has been posted pursuant to subdivision (g) of Section 8589.3 of the Government Code, then the seller or seller’s agent shall mark “Yes” on the Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement, even if the map has not yet been updated. The seller or seller’s agent shall attach a copy of the Letter of Map Revision to the disclosure statement.

(e) The disclosure required pursuant to this article may be provided by the seller and the seller’s agent in the Local Option Real Estate Disclosure Statement described in Section 1102.6a, provided that the Local Option Real Estate Disclosure Statement includes substantially the same information and substantially the same warnings that are required by this section.

(f) (1) The legal effect of a consultant’s report delivered to satisfy the exemption provided by Section 1103.4 is not changed when it is accompanied by a Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement.

(2) A consultant’s report shall always be accompanied by a completed and signed Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement.

(3) In a disclosure statement required by this section, an agent and third-party provider may cause the agent and third-party provider’s name to be preprinted in lieu of an original signature in the portions of the form reserved for signatures. The use of a preprinted name shall not change the legal effect of the acknowledgment.

(g) The disclosure required by this article is only a disclosure between the seller, the seller’s agent, and the prospective buyer, and shall not be used by any other party, including, but not limited to, insurance companies, lenders, or governmental agencies, for any purpose.

(h) In any transaction in which a seller has accepted, prior to June 1, 1998, an offer to purchase, the seller, or the seller’s agent shall be deemed to have complied with the requirement of subdivision (a) if the seller or agent delivers to the prospective buyer a statement that includes substantially the same information and warning as the Natural Hazard Disclosure Statement.


1103.21. somebody

1103.21. (a) The Legislature finds and declares:
(1) Sales of foreclosed properties have become a dominant portion of homes on the resale real estate market.

(2) The recent troubled real estate market has resulted in a concentration of the majority of homes available for resale within the hands of foreclosing lenders and has dramatically changed the market dynamics affecting ordinary home buyers.

(3) Preserving the fair negotiability of contract terms is an important policy goal to be preserved in real estate transactions.

(4) The potential for unfairness occasioned by the resale of large numbers of foreclosed homes on the market requires that protections against abuses be made effective immediately.

(5) The federal Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) creates general rules for fair negotiation of settlement services, prohibits kickbacks and specifically prohibits a seller in a

federally related transaction from requiring a buyer to purchase title insurance from a particular insurer.

(6) California law does not specifically prohibit a seller from imposing, as a condition of sale of a foreclosed home, the purchase of title insurance or escrow services from a particular insurer or provider.

(7) Therefore it is necessary to add this act to California law to provide to a home buyer protection that follows the RESPA model and applies to, and prevents, the conditioning of a sale of a foreclosed home on the buyer's purchase of title insurance from a particular insurer or title company and/or the buyer's purchase of escrow services from a particular provider.

(b) It is the intent of the Legislature that, for the purpose of this act, the sale of a residential real property is deemed to include the receipt of an offer to purchase that residential real property.


1103.22. somebody

1103.22. (a) A seller of residential real property improved by four or fewer dwelling units shall not require directly or indirectly, as a condition of selling the property, that title insurance covering the property or escrow service provided in connection with the sale of the property be purchased by the buyer from a particular title insurer or escrow agent. This section does not prohibit a buyer from agreeing to accept the services of a title insurer or an escrow agent recommended by the seller if written notice of the right to make an independent selection of those services is first provided by the seller to the buyer.
(b) For purposes of this section:

(1) Escrow service" means service provided by a person licensed pursuant to Division 6 (commencing with Section 17000) of the Financial Code, or exempt from licensing pursuant to Section 17006 of the Financial Code.

(2) "Seller" means a mortgagee or beneficiary under a deed of trust who acquired title to residential real property improved by four or fewer dwelling units at a foreclosure sale, including a trustee, agent, officer, or other employee of any such mortgagee or beneficiary.

(3) "Title insurance" means insurance offered by an insurer admitted in this state to transact title insurance pursuant to Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 12340) of Part 6 of the Insurance Code.

(c) A seller who violates this section shall be liable to a buyer in an amount equal to three times all charges made for the title insurance or escrow service. In addition, any person who violates this section shall be

deemed to have violated his or her license law and shall be subject to discipline by his or her licensing entity.

(d) A transaction subject to this section shall not be invalidated solely because of the failure of any person to comply with any provision of this act.

1103.3. Timely Delivery - Termination Right for Failure

1103.3. Timely Delivery - Termination Right for Failure somebody

Timely Delivery - Termination Right for Failure
1103.3. (a) The seller of any real property subject to this article shall deliver to the prospective buyer the written statement required by this article, as follows:
(1) In the case of a sale, as soon as practicable before transfer of title.

(2) In the case of a sale by a real property sales contract, as defined in Section 2985, or by a lease together with an option to purchase, or a ground lease coupled with improvements, as soon as practicable before the prospective buyer’s execution of the contract. For the purpose of this subdivision, “execution” means the making or acceptance of an offer.

(b) The seller shall indicate compliance with this article either on the real property sales contract, the lease, any addendum attached thereto, or on a separate document.

(c) If any disclosure, or any material amendment of any disclosure, required to be made pursuant to this article is delivered after the execution of an offer to purchase, the prospective buyer shall have three days after delivery in person, five days after delivery by deposit in the mail, or five days after delivery of an electronic record in transactions where the parties have agreed to

conduct the transaction by electronic means, pursuant to provisions of the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (Title 2.5 (commencing with Section 1633.1) of Part 2 of Division 3), to terminate his or her offer by delivery of a written notice of termination to the seller or the seller’s agent.

1103.4. Liability for Error, Inaccuracy or Omission

1103.4. Liability for Error, Inaccuracy or Omission somebody

Liability for Error, Inaccuracy or Omission
1103.4. (a) Neither the seller nor any seller’s agent or buyer’s agent shall be liable for any error, inaccuracy, or omission of any information delivered pursuant to this article if the error, inaccuracy, or omission was not within the personal knowledge of the seller or the seller’s agent or buyer’s agent, and was based on information timely provided by public agencies or by other persons providing information as specified in subdivision (c) that is required to be disclosed pursuant to this article, and ordinary care was exercised in obtaining and transmitting the information.
(b) The delivery of any information required to be disclosed by this article to a prospective buyer by a public agency or other person providing information required to be disclosed pursuant to this article shall be deemed to comply with the requirements of this article and shall relieve the seller, seller’s agent, and buyer’s agent of any further duty under this article with respect to that item of information.

(c) The delivery of a report or opinion prepared by a licensed engineer, land surveyor, geologist, or expert in natural hazard discovery dealing with matters within the scope of the professional's license or expertise shall be sufficient compliance for application of the exemption provided by subdivision (a) if the information is provided to the prospective buyer pursuant to a request therefor, whether written or oral. In responding to that request, an expert may indicate, in writing, an understanding that the information provided will be used in fulfilling the requirements of Section 1103.2 and, if so, shall indicate the required disclosures, or parts thereof, to which the information being furnished is applicable. Where such a statement is furnished, the expert shall not be responsible for any items of information or parts thereof, other than those expressly set forth in the statement.

(1) In responding to the request, the expert shall determine whether the property is within an airport influence area as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 11010 of the Business and Professions Code. If the property is within an airport influence area, the report shall contain the following statement:

This property is presently located in the vicinity of an airport, within what is known as an airport influence area. For that reason, the property may be subject to some of the annoyances or inconveniences associated with proximity to airport operations (for example: noise, vibration, or odors). Individual sensitivities to those annoyances can vary from person to person. You may wish to consider what airport annoyances, if any, are associated with the property before you complete your purchase and determine whether they are acceptable to you.

(2) In responding to the request, the expert shall determine whether the property is within the jurisdiction of the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, as defined in Section 66620 of the Government Code. If the property is within the commission's jurisdiction, the report shall contain the following notice:

This property is located within the jurisdiction of the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission. Use and development of property within the commission's jurisdiction may be subject to special regulations, restrictions, and permit requirements. You may wish to investigate and determine whether they are acceptable to you and your intended use of the property before you complete your transaction.

(3) In responding to the request, the expert shall determine whether the property is presently located within one mile of a parcel of real property designated as "Prime Farmland," "Farmland of Statewide Importance," "Unique Farmland," "Farmland of Local Importance," or "Grazing Land" on the most current "Important Farmland Map" issued by the California Department of Conservation, Division of Land Resource Protection, utilizing solely the county-level GIS map data, if any, available on the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program Web site. If the residential property is within one mile of a designated farmland area, the report shall contain the following notice:

This property is located within one mile of a farm or ranch land designated on the current county-level GIS "Important Farmland Map," issued by the California Department of Conservation, Division of Land Resource Protection. Accordingly, the property may be subject to inconveniences or
discomforts resulting from agricultural operations that are a normal and necessary aspect of living in a community with a strong rural character and a healthy agricultural sector. Customary agricultural practices in farm operations may include, but are not limited to, noise, odors, dust, light, insects, the operation of pumps and machinery, the storage and disposal of manure, bee pollination, and the ground or aerial application of fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. These agricultural practices may occur at any time during the 24-hour day. Individual sensitivities to those practices can vary from person to person. You may wish to consider the impacts of such agricultural practices before you complete your purchase. Please be advised that you may be barred from obtaining legal remedies against agricultural practices conducted in a manner consistent with proper and accepted customs and standards pursuant to Section 3482.5 of the Civil Code or any pertinent local ordinance.

(4) In responding to the request, the expert shall determine, utilizing map coordinate data made available by the Office of Mine Reclamation, whether the property is presently located within one mile of a mine operation for which map coordinate data has been reported to the director pursuant to Section 2207 of the Public Resources Code. If the expert determines, from the available map coordinate data, that the residential property is located within one mile of a mine operation, the report shall contain the following notice:


This property is located within one mile of a mine operation for which the mine owner or operator has reported mine location data to the Department of Conservation pursuant to Section 2207 of the Public Resources Code. Accordingly, the property may be subject to inconveniences resulting from mining operations. You may wish to consider the impacts of these practices before you complete your transaction.


1103.5. somebody

1103.5. (a) After a seller and his or her agent comply with Section 1103.2, they shall be relieved of further duty under this article with respect to those items of information. The seller and the seller’s agent shall not be required to provide notice to the prospective buyer if the information provided subsequently becomes inaccurate as a result of any governmental action, map revision, changed information, or other act or occurrence, unless the seller or agent has actual knowledge that the information has become inaccurate.
(b) If information disclosed in accordance with this article is subsequently rendered inaccurate as a result of

any governmental action, map revision, changed information, or other act or occurrence subsequent to the delivery of the required disclosures, the inaccuracy resulting therefrom does not constitute a violation of this article.


1103.8. somebody

1103.8. (a) The specification of items for disclosure in this article does not limit or abridge any obligation for disclosure created by any other provision of law or that may exist in order to avoid fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit in the sale transaction. The Legislature does not intend to affect the existing obligations of the parties to a real estate contract, or their agents, to disclose any fact materially affecting the value and desirability of the property, including, but not limited to, the physical condition of the property and previously received reports of physical inspection noted on the disclosure form provided pursuant to Section 1102.6 or 1102.6a.
(b) Nothing in this article shall be construed to change the duty of a real estate broker or salesperson pursuant to Section 2079.

1133. Blanket Encumbrance on Subdivisions - Notice Required

1133. Blanket Encumbrance on Subdivisions - Notice Required somebody

Blanket Encumbrance on Subdivisions - Notice Required
1133. (a) If a lot, parcel, or unit of a subdivision is subject to a blanket encumbrance, as defined in Section 11013 of the Business and Professions Code, but is exempt from a requirement of compliance with Section 11013.2 of the Business and Professions Code, the subdivider, his or her agent, or representative, shall not sell, or lease for a term exceeding five years, the lot, parcel, or unit, nor cause it to be sold, or leased for a term exceeding five years, until the prospective purchaser or lessee of the lot, parcel, or unit has been furnished with and has signed a true copy of the following notice:

Date Signature of Buyer or Lessee
(b) “Subdivision,” as used in subdivision (a), means improved or unimproved land that is divided or proposed to be divided for the purpose of sale, lease, or financing, whether immediate or future, into two or more lots, parcels, or units and includes a condominium project, as defined in Section 4125 or 6542, a community apartment project, as defined in Section 4105, a stock cooperative, as defined in Section 4190 or 6566, and a limited equity housing cooperative, as defined in Section 4190.

(c) The failure of the buyer or lessee to sign the notice shall not invalidate any grant, conveyance, lease, or encumbrance.

(d) Any person or entity who willfully violates the provisions of this section shall be liable to the purchaser

of a lot or unit which is subject to the provisions of this section for actual damages, and, in addition thereto, shall be guilty of a public offense punishable by a fine in an amount not to exceed five hundred dollars ($500). In an action to enforce the liability or fine, the prevailing party shall be awarded reasonable attorney’s fees.

1134. Common Interest Subdivision Conversion -Statement of Defects

1134. Common Interest Subdivision Conversion -Statement of Defects somebody

Common Interest Subdivision Conversion -Statement of Defects
1134. (a) As soon as practicable before transfer of title for the first sale of a unit in a residential condominium, community apartment project, or stock cooperative which was converted from an existing dwelling to a condominium project, community apartment project, or stock cooperative, the owner or subdivider, or agent of the owner or subdivider, shall deliver to a prospective buyer a written statement listing all substantial defects or malfunctions in the major systems in the unit and common areas of the premises, or a written statement disclaiming knowledge of any such substantial defects or malfunctions. The disclaimer may be delivered only after the owner or subdivider has inspected the unit and the common areas and has not discovered a substantial defect or malfunction which a reasonable inspection would have disclosed.
(b) If any disclosure required to be made by this section is delivered after the execution of an agreement to purchase, the buyer shall have three days after delivery in person or five days after delivery by deposit in the mail, to terminate his or her agreement by delivery of written notice of that termination to the owner, subdivider, or agent. Any disclosure delivered after the execution of an agreement to purchase shall contain a statement describing the buyer’s right, method and time to rescind as prescribed by this subdivision.

(c) For the purposes of this section:

(1) “Major systems” includes, but is not limited to, the roof, walls, floors, heating, air conditioning, plumbing, electrical systems or components of a similar or comparable nature, and recreational facilities.

(2) Delivery to a prospective buyer of the written statement required by this section shall be deemed effected when delivered personally or by mail to the prospective buyer or to an agent thereof, or to a spouse unless the agreement provides to the contrary. Delivery shall also be made to additional prospective buyers who have made a request therefor in writing.

(3) “Prospective buyer” includes any person who makes an offer to purchase a unit in the condominium, community apartment project, or stock cooperative.

(d) Any person who willfully fails to carry out the requirements of this section shall be liable in the amount of actual damages suffered by the buyer.

(e) Nothing in this section shall preclude the injured party from pursuing any remedy available under any other provision of law.

(f) No transfer of title to a unit subject to the provisions of this chapter shall be invalid solely because of the failure of any person to comply with the requirements of this section.

(g) The written statement required by this section shall not abridge or limit any other obligation of disclosure created by any other provision of law or which is or may be required to avoid fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation in the transaction.