Article 1. General Provisions

Article 1. General Provisions somebody

11211. Purpose of the Act

11211. Purpose of the Act somebody

Purpose of the Act
11211. The purposes of this chapter are to do all of the following:
(a) Provide full and fair disclosure to the purchasers and prospective purchasers of time-share plans.

(b) Require certain time-share plans offered for sale or created and existing in this state to be subject to the provisions of this chapter.

(c) Recognize that the tourism industry in this state is a vital part of the state’s economy; that the sale, promotion, and use of time-share plans is an emerging, distinct segment of the tourism industry; that this segment of the tourism industry continues to grow, both in volume of sales and in complexity and variety of product structures; and that a uniform and consistent method of regulation is necessary in order to safeguard California’s tourism industry and the state’s economic well-being.

(d) In order to protect the quality of California time-share plans and the consumers who purchase them, it is the intent of the Legislature that this chapter be interpreted broadly in order to encompass all forms of time-share plans with a duration of at least three years that are created with respect to accommodations that are located in the state or that are offered for sale in the state, including, but not limited to, condominiums, cooperatives, vacation clubs, and multisite vacation plans.

(e) It is the intent of the Legislature that this chapter not be interpreted to preempt the application of, the enforcement of, or alter the standards of, the general consumer protection laws of this state set forth in Sections 17200 to 17209, inclusive, and Sections 17500 to

17539.1, inclusive, of the Business and Professions Code.

11211.5. Scope of the Act

11211.5. Scope of the Act somebody

Scope of the Act
11211.5. (a) This chapter applies to all of the following:
(1) Time-share plans with an accommodation or component site in this state.

(2) Time-share plans without an accommodation or component site in this state, if those time-share plans are sold or offered to be sold to any individual located within this state.

(3) Exchange programs as defined in this chapter.

(4) Short-term products as defined in this chapter.

(b) This chapter does not apply to any of the following:

(1) Time-share plans, whether or not an accommodation is located in this state, consisting of 10 or fewer time-share interests. Use of an exchange program by owners of time-share interests to secure access to other accommodations shall not affect this exemption.

(2) Time-share plans, whether or not an accommodation is located in this state, the use of which extends over any period of three years or less.

(3) Time-share plans, whether or not an accommodation is located in this state, under which the prospective purchaser's total financial obligation will be equal to or less than three thousand dollars ($3,000) during the entire term of the time-share plan.

(c) For purposes of determining the term of a time-share plan, the period of any renewal or renewal option shall be included.

(d) Single site time-share plans located outside the state and component sites of multisite time-share plans located outside the state, that are offered for sale or sold in this state are subject only to Sections 11210 to 11219, inclusive, Sections 11225 to 11246, inclusive, Sections 11250 to 11256, inclusive, paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (4) of subdivision (a), and subdivisions (b) and (c), of Section 11265, subdivision (g) of Section 11266, subdivisions (a) and (c) of Section 11267, Sections 11272 and 11273, subdivisions (b), (c), and (d) of Section 11274, and Sections 11280 to 11287, inclusive.

11211.7. Exemptions and Exceptions

11211.7. Exemptions and Exceptions somebody

Exemptions and Exceptions
11211.7. (a) Any time-share plan registered pursuant to this chapter to which the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act (Part 5 (commencing with Section 4000) of Division 4 of the Civil Code) might otherwise apply is exempt from that act, except for Sections 4090, 4177, 4178, 4215, 4220, 4230, 4260 to 4275, inclusive, 4500 to 4510, inclusive, 4625 to 4650, inclusive, 4775 to 4790, inclusive, 4900 to 4950, inclusive, 5500 to 5560, inclusive, and 5975 of the Civil Code.
(b) (1) To the extent that a single site time-share plan or component site of a multisite time-share plan located in the state is structured as a condominium or other common interest development, and there is any inconsistency between the applicable provisions of this chapter and the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act, the applicable provisions of this chapter shall control.

(2) To the extent that a time-share plan is part of a mixed use project where the time-share plan comprises a portion of a condominium or other common interest development, the applicable provisions of this chapter shall apply to that portion of the project uniquely comprising the time-share plan, and the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act shall apply to the project as a whole.

(c) (1) The offering of any time-share plan, exchange program, incidental benefit, or short term product in this state that is subject to the provisions of this chapter shall be exempt from Sections 1689.5 to 1689.14, inclusive, of the Civil Code (Home Solicitation Sales), Sections 1689.20 to 1689.24, inclusive, of the Civil Code (Seminar Sales), and Sections 1812.100 to 1812.129, inclusive, of the Civil Code (Contracts for Discount Buying Services).

(2) A developer or exchange company that, in connection with a time-share sales presentation or offer to arrange an exchange, offers a purchaser the opportunity to utilize the services of an affiliate, subsidiary, or third-party entity in connection with wholesale or retail air or sea transportation, shall not, in and of itself, cause the developer or exchange company to be considered a seller of travel subject to Sections 17550 to 17550.34, inclusive, of the Business and Professions Code, so long as the entity that actually provides or arranges the air or sea transportation is registered as a seller of travel with the California Attorney General’s office or is otherwise exempt under those sections.

(d) To the extent certain sections in this chapter require information and disclosure that by their terms only apply to real property time-share plans, those requirements shall not apply to personal property time-share plans.

11212. Definitions

11212. Definitions somebody

11212. As used in this chapter, the following definitions apply:
(a) “Accommodation” means any apartment, condominium or cooperative unit, cabin, lodge, hotel or motel room, or other private or commercial structure containing toilet facilities therein that is designed and available, pursuant to applicable law, for use and occupancy as a residence by one or more individuals, or any unit or berth on a commercial passenger ship, which is included in the offering of a time-share plan.

(b) “Advertisement” means any written, oral, or electronic communication that is directed to or targeted to persons within the state or such a communication made from this state or relating to a time-share plan located in this state and contains a promotion, inducement, or offer to sell a time-share plan, including, but not limited to, brochures, pamphlets, radio and television scripts, electronic media, telephone and direct mail solicitations, and other means of promotion.

(c) “Association” means the organized body consisting of the purchasers of time-share interests in a time-share plan.

(d) “Assessment” means the share of funds required for the payment of common expenses that is assessed from time to time against each purchaser by the managing entity.

(e) “Department” means the “Department of Real Estate.”

(f) “Commissioner” means the Real Estate


(g) “Component site” means a specific geographic location where accommodations that are part of a multisite time-share plan are located. Separate phases of a time-share property in a specific geographic location and under common management shall not be deemed a component site.

(h) “Conspicuous type” means either of the following:

(1) Type in upper and lower case letters two point sizes larger than the nearest nonconspicuous type, exclusive of headings, on the page on which it appears but in at least 10-point type.

(2) Conspicuous type may be utilized in contracts for purchase or public permits only where required by law or as authorized by the commissioner.

(i) “Developer” means and includes any person who creates a time-share plan or is in the business of selling time-share interests, other than those employees or agents of the developer who sell time-share interests on the developer’s behalf, or retains agents to do the same, or any person who succeeds to the interest of a developer by sale, lease, assignment, mortgage, or other transfer, but the term includes only those persons who offer time-share interests for disposition in the ordinary course of business.

(j) “Dispose” or “disposition” means a voluntary transfer or assignment of any legal or equitable interest in a timeshare plan, other than the transfer, assignment, or release of a security interest.

(k) “Exchange company” means any person owning or operating, or both owning and operating, an exchange program.

(l) “Exchange program” means any method, arrangement, or procedure for the voluntary exchange of time-share interests or other property interests. The term does not include the assignment of the right to use and occupy accommodations to owners of time-share interests within a single site time-share plan. Any method, arrangement, or procedure that otherwise meets this definition in which the purchaser’s total contractual financial obligation exceeds three thousand dollars ($3,000) per any individual, recurring time-share period, shall be regulated as a time-share plan in accordance with this chapter. For purposes of determining the purchaser’s total contractual financial obligation, amounts to be paid as a result of renewals and options to renew shall be included in the term except for the following: (1) amounts to be paid as a result of any optional renewal that a purchaser, in his or her sole discretion may elect to exercise, (2) amounts to be paid as a result of any automatic renewal in which the purchaser has a right to terminate during the renewal period at any time and receive a pro rata refund for the remaining unexpired renewal term, or (3) amounts to be paid as a result of an automatic renewal in which the purchaser receives a written notice no less than 30 nor more than 90 days prior to the date of renewal informing the purchaser of the right to terminate prior to the date of renewal. Notwithstanding these exceptions, if the contractual financial obligation exceeds three thousand dollars ($3,000) for any three-year period of any renewal term, amounts to be paid as a result of that renewal shall be included in determining the purchaser’s total contractual financial obligation.

(m) “Incidental benefit” is an accommodation, product, service, discount, or other benefit, other than an exchange program, that is offered to a prospective purchaser of a time-share interest prior to the end of the rescission period set forth in Section 11238, the continuing availability of which for the use and enjoyment of owners of time-share interests in the time-share plan is limited to a term of not more than three years, subject to renewal or extension. The term shall not include an offer of the use of the accommodation, product, service, discount, or other benefit on a free or discounted one-time basis.

(n) “Managing entity” means the person who undertakes the duties, responsibilities, and obligations of the management of a time-share plan.

(o) “Offer” means any inducement, solicitation, or other attempt, whether by marketing, advertisement, oral or written presentation, or any other means, to encourage a person to acquire a time-share interest in a time-share plan, other than as security for an obligation.

(p) “Person” means a natural person, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, joint venture, association, estate, trust, government, governmental subdivision or agency, or other legal entity, or any combination thereof.

(q) “Promotion” means a plan or device, including one involving the possibility of a prospective purchaser receiving a vacation, discount vacation, gift, or prize, used by a developer, or an agent, independent contractor, or employee of any of the same on behalf of the developer, in connection with the offering and sale of time-share interests in a time-share plan.

(r) “Public report” means a preliminary public report, conditional public report, final public report, or other such disclosure document authorized for use in connection with the offering of time-share interests pursuant to this chapter.

(s) “Purchaser” means any person, other than a developer, who by means of a voluntary transfer for consideration acquires a legal or equitable interest in a time-share plan other than as security for an obligation.

(t) “Purchase contract” means a document pursuant to which a developer becomes legally obligated to sell, and a purchaser becomes legally obligated to buy, a timeshare interest.

(u) “Reservation system” means the method, arrangement, or procedure by which a purchaser, in order to reserve the use or occupancy of any accommodation of a multisite time-share plan for one or more time-share periods, is required to compete with other purchasers in the same multisite time-share plan, regardless of whether the reservation system is operated and maintained by the multisite time-share plan managing entity, an exchange company, or any other person. If a purchaser is required to use an exchange program as the purchaser’s principal means of obtaining the right to use and occupy accommodations in a multisite time-share plan, that arrangement shall be deemed a reservation system. When an exchange company utilizes a mechanism for the exchange of use of time-share periods among members of an exchange program, that utilization is not a reservation system of a multisite time-share plan.

(v) “Short-term product” means the right to use accommodations on a one-time or recurring basis for a period or periods not to exceed 30 days per stay and for a term of three years or less, and that includes an agreement that all or a portion of the consideration paid by a person for the short-term product will be applied to or credited against the price of a future purchase of a time-share interest or that the cost of a future purchase of a time-share interest will be fixed or locked-in at a specified price.

(w) “Time-share instrument” means one or more documents, by whatever name denominated, creating or governing the operation of a time-share plan and includes the declaration dedicating accommodations to the timeshare plan.

(x) “Time-share interest” means and includes either of the following:

(1) A “time-share estate,” which is the right to occupy a time-share property, coupled with a freehold estate or an estate for years with a future interest in a timeshare property or a specified portion thereof.

(2) A “time-share use,” which is the right to occupy a time-share property, which right is neither coupled with a freehold interest, nor coupled with an estate for years with a future interest, in a time-share property.

(y) “Time-share period” means the period or periods of time when the purchaser of a time-share plan is afforded the opportunity to use the accommodations of a timeshare plan.

(z) “Time-share plan” means any arrangement, plan, scheme, or similar device, other than an exchange program, whether by membership agreement, sale, lease, deed, license, right to use agreement, or by any other means, whereby a purchaser, in exchange for consideration, receives ownership rights in or the right to use accommodations for a period of time less than a full year during any given year, on a recurring basis for more than one year, but not necessarily for consecutive years. A time-share plan may be either of the following:

(1) A “single site time-share plan” that is the right to use accommodations at a single time-share property.

(2) A “multisite time-share plan” that includes either of the following:

(A) A “specific time-share interest” that is the right to use accommodations at a specific timeshare property, together with use rights in accommodations at one or more other component sites created by or acquired through the timeshare plan’s reservation system.

(B) A “nonspecific time-share interest” that is the right to use accommodations at more than one component site created by or acquired through the time-share plan’s reservation system, but including no specific right to use any particular accommodations.

(aa) “Time-share property” means one or more accommodations subject to the same time-share instrument, together with any other property or rights to property appurtenant to those accommodations.

11213. Separate Estate or Interest

11213. Separate Estate or Interest somebody

Separate Estate or Interest
11213. Each time-share estate, as specified in paragraph (1) of subdivision (x) of Section 11212, constitutes, for purposes of title, a separate estate or interest in real property including ownership in real property for tax purposes.

11214. Developer Responsibility

11214. Developer Responsibility somebody

Developer Responsibility
11214. (a) The developer shall supervise, manage, and control all aspects of the offering of the time-share plan by or on behalf of the developer, including, but not limited to, promotion, advertising, contracting, and closing. The developer is responsible for each time-share plan registered with the commissioner and for the actions of any sales or marketing entity utilized by the developer in the offering or selling of any registered time-share plan.
(b) Any violation of this chapter that occurs during the offering activities shall be deemed to be a violation by the developer as well as by the person who actually committed the violation.

11215. Time-Share Instrument

11215. Time-Share Instrument somebody

Time-Share Instrument
11215. (a) The time-share instrument shall prohibit a person from seeking or obtaining, through any legal procedures, judicial partition of the time-share interest or sale of the time-share interest, in lieu of partition and shall subordinate all rights that a time-share interest owner might otherwise have as a tenant-in-common in real property to the terms of the time-share instrument.
(b) Subdivision (a) shall not be deemed to prohibit a sale of an accommodation upon termination of the time-share plan or the removal of an accommodation from the timeshare plan in accordance with applicable provisions of the time-share instrument.

11216. Exchange Program

11216. Exchange Program somebody

Exchange Program
11216. (a) An exchange program is not a part of a timeshare plan offering and, except as provided in this section and Section 11238, shall not be subject to either this chapter or the regulations of the commissioner adopted pursuant to this chapter.
(b) If a developer offers a purchaser the opportunity to subscribe to or to become a member of an exchange program, the developer shall provide to the purchaser in writing or in a digital format at the discretion of the purchaser all of the information set forth in paragraphs (1) to (17), inclusive. If the exchange company is offering directly to the purchaser the opportunity to subscribe to or become a member of an exchange company, the exchange company shall provide to the purchaser in writing all of the information set forth in paragraphs (1) to (17), inclusive. In either case, the written information shall be provided prior to or concurrently with the execution of any contract or subscription for membership in the exchange program.

(1) The name and address of the exchange company.

(2) The names of all officers, directors, and shareholders of the exchange company.

(3) Whether the exchange company or any of its officers or directors have any legal or beneficial interest in any developer or managing entity for any time-share plan participating in the exchange program and, if so, the identity of the time-share plan and the nature of the interest.

(4) A copy of the form of the contract between the purchaser and the exchange company, along with a statement that the purchaser’s contract with the exchange company is a contract separate and distinct from the purchaser’s contract with the seller of timeshare interests.

(5) Whether the purchaser’s participation in the exchange program is dependent upon the continued affiliation of the applicable time-share plan with the exchange program.

(6) Whether the purchaser’s participation in the exchange program is voluntary.

(7) A fair and accurate description of the terms and conditions of the purchaser’s contractual relationship with the exchange program and the procedure by which changes thereto may be made.

(8) A fair and accurate description of the procedures necessary to qualify for and effectuate exchanges.

(9) A fair and accurate description of all limitations, restrictions, and priorities employed in the operation of the exchange program, including, but not limited to, limitations on exchanges based on seasonality, accommodation size, or levels of occupancy, expressed in conspicuous type. If those limitations, restrictions, or priorities are not uniformly applied by the exchange company, the information shall include a clear description of the manner in which they are applied.

(10) Whether exchanges are arranged on a space available basis and whether any guarantees of fulfillment of specific requests for exchanges are made by the exchange company.

(11) Whether and under what circumstances an owner, in dealing with the exchange program, may lose the right to use and occupy an accommodation of the time-share plan during a reserved use period with respect to any properly applied for exchange without being provided with substitute accommodations by the exchange program.

(12) The fees or range of fees for participation by owners in the exchange program, a statement of whether any such fees may be altered by the exchange company and the circumstances under which alterations may be made.

(13) The name and address of the site of each accommodation included within a time-share plan participating in the exchange program.

(14) The number of accommodations in each timeshare plan that are available for occupancy and that qualify for participation in the exchange program, expressed within the following numerical groups: 15; 6-10; 11-20; 21-50; and 51 and over.

(15) The number of currently enrolled owners for each time-share plan participating in the exchange program, expressed within the following numerical groups: 1-100; 101-249; 250-499; 500-999; and 1,000 and over; and a statement of the criteria used to determine those owners who are currently enrolled with the exchange program.

(16) The disposition made by the exchange company of use periods deposited with the exchange program by owners enrolled in the exchange program and not used by the exchange company in effecting exchanges.

(17) The following information for the preceding calendar year, which shall be independently audited by a certified public accountant in accordance with the standards of the Accounting Standards Board of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and reported annually no later than August 1 of each year:

(A) The number of owners currently enrolled in the exchange program.

(B) The number of time-share plans that have current affiliation agreements with the exchange program.

(C) The percentage of confirmed exchanges, which is the number of exchanges confirmed by the exchange program divided by the number of exchanges properly applied for, together with a complete and accurate statement of the criteria used to determine whether an exchange request was properly applied for.

(D) The number of use periods for which the exchange program has an outstanding obligation to provide an exchange to an owner who relinquished a use period during a particular year in exchange for a use period in any future year.

(E) The number of exchanges confirmed by the exchange program during the year.

(F) A statement in conspicuous type to the effect that the percentage described in subparagraph (C) is a summary of the exchange requests entered with the exchange program in the period reported and that the percentage does not indicate the probabilities of an owner’s being confirmed to any specific choice or range of choices.

(c) All written, visual, and electronic communications relating to an exchange company or an exchange program shall be filed with the commissioner upon its request.

(d) The failure of an exchange company to observe the requirements of this section, and the use of any unfair or deceptive act or practice in connection with the operation of an exchange program, is a violation of this chapter.

(e) An exchange company may elect to deny exchange privileges to any owner whose use of the accommodations of the owner’s time-share plan is denied, and no exchange program or exchange company shall be liable to any of its members or any third parties on account of any such denial of exchange privileges.

11217. Exempt Communications

11217. Exempt Communications somebody

Exempt Communications
11217. (a) The following communications shall not be deemed an advertisement or promotion and are exempt from this chapter so long as the communications are in compliance with Section 11245:
(1) Any stockholder communication, such as an annual report or interim financial report, proxy material, a registration statement, a securities prospectus, a registration, a property report, or other material required to be delivered to a prospective purchaser by an agency of any state or the federal government.

(2) Any oral or written statement disseminated by a developer to broadcast or print media, other than paid advertising or promotional material, regarding plans for the acquisition or development of time-share property. However, any rebroadcast or any other dissemination of the oral statements to a prospective purchaser by a developer or any person in any manner, or any distribution of copies of newspaper magazine articles or press releases, or any other dissemination of the written statements to a prospective purchaser by a developer or any person in any manner, shall constitute an advertisement.

(3) Any advertisement or promotion in any medium to the general public if the advertisement or promotion clearly states that it is not an offer in any jurisdiction in which any applicable registration requirements have not been fully satisfied.

(4) Any audio, written, or visual publication or material relating to the availability of any accommodations for transient rental, so long as a sales presentation is not a term or condition of the availability of the accommodations and so long as the failure of any transient renter to take a tour of a timeshare property or attend a sales presentation does not result in any reduction in the level of services that would otherwise be available to the transient renter.

(b) Any communication regarding a time-share interest that is addressed to any person who has previously executed a contract for the sale or purchase of that timeshare interest and that does not constitute a solicitation of a time-share interest, shall be exempt from this chapter.

11219. Qualified Resort Vacation Club Projects, Time-Shares and Injunctions

11219. Qualified Resort Vacation Club Projects, Time-Shares and Injunctions somebody

Qualified Resort Vacation Club Projects, Time-Shares and Injunctions
11219. (a) Time-share plans registered as Qualified Resort Vacation Club Projects under prior law shall continue to operate under that prior law notwithstanding anything in this chapter to the contrary.
(b) (1) All registrations of time-share plans in effect on the effective date of this chapter shall remain in full force and effect and shall be considered registered pursuant to this chapter.

(2) All time-share plans included in this subdivision are subject to Sections 11217, 11219, 11238, 11239, 11245, 11250, and 11280 to 11286, inclusive, and shall be required to comply with the other provisions of this chapter at the time they seek amendment or renewal of their existing registrations. When an amendment or renewal of a time-share plan is filed with the commissioner, the existing registration continues in full force and effect while the amendment or renewal is pending before the commissioner.

(c) Any existing injunction or temporary restraining order validly obtained that prohibits unregistered practice of time-share developers, time-share plans, or their agents shall not be invalidated by the enactment of this chapter and shall continue to have full force and effect on and after the effective date of this chapter.

Article 2. Registration, Sale Requirements, and Fees

Article 2. Registration, Sale Requirements, and Fees somebody

11225. Registration, Sale Requirements

11225. Registration, Sale Requirements somebody

Registration, Sale Requirements
11225. A person shall not be required to register a timeshare plan with the commissioner pursuant to this chapter if any of the following applies:
(a) The person is an owner of a time-share interest who has acquired the time-share interest for the person’s own use and occupancy and who later offers it for resale.

(b) The person is a managing entity or an association that is not otherwise a developer of a time-share plan in its own right, solely while acting as an association or under a contract with an association to offer or sell a time-share interest transferred to the association through foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure, or gratuitous transfer, if these acts are performed in the regular course of, or as an incident to, the management of the association for its own account in the time-share plan. Notwithstanding the exemption from registration, the association or managing entity shall provide each purchaser of a time-share interest covered by this subdivision a copy of the time-share instruments, a copy of the then-current budget, a written statement of the then-current assessment amounts, and shall provide the purchaser the opportunity to rescind the purchase within seven days after receipt of these documents. Immediately prior to the space reserved in the contract for the signature of the purchaser, the association or managing entity shall disclose, in conspicuous type, substantially the following notice of cancellation:


(c) The person is conveyed, assigned, or transferred more than seven time-share interests from a developer in a single voluntary or involuntary transaction and subsequently conveys, assigns, or transfers all of the timeshare interests received from the developer to a single purchaser in a single transaction.

(d) (1) The developer is offering or disposing of a timeshare interest to a purchaser who has previously acquired a time-share interest from the same developer if the developer has a time-share plan registered under this chapter, which was originally approved by the commissioner within the preceding seven years, and the developer complies in all respects with the provisions of Section 11245, and, further, provides the purchaser with (A) a cancellation period of at least seven days, (B) all the time-share disclosure documents that are required to be provided to purchasers as if the sale occurred in the state or jurisdiction where the time-share property is located, and (C) the following disclaimer in conspicuous type:


(2) By making that offering or disposition, the person is deemed to consent to the jurisdiction of the commissioner in the event of a dispute with the purchaser in connection with the offering or disposition.

(e) It is a single site time-share plan located outside of the boundaries of the United States or component site of a specific time-share interest multisite time-share plan located wholly outside of the boundaries of the United States, or a nonspecific time-share interest multisite timeshare plan in which all component sites are located wholly outside of the boundaries of the United States. However, it is unlawful and a violation of this chapter for a person, in this state, to sell or lease or offer for sale or lease a timeshare interest in a time-share plan, located outside the United States, unless the printed material, literature, advertising, or invitation in this state relating to that sale, lease, or offer clearly and conspicuously contains the following disclaimer in capital letters of at least 10-point type:


(1) If an offer of time-share interest in a time-share plan described in this subdivision is not initially made in writing, the foregoing disclaimer shall be received by the offeree in writing prior to a visit to a location, sales presentation, or contact with a person representing the offeror, when the visit or contact was scheduled or arranged by the offeror or its representative. The deposit of the disclaimer in the United States mail, addressed to the offeree and with first-class postage prepaid, at least five days prior to the scheduled or arranged visit or contact, shall be deemed to constitute delivery for purposes of this section.

(2) If any California resident is presented with an agreement or purchase contract to lease or purchase a time-share interest as described in this subdivision, when an offer to lease or purchase that time-share interest was made to that resident in California, a copy of the disclaimer set forth in this subdivision shall be inserted in at least 10-point type at the top of the first page of that agreement or purchase contract and shall be initialed by that California resident.

(3) This subdivision shall not be deemed to exempt from registration in this state a nonspecific time-share interest multisite time-share plan in which any component site in the time-share plan is located in the United States.

11226. Registration Requirements

11226. Registration Requirements somebody

Registration Requirements
11226. (a) Any person who, to any individual located in the state, sells, offers to sell, or attempts to solicit prospective purchasers to purchase a time-share interest, or any person who creates a time-share plan with an accommodation in the state, shall register the time-share plan with the commissioner, unless the time-share plan is otherwise exempt under this chapter.
(b) A developer, or any of its agents, shall not sell, offer, or dispose of a time-share interest in the state unless all necessary registration requirements are provided and approved by the commissioner, or the sale, offer, or disposition is otherwise permitted by this chapter, or while an order revoking or suspending a registration is in effect.

(c) In registering a time-share plan, the developer shall provide the commissioner all of the following information:

(1) The developer's legal name, any assumed names used by the developer, principal office street address, mailing address, primary contact person, and telephone number.

(2) The name of the developer's authorized or registered agent in the state upon whom claims can be served or service of process be had, the agent's street address in California, and telephone number.

(3) The name, street address, mailing address, primary contact person, and telephone number of the time-share plan being registered.

(4) The name, street address, mailing address, and telephone number of any managing entity of the timeshare plan.

(5) A public report that complies with the requirements of Section 11234, or for a time-share plan located outside of the state, a public report that has been authorized for use by the situs state regulatory agency and that contains disclosures as determined by the commissioner upon review to be substantially equivalent to or greater than the information required to be disclosed pursuant to Section 11234.

(6) A description of the inventory control system that will ensure compliance with Section 11250.

(7) Any other information regarding the developer, time-share plan, or managing entities as established by regulation.

(d) An applicant for a public report for a time-share plan shall present evidence of the following for each accommodation in each time-share property that is, or will be, offered for sale in this state pursuant to the registration:

(1) That the accommodation is presently suitable for human occupancy or that financial arrangements have been made to complete construction or renovation of the accommodation to make it suitable for human occupancy on or before the first date for occupancy by a time-share interest owner.

(2) That the accommodation is owned or leased by the developer of the time-share plan or is the subject of an enforceable option or contract under which the developer will build, purchase, or lease the accommodation. Notwithstanding this subdivision, the developer shall present evidence prior to the receipt of a final public report that the accommodation to be sold is owned or leased by the developer and that the accommodation is free and clear of encumbrances in accordance with Sections 11244 and 11255.

(e) If an accommodation in a time-share plan is located within a local governmental jurisdiction or subdivision of real property in which the dedication of accommodations to time-sharing is expressly prohibited by ordinance or recorded restriction, either absolutely or without a permit or other entitlement from the governing body, the applicant for a public report shall present evidence of a permit or other entitlement by the appropriate authority for the local government or the subdivision.

(f) (1) The developer shall amend or supplement its disclosure documents and registration information, to reflect any material change in any information required by this chapter or the regulations implementing this chapter. The developer shall notify the commissioner of the material change prior to implementation of the change, unless the change is beyond the control of the developer; in which event, the developer shall provide written notice to the commissioner as soon as reasonably practicable after the occurrence of the event necessitating the change. All amendments, supplements, and facts relevant to the material change shall be filed with the commissioner within 20 calendar days of the material change.

(2) The developer may continue to sell time-share interests in the time-share plan so long as, prior to closing, the developer provides a notice to each purchaser that describes the material change and provides to each purchaser the previously approved public report.

(A) If the change is material and adverse to the purchaser, all purchaser funds shall be held in escrow, or pursuant to alternative assurances permitted by subdivision (c) of Section 11243, and no closing shall occur until the amendment relating to the material and adverse change has been approved by the commissioner. After the amendment relating to the material and adverse change has been approved and the amended public report has been issued, the amended public report shall be sent to the purchaser, and an additional seven-day rescission period shall commence. The developer shall be required to maintain evidence of the receipt by each purchaser of the amended public report.

(B) If the commissioner refuses to approve the amendment relating to the material and adverse change, all sales made using the notice shall be subject to rescission and all funds returned.

(3) The developer shall update the public report to reflect any changes to the time-share plan that are not material and adverse, including the addition of any component sites, within a reasonable time, and may continue to sell and close time-share interests prior to the date that the amended public report is approved.

(g) An applicant for a public report for a multisite, timeshare plan consisting of specific time-share interests, as defined in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (z) of Section 11212, affiliated with sites operated through the time-share plan's reservation system, shall certify both of the following:

(1) That a purchaser has, or will have, contractual or membership rights to use accommodations at each affiliated site and that, if an accommodation or promised improvement is, or may become, subject to a blanket encumbrance, that the blanket encumbrance is, or will be, subordinate to these rights.

(2) That a certificate of occupancy has been issued with respect to the accommodations at each affiliated site or that adequate provisions exist or will exist for the completion of all such accommodations. For any affiliated site accommodations that are not complete, the public report shall clearly identify in conspicuous type that those accommodations are not completed. For any accommodations that are not complete and for which adequate provisions for completion do not exist at the time the public report is issued, the public report shall also provide in conspicuous type that those accommodations might not be built, provided, however, that a developer's failure to build the accommodations shall not relieve the developer of any obligations created by the certification made pursuant to this subdivision.

(h) For purposes of subdivision (d) of this section, the "time-share property being offered for sale in this state" shall mean the following:

(1) With respect to a single site time-share plan, the time-share property being registered pursuant to this chapter.

(2) With respect to a specific time-share interest multisite time-share plan, the specific time-share property being registered pursuant to this chapter.

(3) With respect to a nonspecific time-share interest multisite time-share plan, all time-share properties in the time-share plan.

11226.1. Governing Documents – Availability and Delivery to Prospective Purchaser

11226.1. Governing Documents – Availability and Delivery to Prospective Purchaser somebody

Governing Documents – Availability and Delivery to Prospective Purchaser
11226.1. Any person offering to sell or lease any interest subject to the requirements of Section 11226 shall make a copy of each of the following documents available for examination by a prospective purchaser or lessee before the execution of an offer to purchase or lease and shall give a copy of those documents to each purchaser or lessee as soon as practicable before transfer of the interest being acquired by the purchaser or lessee:
(a) The declaration of covenants, conditions, and restrictions for the time-share plan.

(b) Articles of incorporation or association for the timeshare owners' association.

(c) Bylaws of the owners' association.

(d) Any other instrument that establishes or defines the common, mutual, and reciprocal rights and responsibilities of the owners or lessees of interest in the time-share plan as members of the owners' association or otherwise.

(e) The current budget and financial statements for the time-share plan.

11227. Public Report – Final, Conditional and/or Preliminary

11227. Public Report – Final, Conditional and/or Preliminary somebody

Public Report – Final, Conditional and/or Preliminary
11227. (a) Subject to subdivision (h), the commissioner shall issue a final public report if all registration requirements have been met as set forth in this chapter and if all deficiencies and substantive inadequacies in the substantially complete application for a final public report for the time-share plan have been corrected.
(b) The commissioner may issue a conditional public report prior to issuing a final public report for a time-share plan if the requirements of subdivision (c) are met, all deficiencies and substantive inadequacies in the substantially complete application for a final public report for the time-share plan have been corrected, the material elements of the offering to be made under the authority of the conditional public report have been established, and all requirements for the issuance of the conditional public report have been met, except for one or more of the following requirements, as may be applicable:

(1) A final map has not been recorded.

(2) A condominium plan has not been recorded.

(3) A declaration of covenants, conditions, and restrictions has not been recorded.

(4) A declaration of annexation has not been recorded.

(5) A recorded subordination of existing liens to the time-share instruments or declaration of annexation or escrow instructions to effect recordation prior to the first sale, are lacking.

(6) Filed articles of incorporation are lacking.

(7) A current preliminary report of a licensed title insurance company issued after filing of the final map and recording of the time-share instrument covering all time-share interests to be included in the public report has not been provided.

(8) Other requirements the commissioner determines are likely to be timely satisfied by the applicant.

(c) An applicant for a conditional public report shall submit the following information and documents with the applicable filing fee:

(1) A copy of the statement set forth in subdivision


(2) A sales agreement or lease to be used in any transaction conducted under authority of the conditional public report. The sales agreement or lease shall include all of the following provisions:

(A) No escrow will close, funds will not be released from escrow, and the interest contracted for will not be conveyed until a current final public report for the time-share plan is furnished to the purchaser.

(B) The contract may be rescinded, in which event the entire sum of money paid or advanced by the purchaser shall be returned if (i) a final public report has not been issued within six months after the date of issuance of the conditional public report if the conditional public report is not renewed, (ii) the final public report is not issued within 12 months after the initial conditional public report is received if the conditional public report has been renewed for an additional six-month period, or (iii) the purchaser or lessee is dissatisfied with the final public report because of a material and adverse change.

(3) Escrow instructions to be used in any transaction conducted under authority of the conditional public report that includes at least the following information:

(A) The name and address of the escrow depository.

(B) A description of the nature of the transaction.

(C) Provisions ensuring compliance with Section 11243.

(D) Provisions ensuring that no escrow will close, funds will not be released from escrow, and the interest contracted for will not be conveyed until a current final public report for the time-share plan is furnished to the purchaser or lessee.

(E) Provisions for the return of money as prescribed in subparagraph (B) of paragraph (2).

(d) A decision by the commissioner to not issue a conditional public report shall be noticed in writing to the applicant within five business days after his or her decision and that notice shall specifically state the reasons why the report is not being issued.

(e) A person may sell or lease, or offer for sale or lease, time-share interests in a time-share plan pursuant to a conditional public report if, as a condition of the sale or lease or offer for sale or lease, delivery of legal title or other interest contracted for will not take place until issuance of a final public report and provided that the requirements of subdivision (c) are met.

(f) A developer, principal, or his or her agent shall provide a prospective purchaser a copy of the conditional public report and a written statement including all of the following information:

(1) Specification of the information required for issuance of a final public report.

(2) Specification of the information required in the final public report that is not available in the conditional public report, along with a statement of the reasons why that information is not available at the time of issuance of the conditional public report.

(3) A statement that no person acting as a principal or agent shall sell or lease, or offer for sale or lease, time-share interests in a time-share plan for which a conditional public report has been issued except as provided in this chapter.

(4) Specification of the requirements of subdivision


(g) The prospective purchaser shall sign a receipt that he or she has received and has read the conditional public report and the written statement provided pursuant to subdivision (f).

(h) The term of a conditional public report may not exceed six months unless renewed pursuant to this subdivision. The conditional public report may be renewed for one additional six-month period if the commissioner determines that the requirements for issuance of a final public report are likely to be satisfied during the renewal term. The renewal of a conditional public report shall not act to afford a purchaser who received the initial conditional public report any additional rescission rights other than those provided to a purchaser when a final public report is issued and a material and adverse change has been made.

(i) For single site time-share plans and component sites of a multisite time-share plan located outside of the state, a disclosure document that has been authorized for use by the state regulatory agency in the state in which the timeshare plan or component site is located that contains the disclosures as determined by the commissioner upon review to be substantially equivalent to or greater than the information required to be disclosed pursuant to Section 11234, shall be accepted in lieu of a public report required pursuant to this section. The disclosure document shall contain a cover page issued by the commissioner certifying the approval of its use in lieu of the public report required herein.

(j) Notwithstanding anything in this section to the contrary, the commissioner may grant a 12-month preliminary public report allowing the developer to begin offering and selling time-share interests, in a time-share plan regardless of whether the accommodations of the time-share plan are located within or outside of the state, while the registration is pending with the commissioner. The commissioner may grant one additional 12-month period if the developer is actively and diligently pursuing registration under this chapter. The preliminary public report shall automatically terminate with respect to those time-share interests covered by a final public report that is issued before the scheduled termination date of the preliminary report. To obtain a preliminary public report, the developer shall provide all of the following:

(1) Submit the reservation instrument to be used in a form previously approved by the department with at least the following provisions:

(A) The right of both the developer and the potential purchaser to unilaterally cancel the reservation at any time.

(B) The payment to the potential purchaser of his or her total deposit following cancellation of the reservation by either party.

(C) The placing of the deposit into an interest bearing escrow account.

(2) Agree to provide each potential purchaser with a copy of the preliminary public report and an executed receipt for a copy before any money or other thing of value has been accepted by or on behalf of the developer in connection with the reservation.

(3) Agree to provide a copy of the reservation instrument signed by the potential purchaser and by or on behalf of the developer to the potential purchaser, and place any deposit taken from the potential purchaser into a neutral escrow depository acceptable to the commissioner.

11228. Public Report – Term and Renewal

11228. Public Report – Term and Renewal somebody

Public Report – Term and Renewal
11228. The term of a final public report shall be limited to five years. A renewal shall be issued if the developer, owner, or agent makes application for renewal of any report and has submitted the additional information that the commissioner may require.

11229. Public Report – Review and Grounds for Denial

11229. Public Report – Review and Grounds for Denial somebody

Public Report – Review and Grounds for Denial
11229. (a) In connection with its review of the registration application of a time-share plan, the commissioner may make an examination of any time-share property submitted for registration pursuant to this chapter, and shall, unless there are grounds for denial, issue to the developer a public report authorizing the sale or lease in this state of the time-share interests within the time-share plan submitted pursuant to this chapter. The report shall contain the data obtained in accordance with Section 11234.
(b) The commissioner may deny the issuance of the public report based on the applicant’s failure to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter or the regulations of the commissioner pertaining thereto, including, but not limited to, all of the following:

(1) The sale or lease would constitute misrepresentation to, or deceit or fraud of, the purchasers or lessees.

(2) Inability to deliver title or other interest contracted for.

(3) Inability to demonstrate, in accordance with this chapter, that adequate financial arrangements have been made for all offsite improvements included in the offering.

(4) Inability to demonstrate, in accordance with this chapter, that adequate financial arrangements have been made for any community, recreational, or other facilities included in the offering.

(5) Failure to make a showing that the parcels can be used for the purpose for which they are offered.

(6) Failure to provide in the contract or other writing the use or uses for which the parcels are offered, together with any covenants or conditions relative thereto.

(c) Any developer objecting to the denial of a public report may, within 30 days after receipt of the order of denial, file a written request for a hearing. The commissioner shall hold the hearing within 20 days thereafter unless the party requesting the hearing requests a postponement. If the hearing is not held within 20 days after request for a hearing is received plus the period of the postponement or if a proposed decision is not rendered within 45 days after submission and an order adopting or rejecting the proposed decision is not issued within 15 days thereafter, the order of denial shall be rescinded and a public report issued.

11230. Time-Share Plan – Completion of Construction

11230. Time-Share Plan – Completion of Construction somebody

Time-Share Plan – Completion of Construction
11230. If the time-share plan, including any accommodations, or amenities within the common area are not completed prior to the issuance of a final public report for the time-share plan, the developer shall specify a reasonable date for completion and shall comply with any one of the following conditions:
(a) Arranges for lien and completion bond or bonds, enforceable by the association, in an amount and subject to the terms, conditions, and coverage necessary to assure completion of the improvements lien-free. The bond shall not exceed 120 percent of the cost for completion, and the bond shall provide for the reduction of the bond amount as work is completed.

(b) All funds from the sale of time-share interests as the commissioner shall determine are sufficient to assure construction of the improvement or improvements shall be bonded or impounded in a neutral escrow depository acceptable to the commissioner until the improvements have been completed and all applicable lien periods have expired.

(c) An amount sufficient to cover the costs of construction shall be deposited in a neutral escrow depository acceptable to the commissioner under a written escrow agreement providing for disbursements from the escrow as work is completed.

(d) An alternative plan that may be approved by the commissioner.

11231. Registration Review Timeframes

11231. Registration Review Timeframes somebody

Registration Review Timeframes
11231. Every registration required to be filed with the commissioner under this chapter shall be reviewed and issued the specified public report in accordance with the following schedule:
(a) Time-share registration. Registration shall be effective only upon the issuance of a public report by the commissioner that shall occur no later than 60 calendar days after the actual receipt by the commissioner of the properly completed application. The commissioner shall provide a list of deficiencies in the application, if any, within 60 calendar days of receipt. This same time period applies when amending a public report to add additional phases or component sites of the time-share plan.

(b) Preliminary public report registration. A preliminary public report shall be issued within 15 calendar days of receipt, unless the commissioner provides to the applicant a written list of deficiencies in the application, if any, within 15 calendar days of receipt of an application.

(c) Amended public report where no additional phases or component sites are added. An effective date for an amendment to a public report should occur no more than 45 calendar days after actual receipt by the commissioner of the amendment. The commissioner shall provide a list of deficiencies regarding the amendments, if any, within 45 calendar days of receipt.

11232. Fees

11232. Fees somebody

11232. (a) The commissioner may by regulation prescribe filing fees in connection with applications to the Department of Real Estate for a public report pursuant to the provisions of this chapter that are lower than the maximum fees specified in subdivision (b) if the commissioner determines that the lower fees are sufficient to offset the costs and expenses incurred in the administration of this chapter. The commissioner shall hold at least one hearing each calendar year to determine if lower fees than those specified in subdivision (b) should be prescribed.
(b) The filing fees for an application for a public report to be issued under authority of this chapter shall not exceed the following for each time-share plan, location, or phase of the time-share plan in which interests are to be offered for sale or lease:

(1) One thousand seven hundred dollars ($1,700) plus ten dollars ($10) for each time-share interest to be offered for an original public report application.

(2) Six hundred dollars ($600) plus ten dollars ($10) for each time-share plan interest to be offered that was not permitted to be offered under the public report to be renewed for a renewal public report or permit application.

(3) Five hundred dollars ($500) plus ten dollars ($10) for each time-share interest to be offered under the amended public report for which a fee has not previously been paid for an amended public report application.

(4) Five hundred dollars ($500) for a conditional public report application.

(c) Fees collected by the commissioner under authority of this chapter shall be deposited into the Real Estate Fund pursuant to Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 10450) of Part 1. Fees received by the commissioner pursuant to this article shall be deemed earned upon receipt. A fee is not refundable unless the commissioner determines that it was paid as a result of mistake or inadvertency. This section shall remain in effect unless it is superseded pursuant to Section 10266 or subdivision (a) of Section 10266.5, whichever is applicable.

11233. Point System

11233. Point System somebody

Point System
11233. An applicant for a public report for a time-share plan in which the use and occupancy of the time-share interest purchased in the time-share plan is determined according to a point system shall include in the application the following information:
(a) Whether additional points may be acquired by purchase or otherwise, in the future and the manner in which future purchases of points may be made.

(b) The transferability of points to other persons, other years or other time-share plans.

(c) A copy of the then-current point value use directory, along with rules and procedures for changes by the developer or the association in the manner in which point values may be used.

(1) No change exceeding 10 percent per annum in the manner in which point values may be used may be made without the assent of at least 25 percent of the voting power of the association other than the developer.

(2) No time-share interest owner shall be prevented from using a time-share plan as a result of changes in the manner in which point values may be used.

(3) In the event point values are changed or adjusted, no time-share owner shall be prevented from using his or her home resort in the same manner as was provided for under the original purchase contract.

(d) Any limitations or restrictions upon the use of point values.

(e) A description of an inventory control system that will ensure compliance with Section 11250.

11234. Public Report – Preparation and Content

11234. Public Report – Preparation and Content somebody

Public Report – Preparation and Content
11234. A developer shall prepare, for issuance by the commissioner, a public report that shall fully and accurately disclose those facts concerning the time-share developer and time-share plan that are required by this chapter or by regulation. The developer shall provide the public report to each purchaser of a time-share interest in a time-share plan at the time of purchase. The public report shall be in writing or in a digital format at the discretion of the purchaser and dated and shall require the purchaser to certify in writing the receipt thereof. The public report for a single site time-share plan is subject to the requirements of subdivision (a). The public report for a specific time-share interest multisite time-share plan is subject to the requirements of both subdivisions (a) and (b). The public report for a nonspecific time-share interest multisite time-share plan is subject to the requirements of subdivision (c). For time-share plans located outside of the state, a public report that has been authorized for use by the situs state regulatory agency and that contains disclosures as determined by the commissioner upon review to be substantially equivalent to or greater than the information required to be disclosed pursuant to this section may be used by the developer to meet the requirements of this section. A developer may, upon approval by the commissioner, submit a public report that combines, in a manner prescribed by the commissioner, the information required to be disclosed by the applicable subdivisions of this section and the information required to be disclosed in a public report issued by a regulatory agency in one or more other states.
(a) Public reports for a single site and those component sites of a specific time-share interest multisite time-share plan that are offered in this state shall include the following:

(1) The name and address of the developer and the type of time-share plan being offered and the name and address of the time-share project.

(2) A description of the existing or proposed accommodations, including the type and number of time-share interests in the accommodations, and if the accommodations are proposed or not yet complete or fully functional, an estimated date of completion.

(3) The number of accommodations and time-share interests, expressed in periods of seven-day use availability or other time increments applicable to the time-share plan, committed to the multisite timeshare plan, and available for use by purchasers and a representation about the percentage of useable time authorized for sale, and if that percentage is 100 percent, then a statement describing how adequate periods of time for maintenance and repair will be provided.

(4) A description of any existing or proposed amenities of the time-share plan and, if the amenities are proposed or not yet complete or fully functional, the estimated date of completion.

(5) The extent to which financial arrangements have been made for the completion of any incomplete, promised improvements.

(6) A description of the duration, phases, and operation of the time-share plan.

(7) The name and principal address of the managing entity and a description of the procedures, if any, for altering the powers and responsibilities of the managing entity and for removing or replacing it.

(8) The current annual budget as required by Section 11240, along with the projected assessments and a description of the method for calculating and apportioning the assessments among purchasers, all of which shall be attached as an exhibit to the public report.

(9) Any initial or special fee due from the purchaser at closing together with a description of the purpose and the method of calculating the fee.

(10) A description of any financing offered by or available through the developer.

(11) A description of any liens, defects, or encumbrances on or affecting the title to the timeshare interests.

(12) A description of any bankruptcies, pending civil or criminal suits, adjudications, or disciplinary actions of which the developer has knowledge, that would have a material effect on the developer’s ability to perform its obligations.

(13) Any current or expected fees or charges to be paid by time-share purchasers for the use of any amenities related to the time-share plan.

(14) A description and amount of insurance coverage provided for the protection of the purchaser.

(15) The extent to which a time-share interest may become subject to a tax lien or other lien arising out of claims against purchasers of different time-share interests.

(16) A statement disclosing any right of first refusal or other restraint on the transfer of all or any portion of a time-share interest.

(17) A statement disclosing that a deposit made in connection with the purchase of a time-share interest shall be held by an escrow agent until expiration of any right to cancel the contract and that a deposit shall be returned to the purchaser if he or she elects to exercise his or her right of cancellation. Alternatively, if the commissioner has accepted from the developer a surety bond, irrevocable letter of credit, or other financial assurance, each of which shall be enforceable by the association, in lieu of placing deposits in an escrow account: (A) a statement disclosing that the developer has provided a surety bond, irrevocable letter of credit, or other financial assurance in an amount equal to or in excess of the funds that would otherwise be placed in an escrow account, (B) a description of the type of financial assurance that has been obtained, (C) a statement that if the purchaser elects to exercise his or her right of cancellation as provided in the contract, the developer shall return the deposit, and (D) a description of the person or entity to whom the purchaser should apply for payment.

(18) A statement that the assessments collected from the purchasers will be kept in a segregated account separate from the assessments collected from the purchasers of other time-share plans managed by the same managing entity, along with a statement identifying the location of the account and a disclosure of the rights of owners to inspect the records pertaining to their accounts.

(19) If the time-share plan provides purchasers with the opportunity to participate in an exchange program, a description of the name and address of the exchange company and the method by which a purchaser accesses the exchange program.

(20) Any other information that the developer, with the approval of the commissioner, desires to include in the public report.

(21) Any other information reasonably requested by the commissioner.

(b) Public reports for specific time-share interest multisite time-share plans shall include the following additional disclosures:

(1) A description of each component site, including the name and address of each component site.

(2) The number of accommodations and time-share interests, expressed in periods of seven-day use availability or other time increments applicable to each component site of the time-share plan, committed to the multisite time-share plan and available for use by purchasers and a representation about the percentage of useable time authorized for sale, and if that percentage is 100 percent, then a statement describing how adequate periods of time for maintenance and repair will be provided.

(3) Each type of accommodation in terms of the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and sleeping capacity, and a statement of whether or not the accommodation contains a full kitchen. For purposes of this description, a “full kitchen” means a kitchen having a minimum of a dishwasher, range, sink, oven, and refrigerator.

(4) A description of amenities available for use by the purchaser at each component site.

(5) A description of the reservation system, which shall include the following:

(A) The entity responsible for operating the reservation system, its relationship to the developer, and the duration of any agreement for operation of the reservation system.

(B) A summary of the rules and regulations governing access to and use of the reservation system.

(C) The existence of and an explanation regarding any priority reservation features that affect a purchaser’s ability to make reservations for the use of a given accommodation on a firstcome-first-served basis.

(6) The name and principal address of the managing entity for the multisite time-share plan and a description of the procedures, if any, for altering the powers and responsibilities of the managing entity and for removing or replacing it.

(7) A description of any right to make any additions, substitutions, or deletions of accommodations, amenities, or component sites, and a description of the basis upon which accommodations, amenities, or component sites may be added to, substituted in, or deleted from the multisite time-share plan.

(8) A description of the purchaser’s liability for any fees associated with the multisite time-share plan.

(9) The location of each component site of the multisite time-share plan, the historical occupancy of each component site for the prior 12-month period, if the component site was part of the multisite timeshare plan during the 12-month time period, as well as any periodic adjustment or amendment to the reservation system that may be needed in order to respond to actual purchaser use patterns and changes in purchaser use demand for the accommodations existing at that time within the multisite time-share plan.

(10) Any other information that the developer, with the approval of the commissioner, desires to include in the time-share disclosure statement.

(c) Public reports for nonspecific time-share interest multisite time-share plans shall include the following:

(1) The name and address of the developer.

(2) A description of the type of interest and usage rights the purchaser will receive.

(3) A description of the duration and operation of the time-share plan.

(4) A description of the type of insurance coverage provided for each component site.

(5) An explanation of who holds title to the accommodations of each component site.

(6) A description of each component site, including the name and address of each component site.

(7) The number of accommodations and time-share interests, expressed in periods of seven-day use availability or other time increments applicable to the multisite time-share plan for each component site committed to the multisite time-share plan and available for use by purchasers and a representation about the percentage of useable time authorized for sale, and if that percentage is 100 percent, then a statement describing how adequate periods of time for maintenance and repair will be provided.

(8) Each type of accommodation in terms of the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and sleeping capacity, and a statement of whether or not the accommodation contains a full kitchen. For purposes of this description, a “full kitchen” means a kitchen having a minimum of a dishwasher, range, sink, oven, and refrigerator.

(9) A description of amenities available for use by the purchaser at each component site.

(10) A description of any incomplete amenities at any of the component sites along with a statement as to any assurance for completion and the estimated date the amenities will be available.

(11) The location of each component site of the multisite time-share plan, the historical occupancy of each component site for the prior 12-month period, if the component site was part of the multisite timeshare plan during such 12-month time period, as well as any periodic adjustment or amendment to the reservation system that may be needed in order to respond to actual purchaser use patterns and changes in purchaser use demand for the accommodations existing at that time within the multisite time-share plan.

(12) A description of any right to make any additions, substitutions, or deletions of accommodations, amenities, or component sites, and a description of the basis upon which accommodations, amenities, or component sites may be added to, substituted in, or deleted from the multisite time-share plan.

(13) A description of the reservation system that shall include all of the following:

(A) The entity responsible for operating the reservation system, its relationship to the developer, and the duration of any agreement for operation of the reservation system.

(B) A summary of the rules and regulations governing access to and use of the reservation system.

(C) The existence of and an explanation regarding any priority reservation features that affect a purchaser’s ability to make reservations for the use of a given accommodation on a firstcome-first-served basis.

(14) A description of any liens, defects, or encumbrances that materially affect the purchaser’s use rights.

(15) The name and principal address of the managing entity for the multisite time-share plan and a description of the procedures, if any, for altering the powers and responsibilities of the managing entity and for removing or replacing it, and a description of the relationship between a multisite time-share plan managing entity and the managing entity of the component sites of a multisite time-share plan, if different from the multisite time-share plan managing entity.

(16) The current annual budget as provided in Section 11240, along with the projected assessments and a description of the method for calculating and apportioning the assessments among purchasers, all of which shall be attached as an exhibit to the public report.

(17) Any current fees or charges to be paid by timeshare purchasers for the use of any amenities related to the time-share plan and a statement that the fees or charges are subject to change.

(18) Any initial or special fee due from the purchaser at closing, together with a description of the purpose and method of calculating the fee.

(19) A description of any financing offered by or available through the developer.

(20) A description of any bankruptcies, pending civil or criminal suits, adjudications, or disciplinary actions of which the developer has knowledge, which would have a material effect on the developer’s ability to perform its obligations.

(21) A statement disclosing any right of first refusal or other restraint on the transfer of all or any portion of a time-share interest.

(22) A statement disclosing that a deposit made in connection with the purchase of a time-share interest shall be held by an escrow agent until expiration of any right to cancel the contract and that a deposit shall be returned to the purchaser if he or she elects to exercise his or her right of cancellation. Alternatively, if the commissioner has accepted from the developer a surety bond, irrevocable letter of credit, or other financial assurance in lieu of placing deposits in an escrow account: (A) a statement disclosing that the developer has provided a surety bond, irrevocable letter of credit, or other financial assurance in an amount equal to or in excess of the funds that would otherwise be placed in an escrow account, (B) a description of the type of financial assurance that has been arranged, (C) a statement that if the purchaser elects to exercise his or her right of cancellation as provided in the contract, the developer shall return the deposit, and (D) a description of the person or entity to whom the purchaser should apply for payment.

(23) If the time-share plan provides purchasers with the opportunity to participate in an exchange program, a description of the name and address of the exchange company and the method by which a purchaser accesses the exchange program.

(24) Any other information that the developer, with the approval of the commissioner, desires to include in the time-share disclosure statement.

(d) The commissioner may establish by regulation provisions regarding the delivery of the public report and other required information through alternative media forms.

(e) The commissioner may, upon finding that the subject matter is otherwise adequately covered or the information is unnecessary or inapplicable, waive any requirement set forth in this section.

11235. Right to Rescind

11235. Right to Rescind somebody

Right to Rescind
11235. (a) A person who has entered into a contract to purchase a short-term product shall have the right to rescind the contract until midnight of the seventh calendar day, or a later time as provided in the contract, following the day on which the contract is first made, in which event the purchaser shall be entitled to a refund of 100 percent of the consideration paid under the contract, without deduction.
(b) The developer or other person who offers a short-term product shall clearly and conspicuously disclose, in writing, to all purchasers of a short-term product, all of the following:

(1) The right of rescission provided for in subdivision (a).

(2) That reservations for accommodations under the contract are subject to availability and that there is no guarantee that a purchaser will be able to obtain specific accommodations during a specific time period, if applicable.

(3) Specific blackout dates, if applicable.

(4) That the earlier the purchaser requests a reservation, the greater the opportunity to receive a confirmed reservation.

(5) That, if the purchaser later purchases a time-share interest, the developer shall provide the purchaser with the then-current public report for the time-share plan being purchased and that the purchaser shall have until midnight of the seventh calendar day following receipt of the public report to cancel the purchase of the time-share interest.

(c) If a purchaser is unable to obtain a confirmed reservation for a specific accommodation and time period requested, the developer or other person who offers the short-term product shall attempt to provide the purchaser with a substantially similar alternative to the reservation requested. If the developer or other person who offers the short-term product is unable to provide the reservation requested or an acceptable alternative during the initial term of the contract, the purchaser may request and be granted an extension of the contract for a period of 12 months.

(d) The contract for the purchase of a short-term product shall include the date of the contract and shall contain, in immediate proximity to the space reserved for the signature of the purchaser, a conspicuous statement as follows:

(e) A purchaser of a short-term product may exercise the right of rescission by giving written notice to the owner of the short-term product as specified in subdivision (b), using a preprinted form provided by the developer. The developer or other person who offers the short-term product shall cause any deposit given by a purchaser who has exercised the right to rescind described in subdivision (a) to be returned to the purchaser not later than the last to occur of 10 business days following receipt of the purchaser’s written notice of rescission, or 10 business days following the date upon which any deposit becomes good and immediately available funds.

(f) A developer or other person who offers a short-term product shall do one of the following:

(1) Place any purchase money funds received from the purchaser of a short-term product into an independent escrow depository until the seven-day period for rescission described in subdivision (a) has expired.

(2) Post a bond to secure the return of a purchaser’s purchase money funds in a form and in an amount prescribed by the commissioner.

(3) Make alternative arrangements satisfactory to the commissioner to secure the owner’s obligation to return the purchase money funds.

(g) If applicable, the developer shall disclose to the purchaser the type of alternative arrangement to be used and, in the event of a claim, to whom the purchaser should apply for payment under the alternative arrangement.

(h) The developer shall compensate the association for any services acquired from the association or for any of the association’s property used when fulfilling a shortterm product in excess of services or use of property provided to other owners.

(i) If the contract for a short-term product is negotiated primarily in Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, or Korean, orally or in writing, the developer shall provide to the prospective purchaser prior to the commencement of the rescission period an unexecuted translation of the contract in the language in which the contract was negotiated. The terms of the short-term contract that is executed in the English language shall determine the rights and obligations of the parties.

11236. Receipt for Public Report

11236. Receipt for Public Report somebody

Receipt for Public Report
11236. (a) A receipt on the form specified herein shall be taken by or on behalf of the developer from each person executing a reservation agreement under authority of a preliminary public report and each person who has made a written offer to purchase or lease a time-share interest under authority of a preliminary, conditional, or final public report.
(b) The developer or his or her agent shall retain each receipt for a final public report for a period of three years from the date of the receipt and shall make the receipts available for inspection by the commissioner or his or her designated representative during regular business hours.

(c) The form approved by the commissioner for the acknowledgment of receipt of a preliminary, conditional, or final public report shall be as follows:

The Law and Regulations of the commissioner require that you as a prospective purchaser or lessee be afforded an opportunity to read the public report for this time-share before you execute a contract to purchase or lease a timeshare interest or before any money or other consideration toward purchase or lease of a time-share interest is accepted from you.

You must be afforded an opportunity to read the report before a written reservation or any deposit in connection therewith is accepted from you.


I have read the commissioner’s public report on ____ (File No., Tract No., or Name). I understand the report is not a recommendation or endorsement of the time-share, but is for information only. The date of the public report which I received and read is ____. Developer Is Required to Retain This Receipt for Three Years.

11237. Incidental Benefit Disclosure

11237. Incidental Benefit Disclosure somebody

Incidental Benefit Disclosure
11237. (a) If a purchaser of a time-share interest in a timeshare plan is offered the opportunity to acquire an incidental benefit in connection with the sale of a timeshare interest, the developer shall provide the purchaser with a disclosure statement containing all of the following information:
(1) A general description of the incidental benefit, including the terms and conditions governing the use of the incidental benefit.

(2) A statement that the continued availability of the incidental benefit is not necessary for the use and enjoyment of the purchaser’s use of any accommodation of the time-share plan.

(3) A statement that the purchaser’s use of or participation in the incidental benefit is completely voluntary, and payment of any fee or other cost associated with the incidental benefit is required only upon that use or participation.

(4) A listing of the fees, if any, that the purchaser will be required to pay to use the incidental benefit.

(5) A statement that no costs of acquisition, operation, maintenance, or repair of the incidental benefit shall be passed on to purchasers of time-share interests in the time-share plan as a common expense of the timeshare plan.

(b) A developer shall include in its initial application for registration, a description of any incidental benefits which may be used by the developer. The developer may, but shall not be required to describe the incidental benefits in the public report for the time-share plan.

(c) The incidental benefit disclosure is not required to be filed with the commissioner prior to the use of the disclosure. However, the commissioner may request and review the records of the developer to ensure that the incidental benefit disclosure required by this section has been given to purchasers and to ensure that the statements required to be made in the disclosure are accurate as to the operation of each incidental benefit offered by the developer. The developer shall deliver the records to the commissioner within 10 business days of the commissioner’s request.

11238. Purchase Contract Voidable

11238. Purchase Contract Voidable somebody

Purchase Contract Voidable
11238. (a) The purchase contract entered into by any person who has made an offer to purchase a time-share interest or interests, any incidental benefit, made on the same day or within seven calendar days after the person attended a sales presentation for a time-share interest, or any right under an exchange program, made on the same day or within seven calendar days after the person attended a sales presentation for a time-share interest, shall be voidable by the purchaser, without penalty, within seven calendar days, or a longer period as provided in the contract, after the receipt of the public report or the execution of the purchase contract, whichever is later.
(1) The purchase contract shall provide notice of the seven-day cancellation period, together with the name and mailing address to which any notice of cancellation shall be delivered.

(2) Notice of cancellation shall be deemed timely if given not later than midnight of the seventh calendar day.

(b) A person who has made an offer to purchase a timeshare interest, incidental benefit, or rights under an exchange program as described above may exercise the right of cancellation granted by this section by giving written notification of the notice to cancel to the developer at the place of business designated by the developer in the purchase contract.

(c) If the notice of cancellation is by United States mail, a rebuttable presumption shall exist that notice was given on the date that it is postmarked. If the notice is sent by facsimile, it shall be considered given on the date of a confirmed transmission. If the notice is by means of a writing sent other than by United States mail or telegraph, it shall be considered as given at the time of delivery at the place of business designated by the developer. Exercising the rescission rights of the time-share interest shall also automatically rescind any agreement for the purchase of an incidental benefit or an enrollment into an exchange program where the agreements were entered into in conjunction with the purchase of the time-share interest.

(d) Each developer shall utilize and furnish each purchaser with a fully completed and executed copy of a contract pertaining to the sale of a time-share interest, which contract shall include the following information:

(1) The actual date the contract is executed by each party.

(2) The names and addresses of the developer and time-share plan.

(3) The initial purchase price and any additional charges to which the purchaser may be subject to in connection with the purchase of the time-share interest, including, but not limited to, financing, or other amounts that will be collected from the purchaser on or before closing, such as the current year’s annual assessment for common expenses.

(4) The estimated date of completion of construction of each accommodation promised to be completed which is not completed at the time the contract is executed.

(5) A brief description of the nature and duration of the time-share interest being sold, including whether any interest in real property is being conveyed.

(6) The specific number of years of the term of the time-share plan.

(7) Immediately prior to the space reserved in the contract for the signature of the purchaser, the developer shall disclose, in conspicuous type, substantially the following notice of cancellation:

You may cancel this contract without any penalty or obligation within seven calendar days of receipt of the public report or after the date you sign this contract, whichever date is later. If you decide to cancel this contract, you must notify the developer in writing of your intent to cancel. Your notice of cancellation shall be effective upon the date sent and shall be sent to (name of developer) at (address of developer). Your notice of cancellation may also be sent by facsimile to (facsimile number of the developer) or by handdelivery. Any attempt to obtain a waiver of your cancellation right is void and of no effect.

(8) The purchase contract for an interest in a single site or specific time-share interest multisite timeshare plan without an accommodation in this state shall include the following additional disclosure in conspicuous type:

The accommodations of this time-share plan are located outside of California. As such, the management (including all matters relating to the association, the association budget, and any management contract) of this time-share plan is not governed by California law, but by the applicable law, if any, of the jurisdiction in which the accommodations are located as stated in the public report. You should review the governing documents related to the association, the association’s budget, and the management of the time-share plan.

(e) If rescission is sought and granted for a violation of this section, the court may also award reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs to the prevailing purchaser.

11239. Notice of Cancellation Rights

11239. Notice of Cancellation Rights somebody

Notice of Cancellation Rights
11239. (a) To inform a purchaser of his or her right of cancellation under Section 11238, the developer shall attach to the face page of every copy of a public report given to a prospective purchaser, the cancellation notice set forth in subdivision (b) thereof printed in conspicuous type.
(b) The form and content of the notice shall be as follows:

You may cancel the purchase of the time-share interest(s) in the time-share plan identified below without any penalty or obligation and are legally entitled to the return of all money and other considerations that you have given toward the purchase. If you decide to cancel your purchase, you must notify the developer in writing of your intent to cancel within seven calendar days of receipt of the public report or the date you sign the purchase contract, whichever date is later. Your notice of cancellation shall be effective upon the date sent and shall be sent to the developer at the address or facsimile number provided in your purchase contract. Any attempt to obtain a waiver of your cancellation right is void and of no effect. (c) Each notice shall also contain the following form. The form shall have all developer-related information completed by the developer and may be used by a purchaser to cancel the sale of the time- share interest:

(Name of Developer) (Address of Developer)

(Facsimile Number of Developer) (Name of Time-share Plan)

(DRE Registration File Number)

I hereby elect to cancel my purchase of the time-share interest(s) in the above-name time-share plan.





______________________________________ (Print Name)


(Signature) ___________________________________

(Print Name)

11240. Estimated Operating Budget

11240. Estimated Operating Budget somebody

Estimated Operating Budget
11240. An estimated operating budget for the time-share plan shall be filed with the commissioner along with the other information required to be registered pursuant to this chapter, and shall contain the following information:
(a) The estimated annual expenses of the time-share plan along with the estimated revenue of the association from all sources, including the amounts collectible from purchasers as assessments. The estimated payments by the purchaser for assessments shall also be stated in the estimated amounts for the times when they will be due. Expenses shall be shown in a manner that enables the purchaser to calculate the annual expenses associated with the time-share interest being purchased. Expenses that are personal to purchasers that are not uniformly incurred by all purchasers or that are not provided for or contemplated by the time-share plan documents may be excluded from this estimate.

(b) (1) The estimated items of expenses of the time-share plan and the association, except as excluded under subdivision (a), including, but not limited to, if applicable, the following items, that shall be stated either as association expenses collectible by assessments or as expenses of the purchaser payable to persons other than the association:

(2) Expenses for the association:

(A) Administration of the association.

(B) Management fees.

(C) Maintenance.

(D) Rent for accommodations.

(E) Taxes upon time-share property.

(F) Taxes upon leased areas.

(G) Insurance.

(H) Security provisions.

(I) Other expenses.

(J) Operating capital.

(K) Equitable apportionment of expenses between time-share and non-time-share uses of the common area, if applicable.

(L) Reserves for deferred maintenance and reserves for capital expenditures. All reserves for any accommodations and common areas of a time-share plan located in this state shall be based upon the estimated life and replacement cost of accommodations and common elements of the time-share plan. For any accommodations and common elements of a time-share plan located outside of this state, the developer shall disclose the amount of reserves for deferred maintenance and capital expenditures required by the law of the situs state, if applicable, and maintained for those accommodations and common elements, which amount of reserves shall be based on the estimated life and replacement cost of each reserve item. The developer or the association shall include in the budget a reasonable reserve accumulation plan. A plan that (i) provides for reserves to be funded within five years at a level of 50 percent of the amount specified in the reserve study as fully funded, and (ii) requires those reserves collected in any given year to equal or exceed the amount of reserve expenditures estimated for that year shall be deemed to be a reasonable reserve accumulation plan. The funding of reserves may be based on collection of reserve amounts in conjunction with annual assessments, or on some alternative mechanism, including, but not limited to, a bond, letter of credit, or similar mechanism. Collection of required reserve amounts solely by one or more special assessments is not reasonable. If control of the association is in owners other than the developer, and such owners vote not to maintain reserves or to maintain reserves at less than 50 percent, the failure to maintain the required level of reserves shall not be cause for denying the developer a public report.

(c) The estimated amounts shall be stated for a period of at least 12 months and may distinguish between the period prior to the time that purchasers elect a majority of the board of administration and the period after that date.

(d) The budget of a phase time-share plan shall contain a note identifying the number of time-share interests covered by the budget, indicating the number of timeshare interests, if any, estimated to be declared as part of the time-share plan during that calendar year, and projecting the common expenses for the time-share plan based upon the number of time-share interests estimated to be declared as part of the time-share plan during that calendar year.

(e) For single site time-share plans and component sites of a multisite time-share plan located outside of the state, the budget shall include the subject matter set forth in subdivisions (a) to (d), inclusive. The budget shall be in compliance with the applicable laws of the state or jurisdiction in which the time-share property or component site is located, and if there is a conflict between the affirmative standards set forth in the laws of the situs state and the requirements set forth in this section, the law of the situs state shall control. If the budget provides for the matters contained in subdivisions (a) to (d), inclusive, the budget shall be deemed to be in compliance with the requirements of this section, and the developer shall not be required to make revisions in order to comply with this section.

(f) The budget shall include a certification subscribed and sworn by an expert in the preparation of time-share plan budgets, who may be (1) an independent public accountant, (2) a certified public accountant, who is an employee of the developer, or (3) at the discretion of the commissioner, an individual or entity acceptable to the commissioner to conduct the review. Acceptance of the individual or entity shall not be considered an endorsement by the commissioner of a proposed budget. The budget certification shall also be signed by the developer or on behalf of the developer by an appropriate officer, if the developer is a corporation, or the managing member, if the developer is a limited liability company. The certification concerning the adequacy of the budget shall be in the following form: On behalf of the developer of the captioned time-share plan, I/my firm has reviewed or prepared the budget containing projections of income and expenses for time-share operation. My/our experience in this field includes: (List experience.) I/we have reviewed the budget and investigated the facts set forth in the budget and the facts underlying it with due diligence in order to form a basis for this certification. I/we certify that the projections in the budget appear reasonable and adequate based on present prices (adjusted to reflect continued inflation and present levels of consumption for comparable units similarly situated) or, for an existing project, based on historical data for the project. I/we certify that the budget: (1) Sets forth in detail the terms of the transaction as it relates to the budget and is complete, current, and accurate. (2) Affords potential purchasers an adequate basis upon which to found their judgment. (3) Does not omit any material fact. (4) Does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact. (5) Does not contain any fraud, deception, concealment, or suppression. (6) Does not contain any promise or representation as to the future which is beyond reasonable expectation or unwarranted by existing circumstances. (7) Does not contain any representation or statement which is false, where I/we: (A) Knew the truth. (B) With reasonable effort could have known the truth and made no reasonable effort to ascertain the truth. (C) Did not have knowledge concerning the representation or statement made. I/we understand that a copy of this certification is intended to be incorporated into the public report so that prospective purchasers may rely on it. This certification is made under the penalty of perjury for the benefit of all persons to whom this offer is made. We understand that violations are subject to the civil and criminal penalties of the laws of California. The certification shall be dated within 90 days prior to the date of the submission of the budget to the commissioner. The expert's certification shall be based on experience in the management of hotel, resort, or time-share properties and disclose the approximate number of properties managed and length of time managed, together with other relevant real estate experience, qualifications, and licenses.

(g) Any budget that is not certified by an independent certified public accountant or an employee of the developer who is licensed as a certified public accountant may be reviewed by the commissioner to confirm the accuracy of the certification.

(h) The certified budget for the time-share plan shall be prepared and submitted by the developer to the commissioner annually for as long as the registration is in effect. If the budget is increased more than 20 percent in any year, the developer shall submit to the commissioner, along with the increased budget, evidence that the requirements of paragraph (5) of subdivision (a) of Section 11265 have been met. The budget shall be submitted at least 15 days prior to the first day of the period that it covers. Upon the submission of each annual budget, the exhibit to the public report specified in paragraph (8) of subdivision (a) of, and paragraph (16) of subdivision (c) of, Section 11234 shall be updated. The updating of the exhibit shall not be considered to constitute an amendment of the public report.

(i) The audited financial statements of the association prepared pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 11272 shall be delivered to the commissioner upon request.

(j) At the time an application is submitted for renewal of the public report or any amendment of the public report that affects the budget for the time-share plan, the developer shall submit with the application a copy of the most recent audited financial statement for the time-share plan, along with a certified copy of the budget reflecting the amendment or renewal. If the commissioner, upon reasonable comparison of the budget and the prior year's audited financial statements, determines that the budget is deficient, the commissioner may subject the budget to a substantive review.

11241. Developer Obligated for Expenses Associated with Unsold Inventory

11241. Developer Obligated for Expenses Associated with Unsold Inventory somebody

Developer Obligated for Expenses Associated with Unsold Inventory
11241. (a) The developer is obligated for the expenses associated with unsold inventory held by the developer. The obligation can be fulfilled in either of the following ways:
(1) The developer shall pay the full maintenance fee for each of the interests owned by the developer.

(2) The developer shall enter into a subsidy agreement with the association to cover any shortfall between expenses incurred and assessments collected from other owners (“deficit subsidy”), and shall furnish the association with an executed copy of the agreement within 10 days after closing of escrow of the first sale or lease of a time-share interest. The department will not approve a deficit subsidy program unless provisions are made for the accumulation of reserves for replacement and major maintenance of the timeshare property in accordance with accepted property management practices and the transfer of the reserve fund to the association on termination of the program.

(b) To ensure the fulfillment of the obligations of the developer of a time-share plan to either pay assessments as an owner of time-share interests in the time-share plan or to pay a deficit subsidy, the commissioner shall require that the developer furnish a surety bond, cash deposit, letter of credit, or other alternate assurance enforceable by the association and acceptable to the commissioner, and that assurance shall be in compliance with either paragraph (1) or (2) of subdivision (c).

(c) The amount of the assurance shall be in such an amount as may be approved by the commissioner, but shall not exceed the lesser of 50 percent of the anticipated cost of operation and maintenance of the time-share plan, including the establishment of reserves for replacement and major repair, for an operational period of one year or 100 percent of the assessments attributed to the total amount of the total unsold time-share interests owned by the developer and registered pursuant to this chapter. The security shall be delivered to a neutral escrow depository, or to the trustee if title to the time-share property has been delivered to the trustee, along with instructions signed by the developer for the benefit of the association which shall provide as follows:

(1) If the developer pays full maintenance fees on unsold inventory the security shall remain available to pay any assessments for which the developer is liable and delinquent until the depository or trustee has received both of the following:

(A) Written notice, from the developer that sales of 80 percent of the time-share interest in the time-share plan have been closed.

(B) Written notice from the association that the developer is not delinquent in the payment of assessments for which it is obligated.

(2) The amount of the assurance required by this section may be adjusted annually to an amount approved by the commissioner, but shall be not more than the smaller of 50 percent of the anticipated cost of operation and maintenance of the time-share plan, including the establishment of reserves for replacement and major repair, for an operational period of one year or 100 percent of the assessments attributed to the total amount of the total unsold timeshare interests owned by the developer and registered pursuant to this chapter.

(d) A deficit subsidy agreement entered into after July 1, 2005, shall provide that if there is a dispute between the developer and the association with respect to the question of satisfaction of the conditions for exoneration or release of the security, the issue shall, at the request of either party, be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American

Arbitration Association or another third-party arbitration organization selected by the parties and in accordance with Title 9 (commencing with Section 1280) of Part 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Any fee to initiate the arbitration shall be remitted by the developer. The cost of arbitration shall ultimately be borne as determined by the arbitrator under these rules.

11242. Developer Subsidization of Operating and Maintenance Costs

11242. Developer Subsidization of Operating and Maintenance Costs somebody

Developer Subsidization of Operating and Maintenance Costs
11242. (a) In any time-share plan, the developer may undertake to pay a portion of the assessments otherwise payable by each purchaser (“buy down subsidy”). Any developer undertaking to pay a buy down subsidy shall do both of the following:
(1) Enter into a contract with the association that specifies in detail the obligations of the developer and the methods to be used in valuing the goods and services furnished under the time-share plan.

(2) Furnish the association with an executed copy of the subsidization contract within 10 days after closing of escrow of the first sale or lease of a time-share interest.

(b) If the developer is paying a buy down subsidy, the developer shall provide an assurance for its buy down subsidy obligation in an amount acceptable to the commissioner, but not more than the aggregate amount by which annual assessments are to be reduced, for example, the number of interests to be sold in each unit type multiplied by the amount by which the annual assessment for such unit type is to be reduced, multiplied by the number of years in the term of the buy down subsidy.

(c) For any buy down subsidy agreements entered into after July 1, 2005, the subsidy agreements shall provide that if there is a dispute between the developer and the association with respect to the question of satisfaction of the conditions for exoneration or release of the security, the issue shall, at the request of either party, be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association or another third-party arbitration organization selected by the parties and in accordance with Title 9 (commencing with Section 1280) of Part 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Any fee to initiate the arbitration shall be remitted by the developer. The cost of arbitration shall ultimately be borne as determined by the arbitrator under those rules.

11242.1. Assurance Handling Procedures

11242.1. Assurance Handling Procedures somebody

Assurance Handling Procedures
11242.1. (a) The assurance specified in Section 11241 and, if applicable, the assurance specified in Section 11242, shall be delivered to the trustee or an escrow depository acceptable to the department along with an executed copy of the subsidization contract and instructions to the escrow depository signed by the developer and on behalf of the association. The instructions shall provide for both of the following:
(1) The escrow agent shall not release or exonerate the security device until it has received written notice from the association that the developer has faithfully performed all of the developer’s obligations under the subsidization contract, if applicable, and the escrow agent has received the written notices specified in paragraph (1) of subdivision (c) of Section 11241.

(2) If there is a dispute between the developer and the association with respect to the questions of satisfaction of the conditions for exoneration or release of the security, the issue or issues shall, at the request of either party, be submitted to arbitration in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association or another third-party arbitration organization selected by the parties and in accordance with Title 9 (commencing with Section 1280) of Part 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure.

(b) Any fee to initiate arbitration shall be submitted by the developer. The costs of arbitration shall be borne by the party as determined by the arbitrator.

(c) The agreement for the deficit subsidy, described in subdivision (a) of Section 11241, and the agreement for the buy down subsidy, described in subdivision (a) of Section 11242 may, at the option of the developer, be contained in one instrument.

11243. Escrow Requirements

11243. Escrow Requirements somebody

Escrow Requirements
11243. The developer shall comply with the following escrow requirements:
(a) A developer of a time-share plan shall deposit into an escrow account in an acceptable escrow depository 100 percent of all funds that are received during the purchaser’s rescission period. An acceptable escrow depository includes, when qualified to do business in this state, escrow agents licensed by the Commissioner of Financial Protection and Innovation, banks, trust companies, savings and loan associations, title insurers, and underwritten title companies. The deposit of these funds shall be evidenced by an executed escrow agreement between the escrow agent and the developer that shall include provisions that state the following:

(1) Funds may be disbursed to the developer by the escrow agent from the escrow account only after expiration of the purchaser’s rescission period and in accordance with the purchase contract, subject to subdivision (b).

(2) If a prospective purchaser properly cancels the purchase contract pursuant to its terms, the funds shall be paid to the prospective purchaser or paid to the developer if the prospective purchaser’s funds have been previously refunded by the developer.

(b) If a developer contracts to sell a time-share interest and the construction of any property in which the timeshare interest is located has not been completed, the developer, upon expiration of the rescission period, shall continue to maintain in an escrow account all funds received by or on behalf of the developer from the prospective purchaser under the purchase contract. The commissioner shall establish, by regulation, the types of documentation which shall be required for evidence of completion, including, but not limited to, a certificate of occupancy, a certificate of substantial completion, or an inspection by the State Fire Marshal designee or an equivalent public safety inspection agency in the applicable jurisdiction. Unless the developer submits financial assurances, in accordance with subdivision (c), funds shall not be released from escrow until a certificate of occupancy, or its equivalent, has been obtained and the rescission period has passed, and the time-share interest can be transferred free and clear of blanket encumbrances, including mechanics’ liens. Funds to be released from escrow shall be released as follows:

(1) If a prospective purchaser properly cancels the purchase contract pursuant to its terms, the funds shall be paid to the prospective purchaser or paid to the developer if the prospective purchaser’s funds have been previously refunded by the developer.

(2) If a prospective purchaser defaults in the performance of the prospective purchaser’s obligations under the purchase contract, the funds shall be paid to the developer.

(3) If the funds of a prospective purchaser have not been previously disbursed in accordance with the provisions of this subdivision, they may be disbursed to the developer by the escrow agent upon the issuance of acceptable evidence of completion of construction.

(c) In lieu of the provisions in subdivisions (a) and (b), the commissioner may accept from the developer a surety bond, escrow bond, irrevocable letter of credit, or other financial assurance or arrangement acceptable to the commissioner. Any acceptable financial assurance shall be in an amount equal to or in excess of the lesser of (1) the funds that would otherwise be placed in escrow, or (2) in an amount equal to the cost to complete the incomplete property in which the time-share interest is located. However, in no event shall the amount be less than the amount of funds that would otherwise be placed in escrow pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (a).

(d) The developer shall provide escrow account information to the commissioner and shall execute in writing an authorization consenting to an audit or examination of the account by the commissioner on forms provided by the commissioner. The developer shall comply with the reconciliation and records requirements established by regulation by the commissioner. The developer shall make documents related to the escrow account or escrow obligation available to the commissioner upon the department’s request. The escrow agent shall maintain any disputed funds in the escrow account until either of the following occurs:

(1) Receipt of written direction agreed to by signature of all parties.

(2) Deposit of the funds with a court of competent jurisdiction in which a civil action regarding the funds has been filed.

11244. Release of Funds Escrowed

11244. Release of Funds Escrowed somebody

Release of Funds Escrowed
11244. (a) Excluding any encumbrance placed against the purchaser’s time-share interest securing the purchaser’s payment of purchase money financing for the purchase, the developer shall not be entitled to the release of any funds escrowed under Section 11243 with respect to each time-share interest and any other property or rights to property appurtenant to the time-share interest, including any amenities represented to the purchaser as being part of the time-share plan, until the developer has provided satisfactory evidence to the commissioner of one of the following:
(1) The time-share interest, including, but not limited to, a time-share interest in any component sites of a nonspecific time-share interest multisite time-share plan, together with any other property or rights to property appurtenant to the time-share interest, including any amenities represented to the purchaser as being part of the time-share plan, are free and clear of any of the claims of the developer, any owner of the underlying fee, a mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor, or any other person having an interest in or lien or encumbrance against the time-share interest or appurtenant property or property rights.

(2) The developer, any owner of the underlying fee, a mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor, or any other person having an interest in or lien or encumbrance against the time-share interest or appurtenant property or property rights, including any amenities represented to the purchaser as being part of the time-share plan, has recorded a subordination and notice to creditors document in the appropriate public records of the jurisdiction in which the timeshare interest is located. The subordination document shall expressly and effectively provide that the interest holder’s right, lien, or encumbrance shall not adversely affect, and shall be subordinate to, the rights of the owners of the time-share interests in the time-share plan regardless of the date of purchase, from and after the effective date of the subordination document.

(3) The developer, any owner of the underlying fee, a mortgagee, judgment creditor, or other lienor, or any other person having an interest in or lien or encumbrance against the time-share interest or appurtenant property or property rights, including any amenities represented to the purchaser as being part of the time-share plan, has transferred the subject accommodations, amenities, or all use rights in the amenities to a nonprofit organization or owners’ association to be held for the use and benefit of the owners of the time-share plan, which shall act as a fiduciary to the purchasers, the developer has transferred control of the entity to the owners or does not exercise its voting rights in the entity with respect to the subject accommodations or amenities. Prior to the transfer, any lien or other encumbrance against the accommodation or facility shall be made subject to a subordination and notice to creditors’ instrument pursuant to paragraph (2).

(4) Alternative arrangements have been made which are adequate to protect the rights of the purchasers of the time-share interests and approved by the commissioner.

(b) Nothing in this section shall prevent a developer from accessing any escrow funds if the developer has complied with subdivision (c) of Section 11243.

(c) The developer shall notify the commissioner of the extent to which an accommodation may become subject to a tax or other lien arising out of claims against other purchasers in the same time-share plan. The commissioner may require the developer to notify a prospective purchaser of any such potential tax or lien that would materially and adversely affect the prospective purchaser.

11245. Prohibited Acts

11245. Prohibited Acts somebody

Prohibited Acts
11245. (a) No person subject to this chapter shall do any of the following:
(1) Make any material misrepresentation that is false or misleading in connection with any advertisement or promotion of a time-share plan.

(2) Make a prediction of any increases in the resale price or resale value of the time-share interest.

(3) Materially misrepresent the size, nature, extent, qualities, or characteristics of the offered time-share plan.

(4) Materially misrepresent the conditions under which a purchaser may exchange the right to use accommodations in one location for the right to use accommodations in another location.

(5) Materially misrepresent the current or future availability of a resale or rental program offered by or on behalf of the developer.

(6) Materially misrepresent the nature or extent of any incidental benefit.

(7) Fail to deliver any item offered in connection with a promotion to a prospective purchaser upon the conclusion of the sales presentation, or fail to deliver any item offered in connection with a promotion to a prospective purchaser, upon request, reasonably approximate to the conclusion of the length of time for the sales presentation that was previously represented to the prospective purchaser.

(8) Fail to disclose, in a manner that meets the requirements of Section 17537.1 or 17537.2 of the Business and Professions Code, that a certificate, coupon, or raincheck redeemable for fulfillment for goods or services will be provided in connection with a promotion for the purchase of a time-share interest, if that is the case.

(9) State that the purchase of a time-share interest constitutes a financial investment.

(10) Fail to clearly and conspicuously disclose, prior to the execution of any purchase contract, the annual maintenance and association dues or any separately billed taxes, when applicable.

(11) Fail to clearly disclose in writing any automatic charging or billing procedure, and fail thereafter to obtain the express written authorization from the prospective purchaser for any purchase, subscription, or enrollment that results in that automatic charging or billing of initial or periodic amounts to the prospective purchaser.

(12) If the contract for a time-share interest is negotiated primarily in Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, or Korean, orally or in writing, and the developer fails to provide to the prospective purchaser prior to the commencement of the rescission period an unexecuted translation of the contract in the language in which the contract was negotiated.

(13) Fail to inform, verbally or in writing, any prospective purchaser that he or she can take as much time as he or she requires in order to read the public report, and any and all other documents necessary to consummate a sale before leaving the premises or signing a contract, and not allowing, upon request, the prospective purchaser the time and opportunity to do so. If the prospective purchaser requests that he or she be able to return the next calendar day to complete the review of the documents before signing, the developer shall accommodate such a request, and the return visit shall not disqualify the prospective purchaser from receiving any price reduction or other incentive for purchasing on the day of the scheduled sales presentation. Further, it shall not be fraudulent or misleading for a developer to honor the request even if presented as an incentive only available on the day of the offer.

(14) Inform prospective purchasers that they are finalists in winning an item offered in connection with a promotion or have already won a specific prize, unless it is true.

(15) Offer as a promotional incentive any travel certificate or coupon redeemable for transportation, accommodations, or other travel-related service that does not allow the recipient to activate or redeem the incentive without incurring any additional telephone expenses charged by or on behalf of the developer other than the usual toll costs imposed by the prospective purchaser’s telephone service.

(16) Offer as a promotional incentive any travel certificate or coupon redeemable for fixed air transportation or hotel accommodations or other travel-related service that entitles the prospective purchaser to a trip of a specified duration unless the offeror states at the time of the offer that there are terms or conditions that must be followed in order to utilize the incentive and that the details of the terms will be sent to the consumer in writing in time to be received by the consumer prior to leaving his or her house to attend the scheduled sales presentation. The writing shall include the approximate times of the air or sea transportation’s departure and return, if applicable, and all other material conditions, including any limitations as to the dates or times available for use of the incentive.

(17) Misrepresent or fail to disclose that a prospective purchaser is required to attend a sales presentation to obtain a prize or promotional item, if attendance is a requirement of the promotion.

(18) Fail to inform any prospective purchaser who contacts the developer with a request to cancel a purchase within the rescission period provided by this chapter all of the procedures necessary to effectively cancel the purchase.

(19) Fail to cancel a purchase upon the receipt of a valid timely written notice of rescission. No person may obtain from the person a waiver or cancellation of the rescission.

(20) Fail to provide any refund of moneys, within the required timeframe, due to the prospective purchaser upon receipt of a valid timely written notice of rescission.

(21) Fail to provide a mechanism for an equitable apportionment of expenses between the time-share owner’s association and any commercial operation on the property not operated by the time-share owner’s association.

(b) For any time-share plan in which the managing entity is an affiliate of the developer, neither the developer nor the managing entity shall, during any applicable priority reservation period, hold out for rental to the public on a given day, developer owned or controlled time-share periods in a number greater than the total number of timeshare periods owned or controlled by the developer in a particular season, multiplied by a fraction wherein the numerator is the number of time-share periods owned or controlled by the developer in that particular season, and the denominator is the total number or time-share periods in that particular season. For example, if the developer owns or controls 1,000 time-share periods in a particular season, out of a total of 4,000 time-share periods available during that season, then the developer may not hold out for rental to the public during any applicable priority reservation period, more than 250 time-share periods on a given day during that season (1,000 X 1,000/4,000=250). The number of time-share interests permitted to be rented under this subdivision shall be in addition to any timeshare interests that the developer may have the right to rent or use by virtue of having acquired those rights from another owner. The developer or managing entity may, at any time, rent any inventory transferred to the developer or managing entity by another owner in exchange for hotel accommodations, future use rights, or other considerations. For any use or rental by a developer of time-share interests owned or controlled by the developer, the developer shall reimburse the association for any increased expenses for housekeeping services that exceed the amount allocated in the assessment for maintenance for the use or rental.

11246. Inventory Control Certification

11246. Inventory Control Certification somebody

Inventory Control Certification
11246. With each application for an amendment or renewal of a public report, and with the initial submittal of an application for a time-share plan in which sales have occurred prior to obtaining a California public report, the developer shall submit to the commissioner a certification by an independent third party acceptable to the commissioner and dated not more than three months prior to the submittal of the application, stating that the inventory control system, described in paragraph (6) of subdivision (c) of Section 11226 functions in accordance with the description set forth in that section. The certification shall be based on a random sampling of transactions performed within the six months preceding the date of the application. Inventory control systems that cover time-share estates for which the developer offers, and the title insurance company agrees to provide title insurance, shall not require certification. Independent title insurance companies licensed to do business as such in this state and independent certified public accountants shall be deemed acceptable third parties in accordance with this section.

Article 3. Time-Share Plan Requirements

Article 3. Time-Share Plan Requirements somebody

11250. Time-Share Plan Requirements

11250. Time-Share Plan Requirements somebody

Time-Share Plan Requirements
11250. A time-share plan may be created in any accommodation unless otherwise prohibited. All timeshare plans shall maintain a one-to-one purchaser to accommodation ratio, which means the ratio of the number of purchasers eligible to use the accommodations of a time-share plan on a given night to the number of accommodations available for use within the plan on that night, such that the total number of purchasers eligible to use the accommodations of the time-share plan during a given calendar year never exceeds the total number of accommodations available for use in the time-share plan during that year. For purposes of the calculation under this section, each purchaser must be counted at least once, and no individual accommodation may be counted more than 365 times per calendar year or more than 366 times per leap year. A purchaser who is delinquent in the payment of time-share plan assessments shall continue to be considered eligible to use the accommodations of the time-share plan for purposes of calculating the one-to-one purchaser to accommodation ratio.

11251. Time-Share Plan Declaration of Dedication

11251. Time-Share Plan Declaration of Dedication somebody

Time-Share Plan Declaration of Dedication
11251. (a) The developer of a single site time-share plan and for the component sites of a multisite time-share plan located in the state, shall cause to be recorded prior to the closing of the first sale of a time-share interest in each accommodation in the time-share plan, covenants dedicating the accommodations to the time-share plan and incorporating all covenants of the grantor or lessor of the time-share interests, and the following provisions:
(1) Organization of an association of time-share interest owners.

(2) A description of the real property for the common ownership or use of the time-share interest owners. Where the time-share plan is a personal property time-share plan, a description of the personal property for common use of the time-share interest owners.

(3) A description of the method for calculating and collecting regular and special assessments from timeshare interest owners to defray expenses of the timeshare property and for related purposes.

(4) A description of the method for terminating the membership and selling the interest of a time-share interest owner for failure to pay regular or special assessments.

(5) A description of the method for the disciplining of time-share interest owners for the late payment of assessments.

(6) Provisions requiring comprehensive general liability insurance and adequate property and casualty insurance covering the time-share property.

(7) Restrictions upon partition of an accommodation of the time-share plan.

(8) A description of the method for amending the covenants affecting the time-share plan.

(9) Where applicable, a description of the method relating to the annexation or de-annexation of additional accommodations, phases, or properties to the time-share plan.

(10) A description of the procedures in the event of condemnation, destruction, or extensive damage to an accommodation, including provisions for the disposition of insurance proceeds or damages payable on account of damage or condemnation.

(11) A method of the procedures on regular termination of the time-share plan.

(12) Where applicable, allocation of the cost of maintenance and operation between different elements or mixed uses within the portions of a project or relating to reciprocal rights and obligations between the time-share project and other property.

(13) A description of the method for entry into accommodations of the time-share plan under authority granted by the association for the purpose of cleaning, maid service, maintenance, and repair including emergency repairs and for the purpose of abating a nuisance or a known or suspected dangerous or unlawful activity.

(14) Delineate all reserved rights of the developer.

(15) For projects located within the state, the covenants shall, insofar as reasonably possible, satisfy the requirements of Section 1468 or Sections 1469 and 1470 of the Civil Code for real property located in this state.

(b) For single site time-share plans and component sites of a multisite time-share plan located outside of the state, the developer shall cause to be recorded a declaration dedicating the accommodations to the time-share plan and incorporating all covenants of the grantor or lessor of the time-share interests. The declaration shall include the subject matter set forth in paragraphs (1) to (14), inclusive, of subdivision (a). If there is no provision for the recording of a declaration in the state or jurisdiction in which the time-share property or component site is located, alternatively, the developer shall establish that the declaration is otherwise enforceable in the state or jurisdiction in which the time-share property or component site is located. The declaration shall be in compliance with the applicable laws of the state or jurisdiction in which the time-share property or component site is located, and if a conflict exists between laws of the situs state and the requirements set forth in this section, the law of the situs state shall control. If the declaration provides for the matters contained in paragraphs (1) to (14), inclusive, of subdivision (a), the declaration shall be deemed to be in compliance with the requirements of subdivision (a) and this subdivision and the developer shall not be required to make revisions in order to comply with subdivision (a) and this subdivision.

(c) The developer of a time-share plan located within the state shall make provisions in the time-share instruments for all of the following:

(1) A description of the services to be made available to time-share interest owners under the time-share plan.

(2) A description, to be contained in the declaration or the bylaws of the association, of the procedures regarding transfer to the association of control over the time-share property and services comprising the time-share plan.

(3) A description of the method for preparation and availability to time-share interest owners of budgets, financial statements, and other information related to the time-share plan.

(4) A description of the methods for employing and for terminating the employment of a managing entity for the time-share plan.

(5) A description of the method for adoption of standards and rules of conduct for the use of accommodations by time-share interest owners.

(6) A description of the method for establishment of the rights of time-share interest owners to the use of an accommodation according to schedule or under a first-reserved, first-served priority system.

(7) A description of the method for compensating use periods or monetary compensation for an owner of a time-share estate if an accommodation cannot be made available for the period of use to which the owner is entitled by schedule or under a reservation system because of an error by the association or managing entity.

(8) A description of the method for the use of accommodations for transient accommodations or other income-producing purpose during periods of nonuse by time-share interest owners.

(9) A description of the method for the inspection of the books and records of the association by time-share interest owners.

(10) A description of the method for collective decisionmaking and the undertaking of action by or in the name of the association including, where applicable, representation of timeshare accommodations in an association for the time-share in which the accommodations are located.

(d) For single site time-share plans and component sites of a multisite time-share plan located outside of the state, the developer shall cause to be included in the time-share instrument the subject matter set forth in subdivision (c). The time-share instruments shall be in compliance with the applicable laws of the state or jurisdiction in which the time-share property or component site is located, and if there is a conflict between laws of the situs state and the requirements set forth in this section, the law of the situs state shall control. If the time-share instruments provide for the matters contained in subdivision (c), the timeshare instruments shall be deemed to be in compliance with the requirements of subdivision (c) and this subdivision and the developer shall not be required to make revisions in order to comply with subdivision (c) and this subdivision.

11252. Covenant Not to Encumber

11252. Covenant Not to Encumber somebody

Covenant Not to Encumber
11252. In a time-share plan offering time-share use interests, the developer shall not encumber the accommodations of the time-share plan in a manner that could materially and adversely affect the use rights of the purchasers of the accommodations without the written assent of not less than 51 percent of the time-share interest owners other than the developer. This section shall not prevent the developer from encumbering the purchaser’s use rights so long as the developer has sufficient protection as permitted by Section 11244.

11253. Insurance

11253. Insurance somebody

11253. For single site time-share plans and component sites of multisite time-share plans located in this state, the time-share instrument shall require that the following insurance be at all times maintained in force to protect time-share interest owners in the time-share plan:
(a) Insurance against property damage as a result of fire and other hazards commonly insured against, covering all real and personal property comprising the time-share plan in an amount not less than 80 percent of the full replacement value of the time-share property.

(1) In a time-share use offering, the trustee shall be a named coinsured, and if for any reason, title to the accommodation is not held in trust, the association shall be named as a coinsured as the agent for each of the time-share interest owners.

(2) In a time-share estate offering, the association shall be named as a coinsured if it has title to the property or as a coinsured as agent for each of the time-share interests owners if title is held by the owners as tenants in common.

(3) If, after control of the governing body of the association has passed to the owners other than the developer, and the association amends the time-share instrument to reduce the percentage below 80 percent, the failure of the association to maintain coverage at 80 percent of replacement value shall not be grounds for denial of a public report.

(b) Liability insurance against death, bodily injury, and property damage arising out of or in connection with the use, ownership, or maintenance of the accommodations of the time-share plan.

(1) The amounts of the insurance shall be determined by the association, but shall not be less than five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) to one million dollars ($1,000,000) for personal injury and one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) for property damage.

(2) The liability insurance policy shall provide for all of the following:

(A) All time-share interest owners as a class are named as additional insureds in a policy issued to the association.

(B) The waiver by the insurer of its right to subrogation under the policy against any timeshare interest owner or member of his or her household.

(C) No act or omission by a time-share interest owner, unless acting within the scope of his or her authority on behalf of the association, shall void the policy or operate as a condition to recovery under the policy by any other person.

11254. Transfer of Property Rights

11254. Transfer of Property Rights somebody

Transfer of Property Rights
11254. (a) In a time-share plan in which the fee or a longterm leasehold interest in all or some of the accommodations and in appurtenant real and personal property is to be transferred to the association or to a corporate trustee under a trust agreement, the conveyance shall be made prior to the closing of the escrow for the first sale of a time-share interest in the accommodation.
(b) The developer may reserve easements in the real property conveyed for purposes reasonably related to the conduct of commercial activities in the time-share property, if the developer covenants to use the easements in a manner that will minimize any adverse impact on the use and enjoyment of the accommodation by any timeshare interest owner occupying it.

11255. Conveyance of Interests

11255. Conveyance of Interests somebody

Conveyance of Interests
11255. (a) The department shall require that each of the accommodations in a time-share plan offering time-share use interests be conveyed to a trustee or an association acceptable to the commissioner prior to the closing of the escrow for the first sale of a time-share use interest that entitles the purchaser to occupy the accommodation in question.
(b) If the accommodation in a time-share plan offering time-share use interests that is free and clear of blanket encumbrances, other than a lien of current real property taxes, is conveyed to a trustee or an association, the trust or association instruments shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following:

(1) Transfer of title to the accommodations to the trustee or association.

(2) If the time-share use interests are conveyed to a trust, the association as a party to the trust or an express third-party beneficiary of the trust.

(3) Notice to the department of the intention of the trustee to resign, if applicable.

(4) Continuance of the trustee in that capacity until a successor trustee acceptable to the department assumes the position, if applicable.

(5) Prohibition against any amendments of the trust or association instruments adversely affecting the interests or rights of time-share interest owners without the prior approval of the association.

(6) Instructions for the distribution of condemnation or insurance proceeds by the trustee or the association.

(c) The department may require that each of the accommodations in a time-share plan offering time-share estate interests that is subject to a blanket encumbrance be conveyed to a trustee acceptable to the department prior to the closing of the escrow for the first sale of a timeshare estate which entitles the purchaser to occupy the accommodation in question.

(d) If an accommodation in the time-share plan is conveyed to a trustee pursuant to subdivision (c), the trust instrument shall include all of the following provisions in addition to those set forth in subdivision (b):

(1) The deposit into trust, and the retention for the duration of the trust, of nondelinquent installment sales contracts or promissory notes of time-share interests purchases having an aggregate principal balance owing not ordinarily less than 150 percent of the difference between the aggregate principal balance owing under blanket encumbrances against the accommodation and the amount of money, or its equivalent, in the trust and available at any time to be applied to the reduction of the principal balance of the blanket encumbrances.

(A) The trust instrument shall further provide that if the 150 percent requirement has not been met within six months after execution of the trust instrument by the developer, the trustee shall thereafter retain in the trust, or apply to debt service on the blanket encumbrance, the entire amount of all installment payments received on contracts or promissory notes until the 150 percent requirement has been met.

(B) For purposes of this regulation, a contract or promissory note is deemed delinquent when an installment payment is more than 60 days past due.

(C) If the developer for purposes of satisfying the requirements of this subdivision proposes to deposit installment sales contracts or promissory notes of obligor other than purchasers of interests in the time-share plan into the trust, the developer shall have the burden of establishing the liquidated value of the notes and contracts to the satisfaction of the department.

(2) The deposit into trust, and the retention for the duration of the trust, of funds in an amount at all times sufficient to pay the total of three successive monthly installments of debt service on the blanket encumbrance.

(A) If installments of debt service on a blanket encumbrance that is fully amortized are due less frequently than monthly, the funds retained in the trust shall be sufficient to pay all installments becoming due within the next succeeding six months, or, if no installments are due within the next succeeding six months the next installment due.

(B) If a blanket encumbrance against the trust property is an interest-only loan, contains a balloon payment provision, or is otherwise not fully amortized under the terms for repayment, the trust instrument shall require that the developer make monthly payments into the trust sufficient to pay debt service installments as they become due and to create a sinking fund to extinguish the debt at its maturity.

(3) Payment by the trustee of debt service on the blanket encumbrance, property taxes, or assessments on insurance premiums, either as the entity having primary responsibilities for the payments or the entity secondarily responsible if the person with primary responsibility fails to make the payments in a timely manner.

(4) The deposit or investment by the trustee of funds constituting a part of the trust corpus in interest bearing accounts, treasury bills, certificates of deposit, or similar investments.

(e) In the case of a time-share plan offering time-share use interests that have been conveyed to a trustee, the trust for the accommodation shall be irrevocable during the time that any time-share interest owner has a right to the occupancy of an accommodation.

(f) In the case of a time-share plan offering time-share use interests that have been conveyed to an association, the association shall not be dissolved or terminated during the time that any time-share interest owner has the right to occupancy of an accommodation.

(g) In a time-share plan offering time-share estate interests, the trust for an accommodation shall be irrevocable until the extinguishment of all blanket monetary encumbrances against the accommodation.

11256. Contract

11256. Contract somebody

11256. (a) The contract proposed to be used by a developer applying for a public report for the sale or lease of time-share interests shall provide that if the escrow for sale or lease of a time-share interest does not close on or before the date set forth in the contract, or a later closing date mutually agreed to by the developer and the prospective purchaser or lessee, within 15 days after the closing date set forth in the contract or an extended closing date mutually agreed to by the developer and the prospective purchaser or lessee, the developer shall, except as provided in subdivisions (c) to (h), inclusive, order all of the money remitted by the prospective purchaser or lessee under the terms of the contract for acquisition of the time-share interest (purchase money) to be refunded to the prospective purchaser or lessee. Any extension of the closing of escrow shall be in writing and shall clearly and conspicuously disclose that the purchaser is not obligated to extend the closing of escrow.
(b) The contract may provide for disbursements or charges to be made against purchase money for payments to third parties for credit reports, escrow services, preliminary title reports, appraisals, and loan processing services by the parties if the contract includes the following:

(1) Specific enumeration of all of the disbursements or charges that may be made against purchase money.

(2) The developer’s estimate of the total amount of the disbursements and charges.

(c) Any contractual provision that calls for disbursement or a charge against purchase money based upon the prospective purchaser’s or lessee’s alleged failure to complete the purchase of the time-share interest shall conform with Sections 1675, 1676, 1677, and 1678 of the Civil Code.

(d) Except for a disbursement made following substantial compliance with the procedures set forth in subdivision (f) or pursuant to a written agreement of the parties that either cancels the contract or is executed after the final closing date specified by the parties, a disbursement or charge against purchase money as liquidated damages may be done only pursuant to a determination by a court of law, or by an arbitrator if the parties have so provided by contract, that the developer is entitled to a disbursement or charge against purchase money as liquidated damages.

(e) A contractual provision for a determination by arbitration that the developer is entitled to a disbursement or charge against purchase money as liquidated damages shall require that the arbitration be conducted in accordance with procedures that are equivalent in substance to the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association or another third-party arbitration organization selected by the parties and in accordance with Title 9 (commencing with Section 1280) of Part 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure that any arbitration include every cause of action that has arisen between the prospective purchaser or lessee and the developer under the contract, and that the developer remit the fee to initiate arbitration with the costs of the arbitration ultimately to be borne as determined by the arbitrator.

(f) The contract of sale may include a procedure under which purchase money may be disbursed by the escrowholder to the developer as liquidated damages upon the prospective purchaser’s or lessee’s failure to timely give the escrowholder the prospective purchaser’s or lessee’s written objection to disbursement of purchase money as liquidated damages. This procedure shall contain at least the following elements:

(1) The developer shall give written notice, in the manner prescribed by Section 116.340 of the Code of Civil Procedure for service in a small claims action, to the escrowholder and to the prospective purchaser or lessee that the prospective purchaser or lessee is in default under the contract that the developer is demanding that the escrowholder remit _____ dollars ($____) from the purchase money to the developer as liquidated damages unless, within 20 days, the prospective purchaser or lessee gives the escrowholder the prospective purchaser’s or lessee’s written objection to the disbursement of purchase money as liquidated damages.

(2) The prospective purchaser or lessee shall have a period of 20 days from the date of receipt of the developer’s 20-day notice and demand in which to give the escrowholder the prospective purchaser or lessee written objection to the disbursement of purchase money as liquidated damages.

(g) The contract may not make the prospective purchaser’s or lessee’s failure to timely give the escrowholder the aforesaid written objection a waiver of any cause of action the prospective purchaser or lessee may have against the developer under the contract unless the waiver is conditioned upon service of the developer’s 20-day notice and demand in a manner prescribed by Section 116.340 of the Code of Civil Procedure for service in a small claims action.

(h) If the developer has had the use of purchase money pending consummation of the sale or lease transaction under authorization by the department pursuant to Section 11243, the developer shall immediately upon alleging the default of the prospective purchaser or lessee, transmit to the escrowholder, funds equal to all of the purchase money paid by the prospective purchaser or lessee.

Article 4. Management and Governance

Article 4. Management and Governance somebody

11265. Requirements

11265. Requirements somebody

11265. (a) For single site time-share plans and component sites of a specific time-share interest multisite time-share plan, the following requirements apply:
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), regular assessments to defray the expenses of maintaining the time-share property and operating the time-share plan shall be levied against each time-share interest owner according to the ratio that the number of time-share interests owned by a time-share interest owner assessed bears to the total number of time-share interests subject to assessments. Regular assessments levied by the association shall not exceed the amount necessary to defray the estimated expenses for which the assessments are levied.

(2) The assessment against each owner in the timeshare plan may be determined according to a formula or schedule under which assessments against each time-share interest owner are equitably apportioned in accordance with operational and maintenance costs attributable to each time-share interest owner.

(3) A special assessment shall be levied upon the same basis as that prescribed for the levying of regular assessments except in the case where the special assessment is levied against a time-share interest owner for the purpose of reimbursing the association for costs incurred in bringing the timeshare interest owner into compliance with provisions of the governing instruments for the time-share plan.

(4) All time-share interests in the time-share plan for which a public report has been issued including those time-share interests held by the developer of the timeshare plan are interests subject to the payment of regular and special assessments.

(5) The governing body of the association may be authorized by the governing instruments to impose, without the vote or written assent of the association, a regular annual assessment per time-share interest that is as much as 20 percent greater than the regular annual assessment for the immediately preceding fiscal year. An annual assessment for each time-share interest that is more than 20 percent greater than the regular assessment per time-share interest for the immediately preceding fiscal year may not be levied without the vote or written assent of a majority of the voting power of the association residing in members other than the developer. An increase in the annual assessment attributable to an increase in real property taxes against accommodations of the time-share property shall be excluded in determining whether the annual assessment is more than 20 percent greater than the regular assessment per interest for the preceding fiscal year.

(6) Except as provided in this section, special assessments against time-share interest owners in a time-share plan may not be imposed without the vote or written assent of a majority of the voting power of the association residing in members other than the developer. The governing body of the association may be authorized by the governing instruments to impose special assessments without the vote or written assent of the association as follows:

(A) Special assessments against all time-share interest owners in the time-share plan, other than a special assessment to restore or rebuild because of damage or destruction to an accommodation, which in the aggregate in any fiscal year do not exceed 5 percent of the budgeted gross expenses of the association for that fiscal year.

(B) A special assessment for the repair or rebuilding of an accommodation that does not exceed 10 percent of the budgeted gross expenses of the association for the fiscal year in which the assessment is levied.

(C) Special assessments against a time-share interest owner or owners for the purpose of reimbursing the association for costs incurred in bringing the time-share interest owner into compliance with provisions of the governing instruments for the time-share plan.

(7) Regular assessments against all of the time-share interests in an accommodation of the time-share plan shall commence on the same date. Regular assessments shall commence on the first day of the month following the closing of the escrow of the first sale of a time-share interest in the time-share plan, but may be delayed to the date of commencement of timeshare interest owners’ occupancy rights in the accommodation or to a date that is not more than six months later than the date of closing of the first sale involving a right to use the accommodation, whichever occurs earlier in time.

(b) For single site time-share plans and component sites of a multisite time-share plan located outside of the state the time-share instruments shall include the subject matter set forth in paragraphs (1) to (4), inclusive, of subdivision (a). The time-share instruments shall be in compliance with the applicable laws of the state or jurisdiction in which the time-share property or component site is located, and if a conflict exists between the affirmative standards of the laws of the situs state and the requirements set forth in this section, the law of the situs state shall control. If the time-share instruments provide for the matters contained in paragraphs (1) to (4), inclusive, of subdivision (a), the time-share instruments shall be deemed to be in compliance with the requirements of paragraphs (1) to (4), inclusive, of subdivision (a) and this subdivision and the developer shall not be required to make revisions in order to comply with paragraphs (1) to (4), inclusive, of subdivision (a) and this subdivision. If the maximum increase in annual assessments for a time-share plan located outside of this state is greater than the 20 percent set forth in paragraph (5) of subdivision (a), the public report shall include the following disclosure in conspicuous 14-point type:


(c) For nonspecific time-share interest multisite timeshare plans the following requirements apply:

(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), regular assessments to defray the expenses of maintaining and operating the multisite time-share plan shall be levied against each time-share interest owner according to the ratio that the number of time-share interests owned by a time-share interest owner assessed bears to the total number of time-share interests subject to assessments.

(2) The assessment against each time-share interest owner in the multisite time-share plan may be determined according to a formula or schedule under which assessments against each time-share interest owner are equitably apportioned in accordance with operational and maintenance costs attributable to each time-share interest owner.

(3) A special assessment shall be levied upon the same basis as that prescribed for the levying of regular assessments except in the case where the special assessment is levied against a time-share interest owner for the purpose of reimbursing the association for costs incurred in bringing the timeshare interest owner into compliance with provisions of the governing instruments for the time-share plan.

(4) All time-share interests in the multisite time-share plan for which a public report has been issued including those time-share interests held by the developer of the multisite time-share plan are interests subject to the payment of regular and special assessments.

11265.1. Delinquent Assessments – Late Charges

11265.1. Delinquent Assessments – Late Charges somebody

Delinquent Assessments – Late Charges
11265.1. (a) Regular and special assessments levied pursuant to the time-share instrument are delinquent 30 days after they become due, unless the time-share instrument provides a longer time period, in which case the longer time period shall apply. If an assessment is delinquent, the association may recover all of the following:
(1) Reasonable costs incurred in collecting the delinquent assessment, including reasonable attorneys' fees.

(2) A late charge not exceeding 10 percent of the delinquent assessment or ten dollars ($10), whichever is greater, unless the time-share instrument specifies a late charge in a smaller amount, in which case any late charge imposed shall not exceed the amount specified in the governing instrument.

(3) Interest on all sums imposed in accordance with this section, including the delinquent assessments, reasonable fees and costs of collection, and reasonable attorneys' fees, at an annual interest rate not to exceed 12 percent, commencing 30 days after the assessment becomes due, unless the time-share instrument specifies the recovery of interest at a lower rate, in which case, the lower rate of interest shall apply.

(b) Regular assessments imposed or collected to perform the obligations of an association under the governing documents of this title shall be exempt from execution by a judgment creditor of the association only to the extent necessary for the association to perform essential services, such as paying for utilities and insurance. In determining the appropriateness of an exemption, a court shall ensure that only essential services are protected under this subdivision. This exemption shall not apply to any consensual pledges, liens, or encumbrances that have been approved by the owners of the association, constituting a quorum, casting a majority of the votes at a meeting or election of the association, or to any state tax lien, or to any lien for labor or materials supplied to the common area.

(c) The association shall provide notice by first-class mail to the owners of the time-share interests of any increase in the regular or special assessments of the association, not less than 30 days nor more than 60 days prior to the increased assessment becoming due.

(d) Associations are hereby exempted from interest rate limitations imposed by Article XV of the California Constitution, subject to the limitations of this section.

11266. Amendment of Declaration or Other Document

11266. Amendment of Declaration or Other Document somebody

Amendment of Declaration or Other Document
11266. (a) An amendment of a provision of the declaration or other document establishing the time-share plan may not be adopted without the vote or written assent of at least 25 percent of the voting power of the association residing in members other than the developer. (b) An amendment of the articles of incorporation or association may not be enacted without the vote or written assent of at least 25 percent of the governing body and 25 percent of the voting power of the association residing in members other than the developer.
(c) An amendment of the bylaws of the association may not be enacted without the vote or written assent of at least 10 percent of the voting power of the association residing in members other than the developer.

(d) An amendment to the rules and regulations of the association may not be enacted without the vote or written assent of at least a majority of the governing body of the association.

(e) The percentage of the voting power necessary to amend a specific clause or provision in the time-share instrument, articles, or bylaws shall not be less than the prescribed percentage of affirmative votes or written assents required for action to be taken under that clause.

(f) In addition to the restrictions upon the enactment of amendments of the governing instruments set forth in this section, the governing instruments may include provisions consistent with subdivision (c) of Section 11269 whereby the vote of the developer must be given effect in the amendatory process.

(g) For a single site time-share plan or a component site of a specific time-share interest time-share plan or a nonspecific time-share interest multisite time-share plan located outside this state, that is being offered in this state, the public report shall include the following disclosure in conspicuous 14-point type:


11267. Employment of Managing Entity

11267. Employment of Managing Entity somebody

Employment of Managing Entity
11267. (a) The time-share instruments shall require the use of a managing entity for the time-share plan or component site pursuant to a written management agreement that shall include all of the following provisions:
(1) Delegation of authority to the managing entity to carry out the duties and obligations of the association or the developer to the time-share interest owners.

(2) Authority of the managing entity to use subagents, if applicable.

(3) A term of not more than five years with automatic renewals for successive three-year periods after expiration of the first term unless the association by the vote or written assent of a majority of the voting power residing in members other than the developer determines not to renew the contract and gives appropriate notice of that determination. However, in those time-share plans where the association is controlled by owners other than the developer, the management agreement shall not be subject to the term limitations set forth in this section, and any longer term shall not be grounds for denial of a public report, unless the longer term of the management contract is the result of the developer exercising control.

(4) Termination for cause at any time by the governing body of the association. If the single site time-share plan or the component site of a multisite time-share plan is located within the state, then that termination provision shall include a provision for arbitration in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association or another third-party arbitration organization selected by the parties and in accordance with Title 9 (commencing with Section 1280) of Part 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure if requested by or on behalf of the managing entity.

(5) Not less than 90 days’ written notice to the association of the intention of the managing entity to resign.

(6) Enumeration of the powers and duties of the managing entity in the operation of the time-share plan and the maintenance of the accommodations comprising the time-share plan.

(7) Compensation to be paid to the managing entity.

(8) Records to be maintained by the managing entity.

(9) A requirement that the managing entity provide a policy for fidelity insurance or bond for the activities of the managing entity, payable to the association that shall be in an amount no less than the sum of the largest amount of funds expected to be held or controlled by the managing entity at any time during the year, pursuant to the budget. The commissioner may provide a reduction in the insurance policy or bond amounts required by this paragraph.

(10) Errors and omissions insurance coverage for the managing entity, if available.

(11) Delineation of the authority of the managing entity and persons authorized by the managing entity to enter into accommodations of the time-share plan for the purpose of cleaning, maid service, maintenance and repair, including emergency repairs, and for the purpose of abating a nuisance or dangerous, unlawful, or prohibited activity being conducted in the accommodation.

(12) Description of the duties of the managing entity, including, but not limited to, the following:

(A) Collection of all assessments as provided in the time-share instruments.

(B) Maintenance of all books and records concerning the time-share plan.

(C) Scheduling occupancy of accommodations, when purchasers are not entitled to use specific time-share periods, so that all purchasers will be provided the opportunity for use and possession of the accommodations of the time-share plan, that they have purchased.

(D) Providing for the annual meeting of the association of owners.

(E) Performing any other functions and duties related to the maintenance of the accommodations or that are required by the timeshare instrument.

(b) Any written management agreement in existence as of the effective date of this chapter shall not be subject to the term limitations set forth above.

(c) For single site time-share plans and component sites of a multisite time-share plan located outside of the state, the time-share instruments shall include the subject matter set forth in subdivision (a). The time-share instruments shall be in compliance with the applicable laws of the state or jurisdiction in which the time-share property or component site is located, and if a conflict exists between laws of the situs state and the requirements set forth in this section, the law of the situs state shall control. If the timeshare instruments provide for the matters contained in subdivision (a), the time-share instruments shall be deemed to be in compliance with the requirements of subdivision (a) and the developer shall not be required to make revisions in order to comply with subdivision (a) and this subdivision.

11268. Regular Meetings of Members

11268. Regular Meetings of Members somebody

Regular Meetings of Members
11268. (a) Unless impracticable because of the number of members of the association, their places of residence in relation to each other, the international nature of the offering, or other factors, provision shall be made for regular meetings of members of the association of timeshare interest owners. Ordinarily regular meetings of members shall be scheduled not less frequently than once each calendar year at a time and place to be fixed by the bylaws or by resolution of the governing body. The first meeting of the association shall be scheduled not later than one year after the closing of the escrow for the first sale of a time-share interest in the time-share plan or completion of construction, whichever shall first occur. (b) Provision shall be made for special meetings of the association to be promptly called by the governing body upon either of the following:
(1) The vote of a majority of the governing body.

(2) Receipt of a written request signed by members representing at least 5 percent of the voting power of the association residing in members other than the developer.

(c) Meetings of the association shall be held at a suitable location that is readily accessible at reasonable cost to the largest possible number of members.

(d) Written notice of regular and special meetings shall be given to members by first-class mail. This notice shall be given not less than 14 days and not more than 90 days before the scheduled date of the meeting. The notice, whether for a regular or special meeting shall specify the place, day, and hour of the meeting and a brief statement of the matters which the governing body intends to present, or believes that others will present, for action by the members.

(e) (1) The bylaws of the association shall establish the quorum for a meeting of members at not less than 5 percent nor more than 331/3 percent, of the voting power of the association residing in members other than the developer, represented in person or by proxy.

(2) In the absence of a quorum as prescribed by the bylaws, no business shall be conducted and the presiding officer shall adjourn the meeting sine die.

(3) If less than one-third of the total voting power of the association is in attendance, in person or by proxy, at a regular or special meeting of the association, only those matters of business, the general nature of which was given in the notice of the meeting may be voted upon by the members.

(f) Any action that may be taken at any regular or special meeting of members may be taken without a meeting if the following requirements are met:

(1) A written ballot is distributed to every member entitled to vote setting forth the proposed action, providing an opportunity to signify approval or disapproval of the proposal, and providing a reasonable time for the members to return the ballot to the association.

(2) The number of votes cast by ballot within the specified time period equals or exceeds the quorum required to be present at a meeting authorizing the action.

(3) The number of approvals of the action equals or exceeds the number of votes required to approve the action at a meeting at which the total number of votes cast was the same as the number of votes cast by written ballot.

(4) The written ballot distributed to members of the association affords an opportunity for the member to specify a choice between approval and disapproval of each order of business proposed to be acted upon by the association and further provides that the vote of the members shall be cast in accordance with the choice specified.

(g) The bylaws of the association may provide that governing body members may be elected by written ballot.

(h) A form of proxy may be distributed to each member to afford him or her the opportunity to vote in absentia at a meeting of members of the association provided that it meets the requirements for a written ballot set forth in paragraph (4) of subdivision (f) and includes the name or names of members who expect to be in attendance in person at the meeting to whom the proxy is to be given for the purpose of casting the vote to reflect the absent member’s vote as specified in the form of proxy.

11269. Vote

11269. Vote somebody

11269. (a) A member of an association including associations that provide for unequal assessments against members, shall be entitled to one vote for each time-share interest owned.
(b) An association may have two classes of members for voting purposes according to the following provisions:

(1) Each time-share interest owner other than the developer of the time-share plan shall be a class A member. If a time-share interest is owned by more than one person, each time-share interest owner shall be a class A member, but only one vote may be cast for each interest.

(2) The developer shall be the class B member and shall have one vote for each time-share interest owned by him or her which has been authorized to be offered for sale by the issuance of a public report.

(3) Class B membership shall be automatically converted to class A membership, and class B membership shall thereafter cease to exist, when the total outstanding votes held by the class B member falls below 20 percent of the total voting power of the association.

(c) Except as otherwise expressly provided, no regulation which requires the approval of a prescribed percentage of the voting power residing in members other than the developer or a prescribed percentage of the voting power of class A members, for action to be taken by the association, is intended to preclude the developers from casting votes attributable to the time-share interests which he or she owns. Governing instruments may specify the following with respect to approval of action by the membership of the association other than an action to enforce an obligation of the developer:

(1) In those associations in which class A and class B memberships exist, the vote or written assent of a prescribed percentage of the class A voting power and the vote or written assent of the class B member.

(2) In those associations in which a single class of voting membership exists, either as originally established or after the conversion of the class B membership to class A memberships, the vote or written assent of a prescribed percentage of the total voting power of the association and the vote or written assent of a prescribed percentage of the voting power of members other than the developer.

11270. Directors

11270. Directors somebody

11270. (a) The governing body shall consist of three directors for an association that does not contemplate more than 100 members and either five or seven directors for an association that contemplates more than 100 members.
(b) (1) The first governing body shall consist of directors appointed by the developer. These directors shall serve until the first meeting of the association at which time an election of all of the directors for the association shall be conducted.

(2) A special procedure shall be established by the governing instruments to assure that at the first election of the governing body, and at all times thereafter, at least one of the incumbent directors has been elected solely by the votes of members other than the developer.

(3) A director who has been elected to office solely by the votes of the members of the association other than the developer may be removed from the governing body prior to the expiration of his or her term of office only by a vote of a prescribed percentage of the voting power residing in members other than the developer.

(c) The terms of office of governing body members may be staggered provided that no person may serve a term of more than three years without standing for reelection.

(d) For board of director members serving at the appointment of the developer, the developer may change the designated board member without the need of any further consent by the association. However, the term of the applicable director’s seat on the governing body shall not be affected by that change.

11271. Meeting Time, Place, Notice

11271. Meeting Time, Place, Notice somebody

Meeting Time, Place, Notice
11271. (a) Regular meetings of the governing body of the association shall be held as prescribed in the bylaws, but not less frequently than annually.
(b) (1) Regular and special meetings of the governing body shall be held in or near the location of the timeshare plan unless a meeting at another location would significantly reduce the cost to the association or the inconvenience to directors.

(2) If the time and place of the regular meeting of the governing body is not fixed by the governing instruments, notice of the time and place of meeting shall be communicated in writing, including by facsimile, electronic mail, or other form of written or electronic communication, to directors not less than 14 days prior to the meeting. However, that notice of a meeting is not required to be given to any governing body member who has signed a waiver of notice or a written consent to the holding of the meeting.

(c) (1) A special meeting of the governing body may be called by written notice signed by any two members of the governing body.

(2) The notice of a special meeting shall specify the time and place of the meeting and the nature of any special business to be considered.

(3) Notice of a special meeting shall be communicated in writing, including by facsimile, electronic mail, or other form of written or electronic communication, to directors not less than 14 days prior to the meeting. However, notice of the meeting is not required to be given to any governing body member who signed a waiver of notice or a written consent to the holding of the meeting.

(d) (1) Regular and special meetings of the governing body shall be open to all members of the association provided that members who are not on the governing body may not participate in any deliberations or discussions unless expressly so authorized by the governing body.

(2) The governing body may, with the approval of a majority of a quorum of its members, adjourn a meeting and reconvene in executive session to discuss and vote upon personnel matters, litigation in which the association is or may become involved, and orders of business of a similar nature. The nature of any and all business to be considered in executive session shall first be announced in open session.

(e) A bare majority of the total members of authorized members of the governing body shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business.

(f) The governing instruments for the time-share plan shall provide for reimbursement by the association for transportation expenses incurred and reasonable per diem payments to governing body members for attendance at regular and special meetings of the governing body.

11272. Information Available to All Owners

11272. Information Available to All Owners somebody

Information Available to All Owners
11272. (a) The following information concerning the time-share plan shall be made available to all time-share interest owners in the time-share plan:
(1) A proposed budget for each fiscal year consisting of the information required by Section 11240 shall be distributed not less than 15 days prior to the beginning of the fiscal year to which the budget applies.

(2) An audit of the financial statements of the association by an independent certified public accountant shall be performed each year and shall be made available upon request by a time-share owner 120 days after the close of the fiscal year. The audited financial statements shall be included in a report that includes all of the following:

(A) A balance sheet as of the end of the fiscal year.

(B) An operating (income) statement for the fiscal year.

(C) A statement of the net changes in the financial position of the time-share plan during the fiscal year.

(D) For any fiscal year in which the gross income to the association exceeds seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000), a copy of the review of the annual report prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

(E) A list of the names and methods of contacting the members of the governing body of the association.

(3) A list of the orders of business to be considered at the annual meeting of members of the association shall be distributed not less than 14 days prior to the meeting date. This list shall include the name, address, and a brief biographical sketch if available of each member of the association who is a candidate for election to the governing body.

(b) In lieu of the distribution of the budget and report required by subdivision (a), the governing body may elect to distribute a summary of the budget and report to all time-share interest owners along with a written notice that the budget and report is available at the business office of the association or at another suitable location within the boundaries of the development, and that copies will be provided upon request and at the expense of the association. If any time-share interest owner requests that a copy of the budget and report required by subdivision (a) be provided to the time-share interest owner, the association shall provide the copy to the time-share interest owner by facsimile, electronic mail, or first-class United States mail at the expense of the association and delivered within 10 days. The written notice that is distributed to each of the time-share interest owners shall be in conspicuous 14-point type on the front page of the summary of the budget and report.

(c) Delivery of the information specified in subdivision (a) may be combined where appropriate.

(d) For single site time-share plans and component sites of a multisite time-share plan located outside of the state, the association shall be subject to the provisions set forth in this section. The association must be in compliance with the applicable laws of the state or jurisdiction in which the time-share property or component site is located, and if a conflict exists between laws of the situs state and the requirements set forth in this section, the law of the situs state shall control. If the association provides for the dissemination of information provided for in this section, the association shall be deemed to be in compliance with the requirements of this section and neither the developer nor the association shall be required to make revisions to the time-share instruments or budget in order to comply with this section.

11273. Records Availability, Inspection and Copying

11273. Records Availability, Inspection and Copying somebody

Records Availability, Inspection and Copying
11273. (a) The books of account, minutes of members and governing body meetings, and all other records of the time-share plan maintained by the association or the managing entity shall be made available for inspection and copying by any member, or by his or her duly appointed representative, at any reasonable time for a purpose reasonably related to membership in the association.
(b) The records shall be made available for inspection at the office where the records are maintained. Upon receipt of an authenticated written request from a member along with the fee prescribed by the governing body to defray the costs of reproduction, the managing entity or other custodian of records of the association or the time-share plan shall prepare and transmit to the member a copy of any and all records requested.

(c) The governing body shall establish reasonable rules with respect to all of the following:

(1) Notice to be given to the managing entity or other custodian of the records by the member desiring to make the inspection or to obtain copies.

(2) Hours and days of the week when a personal inspection of the records may be made.

(3) Payment of the cost of reproducing copies of records requested by a member.

(d) Every governing body member shall have the absolute right at any time to inspect all books, records, and documents of the association and all real and personal properties owned and controlled by the association.

(e) The association shall maintain among its records a complete list of the names and addresses of all owners of time-share interests in the time-share plan. The association shall update this list no less frequently than every six months. Unless otherwise provided in the timeshare instruments, the association may not publish this owner’s list or provide a copy of it to any time-share interest owner or to any third party or use or sell the list for commercial purposes.

(f) For single site time-share plans and component sites of a multisite time-share plan located outside of the state, the association shall be subject to the provisions set forth in this section. The association must be in compliance with the applicable laws of the state or jurisdiction in which the time-share property or component site is located, and if a conflict exists between laws of the situs state and the requirements set forth in this section, the law of the situs state shall control. If the association and the time-share instruments provide for the matters contained in this section, the association shall be deemed to be in compliance with the requirements of this section and neither the developer nor the association shall be required to make revisions to the time-share instruments in order to comply with the section.

11274. Penalties, Forfeiture of Time-Share Interest

11274. Penalties, Forfeiture of Time-Share Interest somebody

Penalties, Forfeiture of Time-Share Interest
11274. (a) The association shall not be authorized to cause the absolute forfeiture of a time-share interest owner’s right, title, or interest in the time-share plan on account of the time-share interest owner’s failure to comply with provisions of the time-share instrument or the rules and regulations for the time-share plan except pursuant to either of the following:
(1) The judgment of a court or the decision of an arbitrator as provided in the time-share instrument.

(2) A foreclosure or sale under a power of sale for the failure of a time-share interest owner to pay assessments duly levied by the association.

(b) The time-share instrument may authorize the governing body of the association, or the managing entity acting on behalf of the governing body, to suspend a timeshare interest owner’s right to the occupancy of an accommodation, and all related rights and privileges as a time-share interest owner of a time-share interest in the time-share plan, during the period of time that the timeshare interest owner is delinquent in the payment of regular or special assessments or other charges duly levied by the association. The time-share interest owner shall be given written notice of the suspension of his or her rights and privileges immediately after the decision to suspend has been made.

(c) The time-share instrument may authorize the association to impose a monetary penalty to suspend a time-share interest owner’s right to use an accommodation or other facility that is part of the timeshare plan or to take other disciplinary action that is appropriate, short of the forfeiture of the time-share interest owner’s right, title, and interest in the time-share plan, for violations of the provisions of the time-share instrument and of the rules and regulations for operation of the time-share plan by the time-share interest owner, his or her guests or persons under his or her control, including, but not limited to, all of the following:

(1) Failure to vacate an accommodation upon expiration of the time-share interest owner’s use period.

(2) Damage to an accommodation or any other real or personal property that is part of the time-share plan.

(3) Permitting a time-share interest to be subject to a lien, other than the lien of nondelinquent real property taxes or assessments, claim, or charge that could result in the sale of time-share interests of other timeshare interest owners.

(4) Creating a disturbance that interferes with the use and enjoyment of facilities of the time-share plan by other time-share interest owners.

(d) Before disciplinary action authorized under subdivision (c) can be imposed by the association, the time-share interest owner against whom the action is proposed to be taken shall be given 30-days prior written notice and the opportunity to present a written or oral defense to the charges.

(1) The governing body of the association shall decide whether the time-share interest owner’s defense shall be oral or written.

(2) The time-share interest owner shall be notified of the decision of the governing body of the association before disciplinary action is taken.

(e) The association may delegate to the managing entity, the power and authority to carry out disciplinary actions duly imposed by the governing body.

(f) For single site time-share plans and component sites of specific time-share interest multisite time-share plans and nonspecific time-share interest multisite time-share plans located outside this state, and offered for sale in this state, the public report shall contain the following disclosure in conspicuous 14-point type:


11275. Dispute Resolution

11275. Dispute Resolution somebody

Dispute Resolution
11275. (a) Any contractual provision or other provision in the time-share instruments implemented after July 1, 2005, setting forth terms, conditions, and procedures for resolution of a dispute or claim between a time-share interest owner and a developer, or any provision in the time-share instruments implemented after July 1, 2005, setting forth terms, conditions, and procedures for resolution of a dispute of a claim between an association and the developer, shall, at a minimum, provide that the dispute or claim resolution process, proceeding, hearing, or trial be conducted in accordance with the following rules:
(1) For the developer to advance the fees necessary to initiate the dispute or claim resolution process, with the costs and fees, including ongoing costs and fees, if any, to be paid as agreed by the parties and if they cannot agree then the costs and fees are to be paid as determined by the person or persons presiding at the dispute or claim resolution proceeding or hearing.

(2) For a neutral or impartial person to administer and preside over the claim or dispute resolution process.

(3) For the appointment or selection, as designation, or assignment of the person to administer and preside over the claim or dispute resolution process within a specific period of time, which in no event shall be more than 60 days from initiation of the claim or dispute resolution process or hearing. The person appointed, selected, designated, or assigned to preside may be challenged for bias.

(4) For the venue of the claim or dispute resolution process to be in the county where the time-share is located unless the parties agree to some other location.

(5) For the prompt and timely commencement of the claim or dispute resolution process. When the contract provisions provide for a specific type of claim or dispute resolution process, the process shall be deemed to be promptly and timely commenced if it is to be commenced in accordance with the rules applicable to that process. If the rules do not specify a date by which the proceeding or hearing is required to commence, then commencement shall be by a date agreed upon by the parties, and if they cannot agree, a date shall be determined by the person presiding over the dispute resolution process.

(6) For the claim or dispute resolution process to be conducted in accordance with rules and procedures that are reasonable and fair to the parties.

(7) For the prompt and timely conclusion of the claim or dispute resolution process, including the issuance of any decision or ruling following the proceeding or hearing.

(8) For the person presiding at the claim or dispute resolution process to be authorized to provide all recognized remedies available in law or equity for any cause of action that is the basis of the proceeding or hearing. The parties may authorize the limitation or prohibition of punitive damages.

(b) A copy of the rules applicable to the claim or dispute resolution process shall be submitted as part of the application for a public report.

(c) If the claim or dispute resolution process provides or allows for a judicial remedy in accordance with the laws of this state, it shall be presumed that the proceeding or hearing satisfies the provisions of subdivision (a).

Article 5. Powers, Investigation, and Enforcement

Article 5. Powers, Investigation, and Enforcement somebody

11280. Regulation By State

11280. Regulation By State somebody

Regulation By State
11280. (a) Except as specifically provided in this section, the regulation of time-share plans and exchange programs is an exclusive power and function of the state. A unit of local government may not regulate time-share plans or exchange programs.
(b) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), no provision of this chapter invalidates or modifies any provision of any zoning, subdivision, or building code or other real estate use law, ordinance, or regulation.

11281. Commissioner’s Authority

11281. Commissioner’s Authority somebody

Commissioner’s Authority
11281. The commissioner may adopt, repeal, or amend forms and regulations that are necessary to effectuate the intent of the Legislature in carrying out this chapter. These forms and regulations and any order, permit, decision, demand, or requirement issued by the commissioner shall be in writing and adopted pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code).

11283. Desist and Refrain Orders

11283. Desist and Refrain Orders somebody

Desist and Refrain Orders
11283. (a) Whenever the commissioner determines from available evidence that a person has done any of the following, the commissioner may order the person to desist and refrain from those acts and omissions or from the further sale or lease of interests in the time-share plan until the condition has been corrected:
(1) The person has violated or caused the violation of any provision of this chapter or the regulations pertaining thereto.

(2) The person has violated or caused a violation of Section 17537, 17537.1, 17537.2, or 17539.1, in advertising or promoting the sale of time-share interests.

(3) The person has failed to fulfill representations or assurances with respect to the time-share plan or the time-share offering upon which the department relied in issuing a public report.

(4) The person has failed to inform the department of material changes that have occurred in the time-share or time-share offering that have caused the public report to be misleading or inaccurate or which would have caused the department to deny a public report if the conditions had existed at the time of issuance.

(b) Upon receipt of such an order, the person or persons to whom the order is directed shall immediately discontinue activities in accordance with the terms of the order.

(c) Any person to whom the order is directed may, within 30 days after service thereof upon him or her, file with the commissioner a written request for hearing to contest the order. The commissioner shall, after receipt of a request for hearing, assign the matter to the Office of Administrative Hearings to conduct a hearing for findings of fact and determinations of the issues set forth in the order. If the hearing is not commenced within 15 days after receipt of the request for hearing, or on the date to which continued with the agreement of the person requesting the hearing, or if the decision of the commissioner is not rendered within 30 days after completion of the hearing, the order shall be deemed to be vacated.

(d) Service and proof of service of an order issued by the commissioner pursuant to this section may be made in a manner and upon those persons as prescribed for the service of summons in Article 3 (commencing with Section 415.10), Article 4 (commencing with Section 416.10), and Article 5 (commencing with Section 417.10) of Chapter 4 of Title 5 of Part 2 of the Code of Civil Procedure.

11284. Disciplinary Consent Orders

11284. Disciplinary Consent Orders somebody

Disciplinary Consent Orders
11284. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter or of the Administrative Procedure Act (Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code), the commissioner may negotiate agreements with registrants and applicants resulting in disciplinary consent orders. The consent order may provide for any form of discipline provided for in this chapter. The consent order shall provide that it is not entered into as a result of any coercion by the commissioner. The consent order shall be accepted by signature or rejected by the commissioner in a timely manner.

11285. Action for Damages or Declaratory Relief

11285. Action for Damages or Declaratory Relief somebody

Action for Damages or Declaratory Relief
11285. An action for damages or for injunctive or declaratory relief for a violation of this chapter may be brought by any time-share interest owner or association against the developer, seller, or marketer of time-share interests, an escrow agent, or the managing entity. Relief under this section does not exclude other remedies provided by law.

11286. Punishment for False Public Report

11286. Punishment for False Public Report somebody

Punishment for False Public Report
11286. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to make, issue, publish, deliver, or transfer as true and genuine any public report that is forged, altered, false, or counterfeit, knowing it to be forged, altered, false, or counterfeit or to cause to be made or participate in the making, issuance, delivery, transfer, or publication of a public report with knowledge that it is forged, altered, false, or counterfeit.
(b) Any person who violates subdivision (a) is guilty of a public offense punishable by a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000), by imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170 of the Penal Code, by imprisonment in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by both the fine and imprisonment.

(c) The penalty provided by this section is not an exclusive penalty, and does not affect any other penalty, relief, or remedy provided by law.

11287. Offenses Punishable by Fine and/or Imprisonment

11287. Offenses Punishable by Fine and/or Imprisonment somebody

Offenses Punishable by Fine and/or Imprisonment
11287. Any person who violates Section 11226, 11227, 11234, 11244, 11245, or 11283, is guilty of a public offense punishable by a fine not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000), by imprisonment pursuant to subdivision (h) of Section 1170 of the Penal Code or in a county jail not exceeding one year, or by both the fine and imprisonment.